Every book, website and professional says that after sealing the dollhouse and painting the interior with white flat paint you wire the dollhouse. After wiring the dollhouse you finish the exterior (clapboard, paint, trim shingles, porch railings, exterior windows and doors, foundation etc.) then you come back and finish the interior (wallpaper, carpet, ceiling and flooring). Okay ... why?
I just want to know if there is a specific reason as to why it's done this way. Wouldn't it make more sense to finish the exterior, wire the dollhouse then finish the interior? I mean you should work on the outside and complete it then work on the inside and complete it right? What if I wire my dollhouse (tape-wire) and while I'm finishing the exterior the tape-wire adhesive becomes slack and it starts to curl or begins to peel off? Does that ever happen even when using brads or eyelets? I just wanted to know before I start wiring my dollhouse.
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