I like them because they taste great, are less filling and don't require ketchup on the side. That ketchup stuff can be messy and time consuming, especially if you are somebody who works.
Also, I like them because they go well with green beans and nobody has ever tried to hurt somebody with krispy kremes that I know of so I guess they are really peaceful. By that logic, If we were all krispy kremes there would be world peace and everyone would taste great!
Other than that, I like them because you dont need to mix them with mayonaisse and green onion like a can of tuna, that can be a real pain in the butt. They are fine the way they are!
Also, I knew someone with a krispy kreme hat and another guy with a krispy kreme coffee travel mug. Both of them were real nice, and they were not even the same person, even though they both play golf.
Plus theres lots of selection so every day you can try a new one without having to start over for like 3 weeks. So do I have time for ketchup?
4 answers
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Other - Food & Drink