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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

We had a flood in our basement, and to get rid of some of the bacteria that could be starting, I used straight bleach. The smell of bleach was quite strong throughout my home. Is this dangerous?

2007-11-02 17:42:50 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous

She keeps aking me things like, can you not smoke in bed, or stop blowing that smoke my way. How do I tell her to quit being so selfish. I mean I love her, but not enough to quit smoking.

2007-11-02 17:40:39 · 6 answers · asked by jeremy h 2

Lately I've been running out of breath easily and sometimes it seems I cant breathe without thinking to, and when that happens it gets hard to breathe right cuz it feels i'm getting too little air.I'm really worried cuz it gets scary when it gets hard to breathe- and these times it happens is almost out of nowhere like when I'm doing some work in class or trying to go to sleep.
I dont have asthma and I play sports.
I also kind of getting a little pain in my chest for a few seconds, goes away and sometimes comes back again.

2007-11-02 15:29:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a child care provider and have in my care a 15 month old girl who just recently had a scope of her bronchial tube... they found a portion just before it branches the lungs that collapses as she breathes... she has been sick since she was born with asthma/bronchitis like sypmtoms.... the testing is ongoing and the mother (beside herself with stress over this) doesn't know much about her condition as of yet, but I would like to study up on this does anyone have a name for it??
I am well trained in CPR and First Aide and can handle an emergency situation if I should need to.... but I want to learn all I can about her condition.... thanks

2007-11-02 13:03:56 · 2 answers · asked by Kishauna_P 3

They took x-rays of his chest and it was all clear. He also had
ashma when he was little could it be relaps of his ashma?
The only problem is that he doesn't wheezz.
Please help this has been going on for 2 months now.

2007-11-02 04:02:33 · 8 answers · asked by tom c 1

I blew my nose this morning and noticed a good amount of blood on the tissue...please let me know if this is bad.

2007-11-01 19:15:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm trying to dissuade my roommate from smoking, and she's got a godawful cough... it keeps me up at night. Anyway, she thinks it's just something going around because we live in the dorms and it's November, but I think it's smoker's cough.

She said she's smoked about 35 cigarettes ever, and I believe her because she did say a while ago that she was excited to start smoking.

So, could it be smoker's cough?

2007-11-01 16:31:16 · 9 answers · asked by Rat 7

I have a sore throat from a sinus infection went to the doctor today, any ideas to help me?

2007-11-01 15:41:43 · 11 answers · asked by Baby Julie due 5/12 3

2007-11-01 15:00:14 · 4 answers · asked by master 2

If I have had a cough for just over two weeks....not getting better...is it likely I have bronchitis?

2007-11-01 13:07:36 · 10 answers · asked by Wishing for Nashville 2


Ok soo last week around wednesday I started getting this pain in my chest, and i thought it was just a strained muscle or something, so I ignored it. It kept getting worse though, and then I started getting a cough, stuffy nose, and sore throat. So then I assumed it was a cold or something, and ignored it again. But now I have a terrible, almost constant cough. Sometimes it sounds like there's something in my lungs, and other times it has this deep sound to it. I'm an asthmatic, and I've been taking my inhalor, but it isn't really helping. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow, but does anyone have any ideas about what it could be?

2007-11-01 12:54:15 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter is 6 months old now she started coughing two months ago on a cold morning and she is still coughing. I tried everything took her to a hospital to her pediatre but they wouldn't give her any thing what I bought from a pharmace with out a perescription is not helping. She only had a fever once which went away immidiaitly, I don't know what to do it pains me to watch her cough do you have some advice? anything.. thank you

2007-11-01 12:12:54 · 2 answers · asked by manip 1

My 3 year old son seems to be suffering from allergies. His doctor prescribed an asthma medicine called proventil (also known as albuterol). I am skeptical and would like to know if anyone else has some input on the effects or side effects.

2007-11-01 11:21:15 · 5 answers · asked by neenster 2

2007-11-01 09:40:01 · 7 answers · asked by ~ 3

i'm 18 yrs old...and i've suffered from asthma since i was little...is there a permanent cure for it ?

2007-11-01 08:59:57 · 10 answers · asked by Sameera 1

29 Years Old
Was 350+ pounds dropped 120 of that 4 years ago w/ diet and exercise.
~1 year noticed decreased ability at gym.
~6 months ago, began havin trouble breathing, in general.
No history of asthma. No swelling of limbs. Can still last 30 minutes on a stairclimber. Resting Heart rate of 55-65. No heart murmurs/arrythmias. I have constantly draining sinuses. Blood work is fine, Xrays look OK, uranalysis is fine as well. Some slight wheezing, but rare. I dont smoke.

