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[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

I was treatedfor a inus infection six weeks ago....had two antibiotics. Most of the pressure is gone now, but i am still a little lightheaded...can I have an ear infection with no other signs?

2007-01-20 04:08:06 · 3 answers · asked by Rick Jones 2

Hi there!

I have been sick for over a week for really no good reason. I take vitamines, dress warm, etc. The symptoms are very cold like, but in completely reverse and crazy order. I just got sore throat after a week of coughing with nothing getting coughed up. I am also extremely tired the whole time. But I don't feel very bad. I feel okay, other than I wish I could just sleep all day. I was wondering if this could have anything to do at all with a bad tooth. I had a root canal done last week on a tooth that has been giving me lot of problems for over a year. Now that the root canal is done and the tooth is okay, I was wondering if that might have triggered some kind of response in my body in form of this strange sickness? Is it possible? I heard once that bad teeth, even if people don't know about them, can cause very weird health problems. Please, advise. tks

2007-01-20 03:21:43 · 5 answers · asked by Dana B 1

We might have to remove the entire lung due to cancer. We are not sure how living might be. We are hoping for removal of just one lobe but we cant seeem to shrink the tumor enough. We did 3 hits of chemo ( whitch were ineffective) and we are now looking at 6 weeks of radiation plus 3 more hits of different chemo. Anybody know of someone living with one lung?

2007-01-20 02:15:57 · 5 answers · asked by chillitroutman 1

This woman coughs every morning daily, for an hour or more, and then smokes once done with her coughing fit. Smokes 3 packs a day, then at night gets under her oxygen. She has emphezema, copd, her left lung has collapsed, and who knows if she has lung cancer, but I think so.

She takes inhalers, albuterol, vitamins a b c d e etc, blood thinners, etc. Also goes to the hospital once a month saying that she cannot breathe. Go figure. They have termed her "frequent flyer". Her own doctor has given up on her smoking bouts but still treats her for other things.

Is smoking really worth all this??

I have wondered what her lungs must be like. 60 years of smoking, ewww, I bet they are very black because nicotine is sticky like glue.

2007-01-20 00:56:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

For Three Weeks I have been getting alot of breathlessness and Pluss I had the flu four weeks ago, coughing constantly have been to seemy doctor and out of hours service several times who are giving me antibiotics all the time. I have got to the point where I am feeling quite agitated thinking what this is and I am one of these people I think the worst of everything as I have been browsing symptoms of lung cancer too and the symtoms I have are on there which have made me worry even more. When I wake up in the mornings I feel I dont cough for quite a while but when it starts its quite bad and so is the breathlessness. Can anyone tell me what else I can possibly do Am Really Worried

2007-01-19 23:05:07 · 12 answers · asked by Darren J 1

I am 37 yrs old and weight 83 Kgs.

2007-01-19 16:27:02 · 5 answers · asked by sushiliete 1

does it make any difference at all

2007-01-19 16:11:02 · 4 answers · asked by oh hey 1

I had a cold that started coming on a few days before Christmas. It was at its worst on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The cold itself lasted about a week, then went away. I was left with a very small cough, which lasted a couple weeks. Starting just this past week or so, my cough has gotten a lot worse. I'm constantly coughing up mucus, and sometimes my lungs hurt when I cough. The worst part though, is that it wakes me up at least once or twice every night, and is sometimes so bad I have to get up and get a drink of water to try to stop it. I started taking a nighttime cough suppresant, which I know I shouldn't do, but it's the only way I can get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. Just today I’m starting to feel the effects of not getting enough sleep; my energy is starting to wane. Other than the cough though, I feel just fine.
I've been reading a lot on the web about Bronchitis, but almost everywhere it says that it would be accompanied by a fever. As far as I know, I don't have a fever; just the bad cough. I don't smoke and I don't have asthma, and I've never had any sort of breathing condition such as asthma. Could this be Bronchitis? I’m almost positive it’s not pneumonia; my symptoms seems to match Bronchitis. If it IS Bronchitis, how long should I wait before going to the doctor? Due to a massive layoff at my husband’s work, my husband doesn’t have health insurance. I started my job less than a year ago, and won’t be eligible for benefits until the middle of April. If at all possible, I’d rather not go to the doctor. X-rays and prescriptions and all that are expensive. Of course, I know my health is more important. J
Anyway, thanks for reading all this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

2007-01-19 16:03:56 · 14 answers · asked by Somebody 1

If i went on a run in 34 degree weather at midnight with just a t-shirt and pants, could i get pneumonia. or anything like it? would i die

2007-01-19 15:51:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-01-19 15:48:02 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-19 15:37:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Actually, it's my partner. For the past few months, and usually in the evenings, she's felt like she was out of breath, or as she put it, "my breath wouldn't turn over." What's wrong? She's in her mid-twenties, exercises regularly, just a hair heavier than average, doesn't smoke or drink, and was never diagnosed with asthma.

