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Diseases & Conditions - 21 June 2006

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Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs

Ok, here's the deal. I'm 28 and have never really had any acne. All of a sudden I noticed what looked like a huge holE in my face (by my nose). Well, what it was, was a huge blackhead. Sooo being the GENIUS that I am I was at work and stuck a stick pin in it. Yup, it was a hole, left by a blackhead. After I removed the pin it started bleeding. A week or so later it crusted over to what looked like just a regular 3D zit. But then when that layer shed off I was left with a hole in my face where the pore won't close! Does anyone know how to close this hole, or get rid of this? Any answers are appreciated. Even if it includes surgery, I will do/pay anything! I can not live with it like this!!!!!!

2006-06-21 10:32:54 · 12 answers · asked by staygold 2 in Skin Conditions

The base of the neck is swollen as are the hands and fingers. Others parts of the body have signs of swelling such as face and stomach. Fevers are low grade, not above 99.9.
Appendectomy 1 half months ago with re-admit for wound infection. Health has been declining since release. Patient also has MRSA on the skin. Frequent night sweats and patient uses the restroom frequently and shows signs of ligh headedness and color leaves face.

Please help...doctors wont do anything to assist.

2006-06-21 10:23:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

I heard that the coloreds from africa got the aids from promiscous sex with monkeys in trees. Is this true? What were they thinking???

2006-06-21 10:00:06 · 29 answers · asked by donatellos_green_turtle_ass 1 in STDs

2006-06-21 09:53:13 · 2 answers · asked by arro 1 in Other - Diseases

I just read one of the answers to that 'rash under my breasts' question and one person suggested that it was a sweat allergy. That rash thing happened to me once when I started playing volleyball - I put powder under there and it eventually went away. Also, occasionally when I start to sweat, under my arms start to itch me. I mean once I had my arms up fixing my hair (so there was nothing rubbing against it to cause it to itch). My underarms are shaved by the way. Is there anything I can do about the underarm itching thing?

2006-06-21 09:30:02 · 4 answers · asked by sky_raider16 3 in Skin Conditions

He is 1 of an identical twin and has a lung infection and is coughing. He is currently on antibiotics. He also has a heart condition of tetralogy of fallot

2006-06-21 09:19:41 · 11 answers · asked by eeleet69 1 in Heart Diseases

2006-06-21 09:15:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

I know excessive urination is a sign of diabetes, but what does "excessive" mean, exactly?

Does it mean every 15 minutes?
Or does it mean every 4 hours?

It seems as though no one, not even any diabetics on this site can explain that to me.

Being the biggest hypochondriac in the world, I find myself having the urge to pee every 2-3 hours... yet, when I do not think about peeing, I go about every 4-6 hours.

Do I have a problem? Can someone please give me a little information about this issue? This is the only diabetes symptoms that I have, and I know what all of them are.

Thanks, guys!

2006-06-21 09:14:21 · 30 answers · asked by doubled254 3 in Diabetes

2006-06-21 09:13:26 · 3 answers · asked by Joshua C 2 in Infectious Diseases

I am going to a camp next week, where sometimes you cannot (well you CAN, but it's inconvienant...) go to the bathroom whenever you want.

I am ALWAYS thinking "Do I pee too much?", and that makes me have to go even more.

If I don't think about peeing all the time, then I can go 5-6 hours without having to go. However, if I think about it, then I have to go pretty much every hour.

I can never help thinking about it, it's not like a button that you can just turn off. I'm always thinking "Oh no, what if I can't go for a while?", and I have to go!

And when I do go, I find out that I really didn't have to go very much in the first place. I guess when you empty your bladder when it is not full, you have to go much more often. There have been days that I have gone 10 times just from worrying!

So, what do I do to convince myself "You probably DON'T have to go!", or that I CAN go if I have to?

It's such a pain... is this normal? I don't have diabetes, I just posted it here!

