insulin, glucagon, glycogen are the all the storage factors butbody teperature, dresing in layers to kep body a a certain temperature, drink warm or hot water to dilute the blood sugar. Diet sodas containing no no sugar add some blood sugar. Drink water slowly and 2-3 during a meal it will dilute the sugar. Remember, the main component of fat is water. Dont make it harder than it is, if you have been drinking plenty of water throughout the day and during meal, you might want to start.
A persons blood sugar might chance after drinking a cup of black coffee. Woud the same happen if they put on an etxtra jacket and if so would this mean blood sugar can be controlled exteriorally as well intsad of just giving insulin shots.
Another factor is garlic, if garlic thins the blood what are the ramification of using a daily grlic supplement for diabetics and hypoglycemics?
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