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Hi my brother conducted a FBS and RBS test to know the sugar level.It found that His FBS is 105 mg /dl, which is above reference range(max 100 mg/dl) .He has also had RBS test and it was found to be 145 mg/dl,which is in reference range.But he is very upset and thinking that he is having diabetes.He is 26 yeras of age.Both of my grandparents died due to diabetes.So can any one explain what to do?

2007-12-23 14:54:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Diabetes

4 answers

How did he conduct the tests? On his own? While blood glucose meters are helpful, they are far from exact. Having a diabetic son, he can test his blood on a brand name monitor and get varied readings. The range can be as great as 40 points.

However, assuming these numbers are correct the FSB is only slightly elevated. The best thing any diabetic can do, and therefore a possible prediabetic, is to exercise. Increase in activity has a positive effect on blood sugar. Obviously, watching his diet is important as well. Staying away from fatty, fried, and sugary foods, just as everyone should, will help as well. If he is already doing these things, I personally wouldn't be too worried about it and have follow up blood work done yearly just to make sure his BGs are not sneaking up on him. If he is REALLY concerned he may want to consider genetic counselling.

If he were to develop diabetes it is not the end of the world. Many diabetics live wonderful lives. You hear often times of diabetics who are not controlled, who were not in good health when they were diagnosed. This is typical of type 2 diabetics since they are often in bad habits to begin with. The fact that your brother is active in his health care should be an encouragement to him.

2007-12-23 15:33:58 · answer #1 · answered by seriouslysanibel 3 · 0 0

First of all allow me say when you consider your medical professional is an fool, you will have to discover a brand new medical professional who isn't an fool. You particularly will have to now not be depending on yahoo solutions considering the fact that you're really prone to be inundated with junk mail, garbage replies or malicious incorrect information from individuals who do not truthfully recognize what they're speakme approximately. As it seems although I do truthfully recognize what i'm speakme approximately. I have had Type one million diabetes for simply over a 12 months and I am on Lantus and Novolog. So there are a couple of problems right here: First of all, I do not know in which you obtained the concept that you just can't combine lantus and novolog. You can not combine them within the equal syringe however in any other case, they may be able to be used in combination. I use pen needles so I have a Lantus pen and a Novolog pen. There are instances whilst I inject each even as. Different injection web page of path. They are 2 one of a kind insulins. Lantus is a gradual-appearing, basal insulin that have got to be taken irrespective of meals consumption. Novolog is a fast-appearing insulin that needs to be matched for your meals. With a morning fasting within the 300s, it sounds such as you shouldn't have adequate insulin on board. You have to be taking Novolog together with your foods, as good as a collection quantity of Lantus, regularly even as of the day every day. You will have to be checking your blood sugar earlier than foods, and a pair of hours after foods,. The target is to stick underneath a hundred and forty up to you'll. that's the extent above which organ harm begins. You additionally have to discover out and attend categories on find out how to fit insulin for your subculture. It is viable to paintings this out your self through trial and mistake, however extra valuable to do it in a based approach within the presence of scientific authorities. You have the equipment to hand to hold average blood sugars. Use them.

2016-09-05 15:58:05 · answer #2 · answered by roner 2 · 0 0

sure i can. what he does it immediately start a diet regiment then stick to it lose weight and be very active and eat veggies and leave the carbs and saturated fats alone and sugar. have fresh fruit, veggies and 3 oz meat and not much ham or stuff like that. you can lose it and make it not existent. but you have to work and you won't be for awhile longer. its when you sit and maintain what you are doing. you can be free from this but its watching all the time and being careful. no full pop use diet pop and be careful.

2007-12-23 15:22:41 · answer #3 · answered by Tsunami 7 · 0 0

all kind of information about diabetic just log on to ..........

2007-12-23 21:20:50 · answer #4 · answered by gopalakrishnan s 3 · 0 1

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