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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

ok, so i have a bunch of symptoms for bulimia and also anorexia, so im guessing all of the vomiting is the root of the problem. no one knows about my "eating disorder" except for me, but my best friend is really suspicious. last night i asked how to stop my bad habits and such, and i had an epiphany and vowed to change my life. hahaha. i must have done that 20 times since all of this started. but tonight it got kind of serious. really serious i guess. after i threw up tonight, i tasted a lot of blood and i coughed up a good bit of it. im really scared and i want to know what this is from and why and ahhh. i guess i need to talk to someone, but im really scared to tell my mom. she'll make me stop dancing because she thinks that it has a negative impact. i know what im doing is bad. ok. so, why am i coughing up blood? is it bad enough to have to talk to someone? how do i go about getting help...

thank you so much!

2007-11-13 12:08:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was debating going to the emergency room and then had to go get a primatine mist inhaler to substitute for now. Which i was told by my doctor not even to use. The guy just said "I'm not doing it. You dont sound too bad on the phone, have a good night" CLICK There is no way this can be allowed am I right?

2007-11-13 12:06:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-13 11:52:35 · 6 answers · asked by i'm trying 3

I don't know exactly what type, but she is in the hospital with it, I miss her, and I'm Just wondering how long until she gets better

2007-11-13 11:47:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend is only 25 years old and needs a lung transplant. She has been sick for 2 years already. She also has heart problems. Shes been in intensive care for almost 2 weeks and is still waiting for a transplant but its taking a long time. If any body out there believes in the power of prayer please please keep her in your prayers her name is Denise.

2007-11-13 08:21:08 · 15 answers · asked by redrose 2

I mean to say there are no reported deaths due to marijuana i think but cigarette smokers do die.

2007-11-13 07:37:20 · 22 answers · asked by jack_robinson31 3

I know I'll get theanswers from kids based on what they have been taught & that's great, but I'm looking for replies from people that know about the subject.

My aunt is an RN, late 50's, and a smoker of 30 years... with no trace of COPD. My grandfather lived to be 85 and smoked since he was 12, no respiratory problems.

My aunt says that medical experts and scientists don't really KNOW what causes emphysema and if you talk to one they will tell you they think it CAN increase your chances of developing the disease, but aren't even sure by what %. I have read her med journals that skate around the subject.

She says people that don't smoke and live in highly industrialized cities get it as often as people that smoke. She says she's treated as many patients with emphysema that didn't smoke as ones that did, many of those not subjected to 2nd hand smoke

Does smoking CAUSE emphysema or not? I know I'll get "if you smoke, you'll die", but I'm hoping for educated input

2007-11-13 02:44:47 · 6 answers · asked by nite_angelica 7

2007-11-13 01:22:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok for the past year or so now i been having burping problems. Like especially before i go to bed like i feel like a burp is stuck in my chest or in my throat and it wont come out and i bring my whole chest up and like it comes out kind of but not like making noise. it comes out inside my body. i can't really explain it.but then sometimes like on weekends in stuff i burp fine. and i was wondering if anyone else has this problem and what i can do for it. my one friend in my class sometimes has this problem but i didt really get in to it with her. so someone please help me!!!!!

2007-11-12 12:22:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

This guy in the store was just coughing and hacking all over the place and I tried to face in the opposite direction and hold my breath for as long as I could....But he just kept on and on....It sounded like he has pnemonnia or bronchitis! Could I catch this from this guy? He was standing within 5-7 ft. from me!

2007-11-12 05:09:49 · 4 answers · asked by Grants a tractor luvr! 6

My fella is sitting beside me sniffing intoa tissue every 5 minutes,sniff sniff , poor thing.

2007-11-12 03:40:18 · 5 answers · asked by pollbee 4

Yes, i work around talcom powder alot.It is in the air,on the machines i work with,and on my clothes at the beginning of every two hour break .Therefore i KNOW i have to be breathing it in my lungs and airways..What i'd like to know is, can this cause health problems?Short term or Long term?permanent?I have had a terrible upper respitory tract infection for the past couple of weeks and i'm tired of being sick....Can anyone help with this perdicament?If you have any LEGAL answers,this might help as well..Thnks so much....Tim

2007-11-11 22:45:19 · 3 answers · asked by zukman1000 1

-I do NOT have a runny nose
-I do have a tendency to cough, and when I do (mostly if I haven't coughed for a while OR when I wake up and before bed)
-It does NOT hurt when I swallow
-I do cough up mucus or whatnot, but I can't spit it out (can inly swallow)
-I can breathe fine and can play basketball or such accordingly. -My voice is maybe 18% altered, but doesn't hurt when I speak.
-Sometimes hurt when I cough in throat and a little below.

