okay, i have recently become vegitarian. so i read the weird vegitarian sight, it also talked about vegans.
a vegan is someone who dosent eat any animal products. no meat, no dairy, no animal skins, no animal fat. nothing that comes from a creature.
alot of people become vegan bcuzz they think that its wrong how the animals don't have the right to live, or be happy. they torture cows to get milk, so basicly the whole *great cheese comes from happy cows* is a totel lie. they also bcome vegans bcuzz its much healthier.
so, this leads me to my question.
is honey vegan? it comes from a creature, but i have seen vegan people eat honey. honey comes from bee's, but bee's are not animals.
i would think it would be vegan, it comes from a creature. and to get the honey they pretty much distroy the bee hive and take all the food. so is it vegan?
my friend says it is vegan, bcuzz a bee is not an animal.
so what? bugs don't have the right to be happy or live or have a home? but pigs and chickens and cows do? that can't be right.
if vegans bcome vegans out of love for animals, how can they eat honey? so agean, bugs can't be apart of that love?
well, i am pretty sure its NOT vegan. but then agean, i am not a vegan. i am just curius, i have been thinking about the whole honey thing for a week now. i don't plan on bcomming vegan though.
so, reply to this with what you think! go ask your vegan friends! i really wanna know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHG! this really is driving me crazy!
17 answers
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Vegetarian & Vegan