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Health - 25 December 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

2006-12-25 14:40:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

when I keep trying to fight it? I try to make myself happy like most of the books say, and it doesnt help. I try to stay with my friends and not withdraw from people, and nothing works. Any suggestions? ((Suicide has not been in my mind, FYI))

2006-12-25 14:40:06 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

well about the question on weight lifting at the age of 12-13 and some people say you should go see a doctor ? what doctor should i see?
a normal doctor where you go when your sick or something different?

2006-12-25 14:39:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I'm 13 years old . and I'm 5'2 and 134 pounds . i asked my doctor if i was overweight and he said i wasn't because i'm a very active person I mean I play sports every single day . he said that it was all muscle . but all the other girls in my grade always seem to weigh less then me . they weigh 105 and 110 and i feel so big compared to them and I've cried over it . no one has actually ever called me fat but seeing how much of a weight difference it is i'm not so sure ... people have even guessed my weight before like when my dad had to put my weight for these softball trading cards i told him what i actually weighed and he was like "What?" you don't weigh that much and he put me as like 15 pounds lighter then I actually am .. someone please tell me whats up ? and is this overweight ?

2006-12-25 14:38:29 · 20 answers · asked by Lizzie . ™ 2 in Diet & Fitness

Ive had 2 kids and I know the signs of being pregnant and I have all of them. Ive also had morning sickness, but my stomach feels like it's burning and I wake up with headaches. I know it may not have to do with the pregnancy, but whats wrong?

2006-12-25 14:38:02 · 4 answers · asked by April 2 in Other - Health

i missed it by 2 weeks, and yeah, my bf and i had some fun,help

2006-12-25 14:37:50 · 4 answers · asked by todays the day 1 in Women's Health

I'm 25, and addicted to crystal meth. I have used many other drugs and I've managed to continue using drugs for several years. But crystal meth has really got a hold of me and I can't seem to let it go. What should I do?

2006-12-25 14:37:35 · 8 answers · asked by gapboy3801 1 in Mental Health

what were you results. Did you like it.

2006-12-25 14:37:19 · 1 answers · asked by almostageniusbutsomuchtoknow 2 in Diet & Fitness

My right testis is bigger than the left testis. When I contacted Doctor I was told that it is hernia and Vericocil, it requires operation. Will there be any impact on fertility when I go for surgery? Will it grow again in future? I am married, 34 years.

2006-12-25 14:36:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

If my body has iron, what can I do to decrease it? What kind of food I should stop eating?

2006-12-25 14:35:47 · 4 answers · asked by itguru5354 1 in Diet & Fitness

Im 5'3'' with hips that are 38 inches, a waist that is 29 inches, and a bust of 37 inches.
I know this may seem like im fishing for compliments but im just kinda confused if thats big for my height.

2006-12-25 14:35:16 · 6 answers · asked by thatsnonsense209 1 in Diet & Fitness

Ok i have this ''armpit'' deal. I use deodarant and i don't be musty. It's just that i sweat for no reason. HELP!! I want to seem more femine without sweating unless working out. I use deodarant but i still sweat help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-25 14:33:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

this is weird. i had like one cystic (underground) pimple on my chin a couple months ago and then another came and now it's been months and they're not noticable or hurting or anything but i can feel 2 or 3 lumps under my chin. what should i do? i still put salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide acne medications for it to go away. any advise? oh and i heard vics vaporub is good for cystics but the thing i have has been here for months. please help!

2006-12-25 14:31:03 · 10 answers · asked by BEAutiful 2 in Skin Conditions

I am willing to hit the gym as often as needed but if there is anything else i should do, please let me know.

2006-12-25 14:30:45 · 6 answers · asked by ritkaa 1 in Diet & Fitness

My aunt Sue is dying of cancer. The other day I got a call from my cousin that asked me if I wanted to go see her. I immediatly said yes, and hopped in the shower. After I got out, I was walking into my kitchen and found my yellow "LiveStrong" bracelet laying on the floor. (The ones Lance Armstrong made to support cancer) It had snapped of my wrist, and I have no clue how it happend. This happend before I went to go see my aunt, the same day. Do you think its a blessing or a bad sign???