2006-06-21 09:07:23 · 5 answers · asked by doubled254 3 in Diabetes

Or at least... you most likely don't have diabetes?

I was just wondering... thanks, guys!

2006-06-21 09:00:04 · 17 answers · asked by doubled254 3 in Diabetes

thanks for all your answers, but have tried most of them to no avail, doctor says i have to stick it out till i get it out of my system. and to all you sarcastics 'I AM NOT FAT' i am size 10 with fabulous big breasts!
please let me know if you have any other cures for me.

2006-06-21 08:48:06 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

20 yrs ago he used to drink and do drugs excessively....is any of that related? We've tried vitamin E oil and lotions and creams on the skin, but nothing seems to help soften it for any length of time. Any suggestions??

2006-06-21 08:47:56 · 10 answers · asked by LostInFresno 2 in Skin Conditions

why does it happen at night. why is it worst at night. is it possible that OCD is related with RLS, i mean that maybe the medicine might have damaged the nervous system in some way. can a 16 yr old be diagnosed with this.

2006-06-21 08:32:18 · 8 answers · asked by mojo jojo 1 in Other - Diseases

2006-06-21 08:30:45 · 4 answers · asked by bluesjrus 1 in Other - Diseases


my grand-daughter is 10months old and has developed bad excema, all over her body, she tries to itch all the time. Doctor has given her oilatum and a steroid cream. What is the best treatment for her?

2006-06-21 08:12:45 · 16 answers · asked by kup of tea 1 in Skin Conditions

2006-06-21 08:03:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

2006-06-21 07:43:29 · 11 answers · asked by kimberly S 1 in Other - Diseases

2006-06-21 07:37:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

Thanks to all of you for your quick and educational response. I still wonder then why my blood sugar level is 120 in the morning (fasting for good 8 hours) and less 100 in the afternoon 4 hours after lunch.

2006-06-21 07:17:15 · 10 answers · asked by Suki S 1 in Diabetes

2006-06-21 06:58:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

I am approve for SSI but was told when I am elgible for regular Social Security my SSI will turn into regular SS. My disability is permanent and I was told that a permanent disability does allow you to receive both benefits. I have MS. Please help me to understand this. Thank you.

2006-06-21 06:47:16 · 7 answers · asked by Theresa W 1 in Other - Diseases

Myself and a few friends all got tested together last year and everyone was fine, however, yesterday one of them has disclosed that they have since tested positive. This person I'll call "Adam" has been very promiscuious and I now feel bad because I dont feel very compassionate although I should. Nobody deserves such a disease but what do you say when it feels like 'no surprise'?

2006-06-21 06:42:43 · 4 answers · asked by Randi 1 in STDs

run test and X-reys but just cant seem to find the problem it only effects my (R) hip my back aches and @ times my neck I get head aches but not alot. It dosent matter what time of day the hurt is still there I can't sleep in a good postion @ night w/o wakeing up I don't think it's artheritis because it is only on one side. I do get cramps from time 2 time on my back side of my upper leg. but not the lower so what do you think?

2006-06-21 06:38:08 · 6 answers · asked by stealther.223round 1 in Other - Diseases

My boyfriend's co-worker just away in his late twenties.
Both of us are very sad, what should I say to comfort him? My boyfriend almost got the same cancer his co-worker had. (It was a long story, my boyfriend got check-up one month ago, the doc says that he might have it, but they found out it was okay at last)
I know that my boyfriend is scared that he will die young like his co-worker did. Also, is it right to spend money on vacation(I know it will be quite a debt for me after I come back), not knowing will you die tommorrow?

2006-06-21 06:34:20 · 3 answers · asked by miako 1 in Cancer

I think I've had Insomnia my whole life but it goes in phases. I haven't slept good in at least 3 weeks and its making grumpy, irritable, and miss work. I don't like taking sleep aids b/c most of them make me not want to wake up the next morning. Any advice?

2006-06-21 06:27:56 · 15 answers · asked by jayhawk1124 3 in Other - Diseases

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