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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

2007-05-17 05:40:48 · 5 answers · asked by thomas 1

My sisiter-in-law is a heavy smoker and smokes heavily in the house. She has 3 small children.
My nieces and nephew are CONSTANTLY getting respiratory problems, (i.e colds, bronchitis, sinus infections) and my nephew has asthma. He has to take breathing treatments and sometimes it gets really bad.
When the kids are sick, she continues to smoke in the house and seems to have no regard for them, or even realise that if she didn't do that, they may not get sick as much, not to mention, the smoking indoors isn't helping when they ARE sick!
I want to talk to her. I don't want to tell her to quit, as I know she never will. But I do want to suggest she smoke outside instead, ESPECIALLY when they are sick (as they are currently)
We live in Florida. It's not that hard to do.
The only thing is, I am so afraid she is going to get angry with me or defensive, and I don't want that.
But, I care greatly about my nephew and nieces.
How do I do this????
This has to stop!

2007-05-17 04:46:36 · 12 answers · asked by Julie 2

For the last few days I've had a dry irritating cough and feeling a bit croaky, but otherwise not too unwell. Woke up this morning and nothing came out of my mouth. Worked through the morning and fortunately did not have to speak to anyone as I was on my own. Picked my daughter up from nursery and there was still no voice other than this pathetic squeak. My daughter was really upset and said I was scaring her. Anyway, came home, had lunch and closed my eyes for 10 minutes (I work evenings till late, I'm not just bone idle) and when I woke up, hey presto, the voice is back! It's a bit gravelly and deep, but definitely there. What happened to it this morning!?!?

2007-05-17 02:55:16 · 2 answers · asked by Rachael H 5

I have always believed that this is what it is but I have had doctors tell me that it is Asthma!!! has anyone else had children that go through the same problem? Where should I take her.

2007-05-17 02:51:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a cold and have been coughing for over a month now - I haven't had any cold symptoms for ages now.
Last year I was coughing for about 3 month and I normally Do that every winter (I am renowned for it!)
I had investigations last year chest x ray camera down nose etc but nothing was found. They tried asthma in halers with no sucsess.
I am so fed up with it. I cough so much I am sick/nearly sick. I cough and acid comes up - then feel sick.
Could it be the acid that is making me cough not the coughing brining up the acid?
Or could it be aything else - has anyone else experienced this?
Before you tell me to go to the Doc's I am going this afternoon!

2007-05-17 02:21:45 · 11 answers · asked by lovelylittlemoo 4

2007-05-16 17:03:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My nose keeps bleeding but it's only the right hole of my nose that bleeds and if I get like flem and spit it's bloody. And I know this sounds gross but could it be high blood pressure?

2007-05-16 15:15:29 · 10 answers · asked by hev_1985 4

I think my girlfriend may have chronic bronchitis, even though she doesn't want to believe this, the reason I think she does is because last year she had bronchitis 4 times, and so far this year it's been 3 times, not to mention just today, the doctor said she was getting it AGAIN, so that sounds like 8 times within 1 1/2-1 2/3 years and I think it's becomming a serious problem. What tips can I offer her? also quitting smoking will stop this? i'm open to suggestions, thanks.

2007-05-16 10:34:42 · 10 answers · asked by David G 3

Was levoscoliosis caused by my fall or is it just natural or hereditary?

2007-05-16 10:25:16 · 1 answers · asked by bigtymme 1

Can anyone Please explain what I can expect? Am I in advanced stage? He has me on 3 different inhalers and oygen at night. What comes next???

2007-05-16 10:16:07 · 7 answers · asked by cadesgrangma 1

i'm getting an endoscopy but i have no clue what that means or anything! help?

2007-05-16 09:01:55 · 14 answers · asked by Moldovanka! 2

My Uncle is 75 with a collapsed lung and liquid around it. The liquid is too thick to be drained. Pneumonia brought it on. Now he has to have an operation to remove it. Does anyone know anything about this? It sounds pretty bad to me.

2007-05-16 08:43:26 · 8 answers · asked by Texas Cowboy 7

help me!

2007-05-16 06:51:54 · 24 answers · asked by bananas! 3

2007-05-16 05:55:18 · 65 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently had surgery and apparently there was difficulty when they extubated me (bronchiospasms) and I was quickly re-intubated and placed on a ventilator. I woke up several times in recovery while intubated and had quite a traumatic experience. I now have so many awful feelings that I can't deal with and haven't talked to anyone about. Feelings of panic, fear of suffocation, sleep disturbances, fear of falling asleep, bouts of crying. I have asthma and possibly sleep apnea, so the breathing issue is an ongoing thing with me that I will need to follow-up with a doctor about, but these feelings of terror are invasive and I want to hear from anyone else who has exerpienced this so I don't feel so crazy.

