Took me over 3 years, but I FINALLY got the courage to go to a dermatologist for my acne scars.
I hated it.
The doctor was mean, he made me feel like a freak. He asked what I was there for and I said I had taken accutane but now have scars. And all he said was "And......????" Like I was stupid or something!
I almost cried, I had tears in my eyes. I said "And, I want to do something about them". He sighed and said "Lets take a look" and shined a light on me, and said "yeah, you have some moderate scarring. We don't treat that here, you have to go to a plastic surgeon."
He then gave me some retin-a & a referal to a plastic surgeon and sent me on my way. It was so HARD for me to even go there, and tell him something I am so embarrassed about and I felt like a freak at a freak show (There was some nurse in the room taking notes too).
I drove home crying, I've always hated doctors & this visit just made me even more scred of them. What did I do wrong?
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Skin Conditions