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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

In case some of you havent heard, there are fires all over southern california. I was in buena park on sunday and monday morning which is close to malibu was out and about and there were ashes flying everywhere.. came back monday to go to work in Pomona and the foothill region.. ashes everywhere because of the ontario and foothill ranch fire.. so now my throat is killing me.. Keep coughing and feel like there is something in my throat.. I cant lose my voice.. had problems days ago due to bronchitis.. feel like i got over it but this is making my throat hurt again.. just throat.. any advice?

2007-10-22 19:03:55 · 4 answers · asked by Sma 4

2007-10-22 19:02:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-22 14:33:32 · 5 answers · asked by charlotte 1

I just was running and Im not super fast but i run about an 11 minute mile. and i wasr running about a 7 minute mile and after a half mile i literally couldnt breathe i wasnt just gasping i was like shaking, dizzy, my stomach was sucking in more and i started panicking and it got worse. i finally got to breathing better but i got home at 550 and its 710 and ive been sitting down and drinking water and im coughing and im still not breathing normally and feel a little dizzy. what can i do???

2007-10-22 13:10:59 · 3 answers · asked by no one 5

2007-10-22 11:20:09 · 3 answers · asked by mike 1

I DO NOT smoke, I'm a very healthy person so I guess maybe it's a psychological problem :S

Whenever I go to my university I feel SO suffocated, I can't breath well as if there is no air to breath, I bought HALLS the other day because I couldn't breath well, but despite the refreshment it didn't help me at all.

This problem makes me so intolerant to the lectures, and makes me restless; I keep moving in my place and sigh all the time, and unwilling to make any effort whatsoever.

Once the day ends, all those symptoms suddenly disappear, I feel so energetic and I can breath my soul in :S

You guys feel the same? What can I do to fix this?

2007-10-22 11:00:52 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend was recently in a car accident and has broken her neck and fractured her skull. She is currently in a coma right now and her sister was the one driving the car so she is in emotional trauma with minimal injury (cuts and bruises). How do I help them and deal with the impact it has had on me? anyone had a loved one in the hospital, how did you deal with it?

2007-10-22 09:43:51 · 3 answers · asked by Care 3

especially when i lay down...it gets worse. to the point where i almost throw up sometimes.

2007-10-22 06:18:06 · 3 answers · asked by blah blah 5

One nostril blocked, cant breathe.... one side face swollen... dripping nose?? What gets rid of it??

2007-10-22 02:07:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

positive your always a positive. Now.... If I am exposed to TB again how would I know it if all I am going to do is show positive? I am not concerned with xrays as they show only positive/active status. So I have to be active TB to find out that I was exposed again? Anyone know?

2007-10-21 15:35:20 · 1 answers · asked by Wisdom 2

Inquiring whether there are any policies for complaints put in at a work place where cold air vents cause people to get sick. Is there anything in the WCB guidelines about this???

2007-10-21 15:16:08 · 1 answers · asked by curldu 1

befor nasalcavity we have 2 ways the air come through it from out said . my problem is in the left side i feel resistance . its hard to inhal & another way is clossed i can not sleep or breathing through my mouth . what is the treat for that .

Is it ok to use ( Otrivine )

2007-10-21 09:38:00 · 1 answers · asked by Abdullah 1

2007-10-21 09:14:54 · 7 answers · asked by Rosa R 1

NO!!!!!!!!! BULLSHIT!!!!! if u put something bad to and dont know it is becaz really bad i cant tall what it is

2007-10-21 06:55:07 · 4 answers · asked by ♥~Princess Kelly~♥ 5

i have a nasty bug thats going around! any strategies on how to get rid of a stuffy nose, soar throat, popped ears, and coughing?

2007-10-21 03:56:21 · 3 answers · asked by Lauren 2

this is really starting to get me down. I feel kinda bad. NOT really bad. the guys at work have been spreading this ' cold" around. its been a week now. I see that tomato juice has much vitamin c. I been eating good maybe
what do you do to get rid of a cold. it was in my nose now its in my throat/loungs. doesn't hurt. but i sure do cough alot. before it was a runy nose. now its hard to breathe. how long does it take to get over this?

2007-10-21 00:00:44 · 2 answers · asked by hifi1863 2

With all the warnings about the possibility of getting cancer/lung disease why on earth did you start to smoke?
How old were you?
Did you start just to be cool?
Why is it you won't stop?
Do you ever smoke in front of your kids?
Did you ever consider the effect your smoke has on other people?
Did you ever condsider all the money you could save?
Are you nuts?

2007-10-20 17:51:28 · 7 answers · asked by ? 6

I was diagnosed with bronchitis(acute) tuesday, got meds and cough medicine. I had sinusitis two weeks before that, which I guess turned into bronchitis. I've never had it before, but I've had upper respiratory infections, dozens of sinus infections, etc. I've had bronchitis since sometime last week and worked thursday, friday, and saturday night. I was off work this thursday, took off yesterday, but not sure if I should go in today, I haven't improved much, still coughing, feeling achy, and running a slight temp, sometimes woozy?(meds?). I wouldn't worry about going to work, but i'm a waitress. Help!.

2007-10-20 06:16:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dad is having chest problems and mild shortness of breath. its in the middle of his upper stomach and his chest. He was feeling a lot of discomfort and pain in his neck and jaw but has said most the pain went away from his face. He is still feeling tingling/aching/ throbbing in his left arm. From what I can tell these are all signs of a heart attack and he is 49 years old But what else could it be?

2007-10-19 22:42:41 · 4 answers · asked by lemeburbabygirl 1

They come from deep in my esophogus--and start my hacking cough (which is unproductive) all over again.
The Dr. gave me a cough suppressant and an antibiotic.

2007-10-19 16:51:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-19 16:00:49 · 2 answers · asked by Williew 7

My daughter has 4 monthes and she has cough since 3 weeks .My Dr. gives her anti-biotic vials and expectorant but cough still present .Iwant to know why this cough take long time,keep in mind that there is virus in the atmosphere.

2007-10-19 10:52:33 · 2 answers · asked by msalam 1

I had a cold about 10 days ago and now feel a lot better but I still have a really chesty cough which I can't seem to shift and it's really tiring.
Don't think it's bronchitis because I feel fine in myself. Any advice?

I always suffer with lingering coughs after my cold has gone....

2007-10-19 04:31:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i seem to lately think i have every disease, i went out 2weeks ago and got sick night after i was convinced my drink was spiked, also i was washing my bike and i inhaled the fumes now i keep thinking im going to die... is this normal

2007-10-19 04:19:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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