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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

I've been getting a large buildup of mucus in my throat every year and I'm sick of it. Will removing the tonsils help?

2007-05-08 07:49:33 · 2 answers · asked by DBLtake 3

I want to quit again so my question is... is Chantex as good as Ive heard it is.

2007-05-08 03:49:39 · 3 answers · asked by baat2134 2

2007-05-07 21:01:02 · 4 answers · asked by goodfriends_goodlife 1

My mom continues to smoke and also has to take oxygen. Is there any danger of an explosion? How close would she have to be to the tank in order for there to be danger?

2007-05-07 20:16:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

he tells me he gets up all hours of the night and coughs 1-2 hrs at a time. he is 48 yrs. old and also a heavy smoker, i told him he needs to see a doctor asap, i have seen people with this same kind of cough before and some of them end up having lung cancer.

2007-05-07 11:30:37 · 4 answers · asked by Ronnie B 2

My 4 year old son is only here every other weekend and since the beggining of the year he seems to be sick runny nose or cough every time. This past weekend he was fine all day long ,out running ,playing ,jumping on the trampoline. But in the evening usually arround dinner time when they start to relax and unwind for bed he starts cough violently. I tried cough expectorant's and 3 hours later he stil can't sleep because the coughing wont stop. I even tried benadryl thinking he may have an allergy, thta just seemed to help him sleep a bit better but he still coughed. He has been to the doctor 3 times this year for colds that didn't go away and they haven't seemed to be able to help him. Should I be looking at this from another view...maybe an allergy or even asthma? He has only ever had one bad cold that turned into bronchitis when he was 2. It seems to have happened all at once Since the end of the winter. I'm divorced and getting my ex to accept someting is wrong is difficult!

2007-05-07 07:38:54 · 10 answers · asked by Nina m 1

Am in school and my next door neighbours in hostel are this group of guys who are always at it- smoking ganja. I have been feeling kind of sick lately...some nagging headaches and nausea, and the hospital says there's nothing up. I am just wondering if the presence of the smoke which by the way is normally so strong in my own room could be the one affecting me. I will also appreciate knowing if I have cause to worry so that I can change my residence. I have lived this way for two months.

2007-05-07 03:39:50 · 3 answers · asked by Equine_she 1

2007-05-06 15:30:30 · 6 answers · asked by William R 2

i just had a recent ear infection from a cold and took azithromycin tablets, it was the five day thing and the pain went away but they kept ringing. i didn't do anything about it and thought it would go away but it didnt. this was a couple weeks ago and now they r ringing much louder and its keeping me awake at night. i've been getting3-4hrs of sleep now. i havent had any cold/alergies. i am going to the doctor tomarrow but is there a way i can get rid of it on my own?

2007-05-06 12:41:20 · 5 answers · asked by xX_lexmac_Xx 2

I have a sinus infection....but this is bothering me more than the congestion....will chloraseptic help??

2007-05-06 09:00:53 · 10 answers · asked by silver8str 2

2007-05-06 08:47:08 · 1 answers · asked by aaron m 1

yeah, mono i have swolen glances and asthma and harsh caughing and back ake and dizziness so if you know anything that will make me feel better please HELP

2007-05-06 08:42:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-06 02:06:58 · 7 answers · asked by nick w 2

I've been sick with bronchitis for over a month now. I've gone to the doctor twice, and they've put me on two different antibiotics and an inhaler because it's gotten so severe. I have a horrible pain in my chest and it's kind of hard to breathe. Does anyone know ANYTHING I can do? I am a smoker, and know that it's detrimental to my health, however if you are a smoker, you know it's not that easy to stop, even when your health is at stake. Does anybody know if maybe the doctors overlooked something? Or should I go back, and waste another $20 copay, just to be told the same thing? Help!

2007-05-05 19:45:56 · 10 answers · asked by Erika A 2

lately (the last 4 hours, i have been feeling really out of breath no matter how much i breath, and been feeling weak. I did a little research and think there may be fluid in my lungs, though i wouldnt know why. is this it, if not then what? and either way WHAT SHOULD I DO

2007-05-05 19:03:12 · 10 answers · asked by Ryan H 2

2007-05-05 17:21:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

just wondering

2007-05-05 08:37:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

That was on Wed...ever since I have been having fever, just around the 100's..not really high. Alot of body aches..taking Z-pack..along with cough medicine with codeine, and also he gave Albuterol...which is not for me..makes me shake really bad, and I feel like I am going out of mind. Is there some at home breathing treatment I can do, instead of using the inhaler? I never had anything like this before..it is horrible...any feedback is appreciated.