2006-12-25 14:29:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

Every year that I go to the doctor my thyroid is swollen but my doctor never does a blood test. He keeps telling me that it not severe enough to be tested because it's not enlarged enough. I am 5'3" and around 140-145 lbs depending on the time of month. It doesn't matter what I eat or how much I eat I still stay the same weight. If I diet I can loose some but when I say diet I mean major major dieting. I have alot of the side effects of it like...fatigue, weight gain and trouble lossing weight, chilliness, low tolorance to cold, dry skin, I don't have the constipation but do experience a slow digestive tract, I'm also not depressed but it's not fun being tired all the time, I have heard of people taking nature supplements to help since they are not bad enough for medicine. I have did some research on the internet but I'm just as confessed as when I first started. I was wondering if anyone has heard or tried anything that works. Please let me know I would be really thankful.

2006-12-25 14:28:55 · 6 answers · asked by meliarrow 3 in Women's Health

They are painful and get a (head) on them and pop then end up scarring. Does anyone know what these are and maybe knows a treatment that can help. Should I get a second opinion?

2006-12-25 14:28:29 · 6 answers · asked by Megan C 2 in Skin Conditions

ok 2 things first today i have had terrible chest tightning and pain, so bad i couldnt walk without crying i took my 2 puffers 2 times 2 puffs each within 1 hour, secondly i am 5 days late for my period, dizzy, light headed, sick all the time (mornings and evening), extreme tiredness, feeling bloated...i took 2 tests on at the doctors both camr back negative, both urine tests? am i testing to soon what should i do about either problem??

2006-12-25 14:27:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

I internalize my issues to the point that I get so depressed. Like right now I have 8 + essays to do for college applications and classes. My effing future depends on these essays! ahh why can't I just relax. I exercise and eat healthily but the work I have to do just weighs so heavily upon me.

2006-12-25 14:26:54 · 7 answers · asked by Sunnydays 2 in Mental Health

Hey guys, can you please help me sort this worry i have?

well im still afraid to get some dumbbells or weights whatever you call them because i have lots of worry when i use them?
i've heard too much things people say about stunting your growth and things like that well im 12 turning 13 next month so i wanna do some weights for exercise, so can you guys please give a honest and 100% true answer does it stunt your growth or not if it doesnt how much lbs or KG you recommend me to do? please help ! more suggestions would be thankful !
thank you

2006-12-25 14:26:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I was thinking about eating a bowl of total for breakfast and dinner, and a cereal bar for lunch, and veggie snacks if my appetite gets out of control. I don't want anybody saying "your perfect the way you are" or any sentimental crap like that please.

2006-12-25 14:23:42 · 12 answers · asked by Snakeyes 2 in Diet & Fitness

What can I do at home to relieve back pain that has been reoccuring in my lower back (tailbone area). I don't know whether to ice it, heat it, stab it (lol) it hurts so bad just to wash dishes. I had a masseuse work on it last week and it went away! YAY! For like three days! It's back and with a vengeance. I don't understand. I fell like I'm to young to be suffering from back pain. I'm already taking anti-inflammatories and pain killer's the doc gave me. Don't know what else to. My house is a mess cause I'm afraid to do anything.

2006-12-25 14:20:33 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

Sitting in a hot tub while the rain is coming down . . . nice experience ?

2006-12-25 14:16:12 · 17 answers · asked by onelight 5 in Other - Health

i have sat with my legs crossed at the knee probably starting when i was around seven now i am fourty. i cross them every time i sit down, and always with the same leg right over left. eventually after a long period of crossing, my top leg gets numb. i have heard that crossing your legs can cause vein problems, back problems, and hip problems, i dont have any at all, but is this true that it is bad? do you cross your legs also? and are you aware it might be bad?

2006-12-25 14:15:15 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

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