I have GERD (under control w/ meds) and began having slightly high blood pressure shortly before the breathing issues began. This is also under control, even under stress BP never goes above 140/80. I work a desk job, and I eat healthy.

I just cant seem to pin-point anything, the doctor has said maybe asthma, but it doesnt fit with the symptoms. If it were heart failure I would have swelling, increase in breathlessness when laying down and higher pulse. Asthma, COPD, there would be wheezing. I have good breath sounds

2007-11-01 08:57:17 · 3 answers · asked by sihobin 2

2007-11-01 08:37:24 · 15 answers · asked by colleen p 1

My fiance and I are set to be married in one month. We live together and sleep together in the same bed. The problem is he snores and makes all kinds of noises at night ( flatulance, coughing, even choking). By the time the sun rises, I feel sick from not getting sleep. I try to talk to him about it, and he gets offended and says he is fat and that is why he snores. I stay at home with our new baby (who also is up at night) and this lack of sleep is starting to affect my breastmilk volume as well. What should I do? (He is against us sleeping in separate beds.) Any advice? Am I destined to have my own bedroom when we get married? (By the way, I cant wear earplugs, they are too uncomfortable). Thanks for you help!

2007-11-01 02:35:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello, I am 28 yrs old, I started smoking at 16. I decided to quit smoking for a variety of reasons and so a week ago I stopped cold turkey. My cravings have gone down considerably, I really don't want to smoke, but my problem is that now I feel alot worse physically then before. I'm having trouble breathing, I feel some chest pain and I feel tingly in my chest and face. This is sometimes but the trouble breathing is pretty much all them time. Today I woke up and felt like I smoked 2 packs yesterday, just very crappy. Why is this, and is it normal, please help!!!

2007-11-01 02:13:54 · 14 answers · asked by prettyrockangel 3

2007-11-01 01:26:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it possible for a child (18 mths) to be the only person in a home of 4 to get carbon monoxide poisoning? or is usually everyone effected?

2007-10-31 19:02:16 · 2 answers · asked by mmydean2 2

I guess she was just curious, and me being a smoker, I didn't know the answer... any one knows which one is worse?

2007-10-31 14:40:17 · 4 answers · asked by Natasha 3

i really dont know wat it is. its been all day and they are gettin worse. its like every single time i breath, it hurts near my right shoulder. feels like if i have air or something. please please please help....it really hurts. =[

2007-10-31 14:23:13 · 19 answers · asked by sad_eyez_kika 1

I am a 25 year old female who's been getting sick since 2003 2x per year. I get severe pain when I breathe in and when I bend over in my chest/trachea area....also, get severe pain in my right shoulder blade and very bad sinus pain. This lasts for about a week...Some days the pain is so bad only Vicodin helps. I have seen several doctors and have been in the ER too many times to count. No doctor can diagnose me. I have had an upper endoscopy, EKG, echo-cardiogram, blood work, chest x-ray, tried several medications for heartburn....all tests come back normal every time. I've seen Cardiologists, Gastro....ER Docs, my Primary.....no one knows what's wrong or why this happens. Could this be stress related? Caused by allergies?? Please if anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Thank You.

2007-10-31 12:04:53 · 5 answers · asked by LaurenElizabeth 1

my daughter (20months) ran a fever of 103 the night before with some constant episodes of coughing...i was concerned so i brought her the the doctor yesterday....doc tested her for a couple of viruses all which were negative so she suggested to continue with motrin for fever and a cough suppressant...i was fine with that.....about 9pm last night my daughter grabs her stomach, screams and then starts vomiting....it was clear and GREEN and quite a bit....then again at about 2 am...she has not eaten in 2 days......now i have seen lots of vomiting through out my rotations in nursing school but never green...then a few minutes ago she started grabbing her stomach again and crying but so far nothing has come up......what could this mean? should i be worried?

2007-10-31 11:16:31 · 7 answers · asked by jewelry lady! love my job 3

The instructions on my singulair say to take it in the evening. I've been out for a few days, and just got my new perscription and my allergies are really bothering me. Is it okay to go ahead and take it now and then start tomorrow taking it in the evening? Why is it that I should take it in the evening in the first place?

2007-10-31 06:06:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have bad astmah and have had a really bad chest for the last nearly 4 weeks. i have allways had chest infections but not this long and gone though 2 lots of inhalers and taking them proply. but all the coughing is wearing me out. and my bf mam told me to go and get one as she is a nurse and said i sound really bad. my question is can the doctors tell me no if i ask for one. even if he says there is nothimg wrong cos thats what they normaly say thanks.

2007-10-31 06:00:48 · 14 answers · asked by shell 5

im finding it reall yhard to swallow sometimes,

im healthy over all but in the last few days when i swalllow it feels like there is something blocking my passage way but there isnt as i have checked

any one know ???

2007-10-31 04:57:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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