What unites all free and independent people in Britain? What is the most shared common cultural value amonsgst all sectors of society?
It's the good old British pub isn't it.
Surely the way to ensure Muslims integrate with the rest of society is to get them to change their religious thinking on alchol is forbidden, to something more like: alchol should be discouraged or drank proportionately.
In doing this we could all go down the pub together and have a quiet enjoyable pint and all this Muslim / Christian / Jewish cultural divide would be removed. We can all get drunk and say, hey this is much more enjoyable then getting on my soap box and shouting about racial inequality, racism in society, death tIo Israeal blah blah blah.
I've been to Muslim countrys and they are so the same as Western societys deep down. They all have little drinking holes hidden away somewhere and they have brothels too. Its just they are less advertised and harder to find.
A beer could solve it all.
18 answers
asked by
Robert W
Beer, Wine & Spirits