I've been taking: Probiotics, apple cider vinegar, wellness pills, omega 3's, and chlorella generously. These symptoms literally developed overnight on Wednesday to Thursday. I sneezed on Tuesday night, and a whole bunch of mucus came out. Wednesday night I breathed in some deodorant too long and coughed it out...ever since that, I've had the symptoms, but remember that sneeze and mucus the night before. Any ideas?

2007-11-11 16:19:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 4 year old daughter has allergies, among them, dust! In addition to dusting and washing bedding often, what other ways help in reducing dust in the home?

2007-11-11 15:25:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-11 13:59:50 · 1 answers · asked by HERMOINE GRANGER 2

I have been sick since Tuesday, and have just gotten worse. I have a severe sore throat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, blood in my mucus occasionally, vomiting, trouble swallowing, and my resting heartbeat is a lot faster than it usually is....any idea if there is something wrong with me/I should go get checked out? I'm under 18, so I need my parents to take me to the hospital or doctor, but I am not sure if it is necessary

2007-11-11 13:23:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well I started feeling really sick around 1pm then all of I sudden I started to feel like I needed to cough up something, and when i did blood came out. I'm freaking out! What's wrong with me :(

2007-11-11 12:23:51 · 7 answers · asked by Beret 2

my symptoms are shortness of breath,a feeling like my throat is swollen or tight which is probably causing the shortness, pressure and slight pain on and off in my ears,headache pressure feeling all over my head ,slight dizziness,had a slight sore throat that subsided a little...no fever...im going to the dr tomorrow..my friend thinks it might be an ear infection so i was wondering if one can cause these symptoms especially the throat stuff/short of breath?..if not from what i said what do you think it could be? im 21 m...i went to the dr last week all he found was some white at the back of my throat but he wasnt sure what it was said it didnt look like any kind of infection to him

2007-11-11 09:58:05 · 5 answers · asked by iamloco724 1

2007-11-11 09:36:06 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

This dilema has been persistent for a year or so now. During conversations, suddenly, certain words can not be pronounced and I feel like I'm loosing my breathe , which, onlycontributes to the problem. I just want to know if there is any thing I can take that would hopefully eradicated this probelm.?

2007-11-11 08:59:47 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I struggle with the fear that, no matter what I do, I have passed the point of no return.

2007-11-10 16:49:09 · 2 answers · asked by Bijou 2

i cant really hear my tinitus that much but when when its peaceful OR when the TV is on the ringing gets louder.i understand hearing it when its quiet but when the tv is on its louder ? why??????

2007-11-10 11:57:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am 15 years old of mixed ethneticity,i excersise alot and have 5.6 percent of my body fat.while i was eating a cheeseburger one day at school,right after i swallowed out of nowhere i got the feeling i was choking,i kept coughing(but i could inhale)and i swallowed again and it went down or it least it felt that way, when i went home i had half of oatmeal pie and just stopped and threw it away for no reasonand tryed to watch tv,then my throat started to bother me. i kept drinking water and soda because i felt like it was something in my throat,then when my dad came home i told him that i felt like there was something stuck in my throat and he said see if it goes down.i felt like it went down when he came home.and i went to sleep.the next day at school i felt like i couldnt breathe again but i heard myself breathing , called my dad at the nurses.he took me to a hospital and i hd two anxiety attacks on the way(where my body felt numb and tight).

2007-11-10 11:53:16 · 13 answers · asked by eli 1

my head is hot. and my body is cold.i'm shaking a lil.how do i get rid of it.
i got out of the hospital about 4 days ago. (pancretitis)

2007-11-10 09:21:02 · 3 answers · asked by ez 1

Is Humidifier same thing as CPAP for sleep apena patients? can I buy humidifier to see if sleep apena symptom will go away? or can i use an air pumper for cpap purposes? is air pumper stupid idea to replace CPAP? is it harmful?

2007-11-10 07:58:53 · 4 answers · asked by rondorondo 1

Whenever i hav a flu or chest infection i end up going thru hell with my throat... I get these tickly urges to cough, but the problem is that one cough is not going to do it... so i go in a fit of coughs... I hav no problem with coughing at home by myself but i travel by bus... to work and all that...I get really embarrased to cough when it starts cos i wouldnt myself like someone to be fitfully coughing in the bus.. puts me off thinking of germs.. but i try to trap it( struggle with myself to not cough) in the end i get tears streaming down my eyes and its uncomfortable... how do i sort it out???

2007-11-10 06:31:54 · 11 answers · asked by sbalroarhe 2

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