When choosing the colors you use --particularly on your person-- do you take into consideration your skin & hair tone?
Have you noticed whether you feel better when wearing some colors, but worse when wearing others?
Did you know that wearing colors that blend with your body's tones strengthen you, whereas those that clash actually weaken you?
Would you be willing to get rid of the clothes that are the wrong colors for you, in order to be healthier & feel happier?
Why not?
Is that a GOOD reason?
I happen to look & feel best in cool blue-tinted pastel shades, including winter white, & bluish light-greys. I try to buy clothes in those colors when I need them. I know several people who agree they also feel & look better when they surround themselves with colors that blend with themselves.
Hadn't seen a question --or set of questions-- quite like this.
So ... The Researcher in Me decided to strike once more!
7 answers
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Alternative Medicine