2007-05-05 02:43:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do i clear catarh when antibiotics dont work.i get chest infections every 3 months.this one wont shift.im 56 and dont smoke.had exrays.

2007-05-04 20:32:12 · 9 answers · asked by ANGELA B 2

Could this be a symptom of anything serious? Since surgery, I haven't been able to recline fully to the supine position (I even had to resort to sleeping at a 45-degree-angle! Needless to say, I got almost no sleep over the past five days. Could that be causing the neck discomfort? Has this happened to anyone else after sinus surgery? I got the packing removed today (my doctor still uses gauze), and that was NOT FUN!! I felt like Arnold Schwartzeneggar's character from Total Recall when he pulled out that acorn-sized thing in the center of his skull. I've been taking pain medication constantly since the surgery (every four hours, two 5mg Percocet tablets), does that stuff ever cause spasms, perhaps? I'm trying to think of anything that could be causing this, but drawing a blank (nothing definitive or "special" about my surgery, really). Now I just want to make sure that this is not some "big deal" that I'm accidentally overlooking. Any information would be very appreciated. Thanks.

2007-05-04 16:11:39 · 0 answers · asked by eynigma 2

Ok i have a 4yr. old boy, and he was really sick he has already very bad asthma. And when i took him to the doctors, they said now he has really bad allergeys! but at the doc. office they still gave him his 4yr. old immunizations. It was three shots, Polio, Hepatitis B, Tetnas. The meds they perscribed him was, prednisolone, singular, and azithromycin. He is ok during the day... but at night time he is horrible, he also has nebulizer treatments of Alburteral, every 4hrs. I think its a lot of steroid med. and it makes me nervous. And now hes complaining of teeth pain, Ive been to the doctors, hospital, and everywhere i go they just put him on more med!! This little guy is so sick!! And i just want someone oppopion, on if all this is ok for him!! can ne one help me?!?!

2007-05-04 15:59:25 · 12 answers · asked by nyki 1

Hi guys, my grandfather who is 89 at the time got pneumonia 10 days ago and got sent to the hospital and put on antibiotics. he also had a low oxygen level. Today he is still the same, or worse and they have changed his antibiotics 3 times. Now the doctor says his lungs are very weak and needs a breathing tube. He wants to put him in hospice now. Im really confused because before all this he was in good health and from 10 days forward he's doing really bad. If anyone has been through this or can relate please write back. Ive never had anyone close to me die and i cant imagine my life without my grandpa. Should i send him to another hospital to get a second opinion? Thanks for reading this, god bless.

2007-05-04 06:50:30 · 10 answers · asked by lmt_gisselle 1

since tuesday i have been breathing through my mouth. I feel as though i cannot breath properly if i try to breath through my nose. i have also been sneezing and have a runny nose , i went to the doctors and he told me i had allergies. He gave me an antibiotic and a nasal spray and told me to use claritin. I feel as though i am thinking too much about my breathing and thats why i feel like this. I feel like i have to put effort in to breath. I talked to my doc about it and he said that it is part of the allergies and once my nose clears up i will be able to breath better. i suffer from anxiety and i am freaking out , i feel as if something is stuck somewhere and thats why i am breathing through my mouth and not my nose. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Please help , im freaking out

2007-05-04 02:46:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you know any side effect of moxibustion? I have gotten it three times 'cause I have gotten no energy and felt extremely tired. My doctor told me that my bad blood circulation has caused my physical downturn. He insisted that I should go on for 2 weeks. But when can I tell that I have had enough. Is there any side effect if I have gone too far?

2007-05-04 01:07:01 · 1 answers · asked by Yogurt and Sunshine 1

I have been wearing a cpap for around 4 months and every time I wear it I have alot of gas. I know I am swallowing air when I am sleeping that is the cause of the gas but is there something I am not doing right? Is swallowing too much air bad for me? Will it cause health problems etc? just wondering Has anybody els have this problem?

2007-05-03 13:33:28 · 5 answers · asked by chad R 1

About 1 month ago, I got this cough along with a cold. I was put on a z-pack and a week later amoxocillin. Nothing has worked. The doctors say my chest sounds clear and my oximeter rate is 97-98. I would like a chest x-ray, but I am 20 weeks pregnant. What should I do? F.Y.I., I am 25, and I quit smoking almost 7 years ago. I am scared it could be cancer!

2007-05-03 12:56:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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