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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

well i just smoked a bowl and now having a sensation feeling in my chest is this normal? i have no pain is this serious for me to contact a dr right away?

2007-05-22 02:32:28 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-21 23:12:30 · 2 answers · asked by sparkspencer 1

2007-05-21 18:25:12 · 4 answers · asked by myruin 1

2007-05-21 18:08:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-21 17:26:07 · 8 answers · asked by Jacob H 1

He had pneumonia. They operated and cleaned the cavity out but it appears to be coming back. Does anyone have experience with this?

2007-05-21 15:16:59 · 2 answers · asked by Texas Cowboy 7

2007-05-21 11:17:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

OKay, so in november I ended up in the Emergancy room because i was having a lot of chest pain/difficulty breathing, I was told that i had a bad chest infection, was givin a z-pack and sent home, a week later exactly 7 days to be exact, i was back again, only this time it was worse, I couldnt say more than 4 words without being completly out of breath, Never had any breathing reperatory issues other than a dry cough that refuses to go away. They then told me i had pleurisy. Well In Febuary I started having breathing problems again, and very very very high heart rates and blood pressure, like heart rates of 160+ Im 22. I have been given echocardiograms, ekgs, numerous chest x-rays 3 mris, and 2 catscans, everything comes back perfectly normal except my white blood count is around 11. Nothing they give me will make the "infection" go away or the problems stop. ANyone have any idea what it could possibly be?

2007-05-21 08:07:18 · 4 answers · asked by Nny C 1

I have been on Advair 250/50 for about 6 weeks and I consistently have a scratchy voice and it seems like I cough a lot more since I have been on it. Are these all side effects?

2007-05-21 03:47:52 · 4 answers · asked by Liz 2

I've started like 2 months ago well with cigarettes anyways. Ive smoked cigars for like 2 months before that. But my new girlfriend gets sad when i smoke. And it is really bad for me cause of my heart murmur. But every morning i wake up 3 hours earlier than i should and i can't breathe and i cough my lungs out only after a few months? I try to manage my cigarettes a day. But stress gets the best of me and I sometime miss the max. Whats going on and whats the best way to quit without buying anything?

2007-05-21 03:00:46 · 9 answers · asked by eighty dee 3

Like what are the qualificans, salary, and just tell me waht you do in a daily bases.

2007-05-20 09:54:53 · 2 answers · asked by Nightingale 1

My friend, who is 46, said that the past several weeks his chest/lungs? burn when he begins running, but if he continues, the burning goes away after 2 or 3 miles. He starts out slow and runs easy for about an hour with a heartrate under 140. If he were racing his heartrate would be 165-185. Any ideas?

2007-05-20 05:02:13 · 1 answers · asked by GForce1 2

is my lungs not strong or something?..

2007-05-19 22:57:47 · 4 answers · asked by fhilipinocake 1

2007-05-19 20:50:02 · 7 answers · asked by DARREN D 1

2007-05-19 02:49:04 · 8 answers · asked by Edna 1

It is just scary to stand by and watch my gran battling to cope with the ringing noses in her ears! That isn't the worst of it though, as she struggles to get her general health is also starting to suffer. It appears that because she is always so irratable and anxious, she doesn't get to sleep much and always seems to pick up almost every sickness that is doing the rounds. Can this be resulting from her tinnitus? I am looking for a tinnitus treatments for her.

2007-05-19 00:16:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i only smoke a few on weekends

2007-05-18 19:49:37 · 5 answers · asked by joe carone 1


I was sick last month and went to the doctor. He said it didn't look like a throat infection but he gave me antibiotics to be safe (felt like a bad flu with really sore throat.) I got over that about 2 weeks ago. So, i was well for 2 weeks and now i am sick AGAIN. I have been sick for 2 days now and i am SICK of being SICK!

On my first day, i took 3 Cold FX and the next day i took Cold pills, and today again 3 cold pills. I don't seem to be getting much better. It feels like a flu.. i am aching all over, heachache, back ache, BAD nasal congestion, sinus pressure, mild cough and throat irritation.

Why am i sick? Any idea why i have been sick almost all month? Any advice?

2007-05-18 16:19:21 · 2 answers · asked by cocoa.rocket 1

i have copd and asthma, i would loike to fine some excerise for my lungs. hope someone has some answers

2007-05-18 07:41:09 · 3 answers · asked by kincincinnati 2

She has been in hospital for over a week & now on oxygen & IV drip.Vet says she wont respond to meds because she isnt eating. should i feed her with a syringe?

2007-05-18 07:31:56 · 2 answers · asked by Dyana A 1

My wife has had a burning sensation along with lots of pressure in her chest. This has been going on for three days, I just found out a few minutes ago when she called and said it was really bothering her. What could it be?

2007-05-18 07:22:46 · 12 answers · asked by norcalguy559 2

I have been sick for a week with a head and chest cold but where does it all come from?

2007-05-18 06:18:25 · 2 answers · asked by MILLIESMOMMY 1

I was not gone to post no more questions on this subject because my only reason for asking just died. Id like to know WHY there is VERY LITTLE awarness on CYSTIC FIBROSIS when 1 out of 25 people carry the gene both parents have to carry the gene to pass it on and the odds of that are increasing every day. WHY are they still so focused on cancer and diabeties when there are cures for most types of cancer and with diet and some might have to take insilin you can live a fairly normal life. With CF there is NO CURE, you struggle to breath, without meds you become malnurished and even with meds maintaining weight is hard, even having kids of their own is a chalenge and with most males impossible. They say the average life exspectancy is 27 some live longer however many are lucky to reach their teen years.There is no quality of life because you spend most of it in and out off the hospital at the drs taking breathing treatments some have tube feeds, ect. SO WHY IS CF IGNORED??????????????????

2007-05-18 03:22:30 · 7 answers · asked by ROSEYKAT 2

2007-05-17 22:13:30 · 3 answers · asked by girlie griff 1

I'm trying to stop smoking, any helpful suggestions? the more I try to quit, the MORE I want to smoke, I've tried all the "stop smoking" stuff, no luck. Your prayers will help.

2007-05-17 13:41:03 · 5 answers · asked by Cami 7

2007-05-17 08:20:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well last Friday i was at a friends party and I was sharing drinks with a bunch of ppl and im nots ure if any of them had mono and I was just wondering if I should go and get tested for Mono.. I have a Sore throat, coughing real badly, all I want to do is sleep, i have a stiff neck all the time, I have loss of appetite, Cough, and chest pains.. So do you think I should go get tested for Mono?
Back to the wanting to sleep all the time whenever i get up from sleeping 5 minutes later I feel extremely tired again..
So please help me
Ps~ My mom wants me to go back to school tomorrow so I need help ASAP! Cause I dont want to go back to school and then find out I have it..

2007-05-17 05:44:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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