Obviously, we're not looking for a full diagnosis. She's going to the doctor on Monday. We're just hoping to find out possible causes and if to see if there was any way to alleviate this in the short term. Thanks!

2007-01-19 15:35:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seemed to linger. It has been about a month and a half and I am still feeling a tightness in my chest and am still coughing . I also feel short of breath, but not too bad. Help?

2007-01-19 15:26:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 21. I smoked the ganj (weed) for 2 years and quit about 1.5-2 months ago.
During the 2 years of weed smoking I coughed up phlegm with specs of black stuff in it every now and then. I was a serious smoker... at least once a day for those two years... then I quit pretty much cold turkey. (If you say marijuana is physically addictive I'll slap you)
The problem is that when I cough up phlegm there is a larger amount of black in each mucus load. AND its happening more frequently.
I am currently getting over a cold/cough so the amount of phlegm itself is alot more too.
Ohyeah... sometimes my phlegm is almost solid. When I get those(usually in the morning) there isnt any black stuff in them.
Please help... Ive read several different questions like this.
I just want to make sure its just my body trying to clean my resin saturated lungs and not something totally unexpected.

2007-01-19 15:07:09 · 21 answers · asked by doom stagg 1

i work with alot of people who smoke on break and in a restaraunt, usually in the smoking section. will i get addicted to cigarrettes from being around them so often, or should i not worry about it?

2007-01-19 14:43:44 · 3 answers · asked by caseyrae 2


I dont mean to gross anyone out, but here goes. I have had a cold since Monday. Its getting better, but i still went to the doc yesterday. He gave me some meds. I than began to cough alot. esp green flem. Now my chest hurts a little on my breast bone. is this normal. maybe due to all the coughing?

2007-01-19 13:19:37 · 3 answers · asked by carriec 7

2007-01-19 12:39:26 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need help with a critical thinking exercise. Its my first year in nursing school: 67 y/o man admitted for dehydration. Has a recent hx. of shingles. On steroids x10d and is in the recuperating stage. Skin is very dry, oral temp is 100.4 His urine is very dk.amber and WBC's is 13,000mm.
Dr.s Orders are: IV D5% NS at 100cc/hr,
1gm of Ancef Q 8hr,
bld cults x2,
tylenol/rectum Q 4hr for temp> 101.4po
I have to prioritize and give rationale, this is what I THINK 1st I would give pt IV b/c of dehydration
2nd bld cults to see if he has an infection
3rd ONLY If he did I would give him antibiotic
4th Only if he had a temp >101.4 would I give Tylenol. Is this correct. My instructor said today in class that giving antibiotics when there is no infection present is not good b/c it decreases the bodies normal immunity to fight infection. What would you do.

2007-01-19 12:12:52 · 4 answers · asked by *sexy mocha* 4

my mom have a nasty wet cough that only comes around once in a while and she has had it for a while now but she won't take any medicine and won't go to the family doctor instead me and my dad are getting affected too!! what do i do about her ?? some one plz help!!

2007-01-19 11:09:54 · 3 answers · asked by Jason Z 3

(soone else) I can breath enough for just sitting around, but when I want to breath harder, I cant. I can only breath as if i was no active.
and I cant get a full deep breath. I am about to be 15 years old. I am a boy, very active, dont smoke nothing!
I can only breath at one rate, even if i want more air. Its very uncomfortable, and makes me tired.
should see doctor? ER? what wrong?

2007-01-19 08:09:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i looked up what it was on answers.com and it said it was a disease mainly caught by smokers (my dad smokes) and it says it can cause death. i have no idea what it is but i'm so worried for him. is it bad?

2007-01-19 07:28:08 · 9 answers · asked by kitty 3

2007-01-19 06:39:46 · 13 answers · asked by Blonde69 1

I've never had this condition before, but now it's persistant for 3 weeks. I thought i just had a cough, but my boss suggested that it is post-nasal drip? The more I read up on it, the more I realized it is.

What kind of medication/s should I take to successfully rid myself of post-nasal drip?

2007-01-19 06:24:32 · 8 answers · asked by Lost In Vast 2

2007-01-19 05:55:14 · 23 answers · asked by Patricia A 1


Hi there, i have been having shortness of breath, i keep taking in deep breath every moments, its like a feeling that i am not breathing enough air. Guess the proper word is air hunger? I went to a blood test, urine test and a x-ray on my lungs. I had already spent lots of money of these test, but they all seem normal. I don't know whats wrong if me. I am a happy go lucky person, which stress perharps, is the last ever thing that will ever happen on me

2007-01-19 05:42:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-19 02:34:54 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am 19 and i have been smoking on and off since i was 16. I have been pretty steady at a pack or so a day. I am now quitting and wondering how severe the damage could be that i have done in that amount of time. I am getting into some martial arts and i am curious as to if i will ever be able to compete at the same level as everyone else. I am def short of beath fairly easy...but do you think i have ruined my lungs or can i come out of it?

2007-01-19 02:18:19 · 6 answers · asked by etowner123 1

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