2007-05-16 04:42:46 · 5 answers · asked by Rvn 5

I went from 60 mg of prednisone and am down now to 15mg. I am being weaned off slowly. My question is when will my moon face go away. People told me at 20 mg but that didn't happen. My acne is gone and other side effects, any idea when the moon face starts to go away I am so sick of this!

2007-05-16 03:02:39 · 6 answers · asked by vargasfour 2

What is that?
And what are the syptoms??

2007-05-15 17:45:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not looking to be doagnosed here, looking for answers from ppl who have had the experience.
Im 26, healthy (I think) and am not overweight (or pregnant) but Im always so out of breath. Even taking a shower causes me to be short of breath. Its not so terrible that Im gasping or anything but the breathing gets heavier and uncomfortable. Im also exhausted all the time (if that has any correlation) I tried doing my own research, all I got was lung cancer and asthma(neither are my problem). Cant hold my breath more than 15 seconds, tops. Anyone familiar with a problem like this? I know"see a doc" but I dont want to waste my money if its nothing.

2007-05-15 13:10:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont know the symptoms

2007-05-15 08:50:43 · 6 answers · asked by Bebe 1

My son has asthma and he gets bad a lot! Umm about ever other month they have to put him on prednisolone! Can use of this that often be harmful to him? It's a type of steroid!

2007-05-15 08:19:57 · 11 answers · asked by woohooo 4

About 2 weeks ago I started with cold symtoms and they became worse and I started on antibiotics(amoxicillin). The doctor seemed to think this was a sinus infection. I always get bronchitis and that is where this has seemed to land now that it drained out of my head. The biggest problem is a constant earache. When I went to the doctors they told me there was no infection just alot of fluid behind the eardrum causing the pain. Its now been 2 weeks and I finished the antibiotics. I am still experiencing extreme ear pain in the inner ear and I am taking about 10-15 tabs of ibuprofen a day for the pain.
Any suggestions?

2007-05-15 08:13:13 · 4 answers · asked by klynn598 2

At a track meet yesterday, my son and I were drinking from the same water bottle. Well, we had 2 bottles that looked identical and they got switched around by accident several times. Right after the meet, he told me his throat felt scratchy. Well, guess what? He's got strep. Is there anything at all I can do to stop myself from getting it too? Is it too late for me? Nooooooooo!!!!!

2007-05-15 07:06:32 · 10 answers · asked by pookiemct07 5

during the day I have a bit of runny nose, and just generally run-down feeling but can breathe fine, HOWEVER, at night just before going to bed, I have difficulty breathing through my nose? (I usually take a warm shower before going to bed).

2007-05-15 04:51:53 · 4 answers · asked by Lilliana 5

2007-05-15 04:48:56 · 3 answers · asked by Curious 1

I thought it was bronchitis but my chest is clear, I went to see a doctor she said it was sinisitus, gave me tablets and nasal spray and said to put my head over steam to clear up sinuses but nothing has worked.

2007-05-15 00:18:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi all,

I have been struggling from all day tiredness/fatigue for the last 3 yrs. I sleep well and get up tired and no energy to do excercise or even walking. I push myself to office and feel very tired and exhausted in office, without doing any work in office.
My personality significantly changed from a dynamic one(3 years back) to a meek and humble/tired person.

I am infact overweight, and have High BP (for which i have been prescribed for the last 3 years). I also have a burning and / or tightening feelilng in my chest (during this feeling I am feelling further more tired and want to be in bed all day).

This tiredness is ruining my life. I am getting up feeling tired and exhausted. Everyday i feel better in the evenings (probably around 4 pm to 7 pm) and that is the only time I do a lot of work in the office and rest of the time I am dead in the office.

Went to a neurologist.....he has done an EEG...perfectly normal

He prescribed 6 tablets a day..no effect at all.

2007-05-15 00:15:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Has anyone heard how much longer this disgusting smoke will continue to linger? I find it hard to even have any desire to go outside, I was looking forward to the warm May weather. It cleared up yesterday for about 4 hrs, and then it was back again. I can't stand it anymore!

2007-05-14 23:54:25 · 2 answers · asked by manchujon 2

someone i know had it when they were a baby and they told me they were terminal and prob cant have kids.. lol but im pretty sure they were kidding, at least about the terminal part.

2007-05-14 13:14:00 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-14 10:38:58 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

pain increases within 2-3 deep breaths, then fades away. he's a smoker and moderatly active. tests show a healthy heart and no irregularities in vitals.

2007-05-14 09:56:49 · 4 answers · asked by benfreako 1

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