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Singles & Dating - 27 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

now pleaaase if your going to talk about pedifiles and being carefull and meeting in a safe place then i dont want to hear it...i know he is who he says he is and im %100 sure. okay...so i met this guy that just moved here from another town and we started talking on facebook...and then on msn and we really get eachother...we connect in a way that i've never had with anyone else. im guna see him tomorrow with a couple friends...and im really hopeing things wont be awkward...because i've never done anything like this before...so any storys or opinions would be great :)

2007-12-27 11:41:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

As you all said I should gice guy one a chance and I already did.. But then it all just got too freaky.. I mean... he was sorta a gentlemen.. but I kinda hated it when someone asked me if I was going out with him.. I just wanted to tear him apart. So the next day I told him it was over. And then the next day he asked me out again.. I didn't reply to him. A few weeks later, he sent people over to ask me out about four times. I didn't reply to them. Then he came over and asked me out personally. I was shocked. I really wanted to say no but didn't want to hurt his feelings again. I didn't want to be with him. I was confused. I really need help. I didn't want to go out with someone I could not possibly love. It felt like hell to me that I was going out with him. I mean there was those few moments when he did something that I liked. What should I tell him??

2007-12-27 11:40:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you were 22 years old and your boyfriend decided to do this, would you wait 4 years for him?

2007-12-27 11:38:18 · 6 answers · asked by CustomBentley 2

I met this girl and she was involved in a relationship that sped up relatively fast between her and this guy and out of nowhere the other guy disappears. She doesn't know what happened, there was no sign that this was going to happen they were on great terms the last thing he said to her was he'd never leave. They always had hard times communicating due to telephone issues and distance in general but he made every attempt to continue to contact her despite it.

Then I came along and shes like almost 2 months removed from it. But now I remind her of that person in so many ways like she didn't break this to me until like a week into talking and she felt she had too because I used similar phrases, I act similar in many ways or whatever..

But now im wondering is this healthy? Can this go forward? Should I just stop it? Im not sure what to do because we are compatible but its like in the same ways they were.. but she brings it up and I don't know how to deal at all..

2007-12-27 11:31:50 · 18 answers · asked by QuestionsAnswered 2

I have known this girl forever and she has always been a little promiscuous. I've always liked her and she likes me on and off but it bothers me to know that she has gotten around with a lot of guys. Up until the other day we hadn't talked much over the last 2 months or so, but out of the blue she starts talking to me about marriage, wedding rings, and a life together. (She even started looking at wedding rings online and showed me what she wants). She asked me if I would really want to marry her, which I would but I didn't want to come right out and say it. She always tells me how much her family loves me and that her parents say I'm the kind of guy she should marry so I don't know if she is just asking all of the questions because of her parents pressure or if she is really sincere. We hung out last night and I thought she would be flirty and interested, but we just hung out like friends. I don't know what to think and I don't know how interested she really is.

2007-12-27 11:28:25 · 24 answers · asked by asdf 1

2007-12-27 11:27:01 · 6 answers · asked by tabitha b 1

Am I Jumping To Conclusions?
He called and wants to get back togeher.Am I making the wrong choice?
He is trying to convince me that I made him this way. I believe him?
Would things have esculated had he and I stayed together?He is trying to convince me other wise.?
I met a man online in June 20 of this year. Everything was very pleasant in the begining.Then these things happened:
1:He made fun of a past relationship of mine that was abusive. He said "All Robert had to do was slap you around to get you to marry him!"
2:He got angry because I wanted to go home and punched his wall.He yelled at me and said"Look at what you made me do!"
3:After two months he wanted me to move away from my aunts house and move to the city he's in. We only live 30 min apart.He said that he would rent a car and help me move my things.He started looking at apartments in his city for me.
3:We were arguing and he told me that I was acting like a" f***ing c**t."
4:He came over and when he seen my aunts home he said" Gosh!How cold you live here?This place is depressing!" "Gosh! Look at your room! How depressing."
5:Another time I wanted to go home.He yelled at me all the way to the bus stop.Once we got there he started shoving my shoulder saying DONT

2007-12-27 11:23:01 · 7 answers · asked by DO YOU LOVE ME♥*´`*•.¸★。 3

I do, but with green eyes

2007-12-27 11:22:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2 girls 1 guy how did it turn out?

2007-12-27 11:21:04 · 8 answers · asked by rob m 2

2007-12-27 11:19:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey what would be a really funny message to leave as my voicemail? im tered of something like "hey srry cant come 2 phone leave a message" i want something really funny. got any audio clips from the internet of one? i need something creative. thanx

2007-12-27 11:18:15 · 48 answers · asked by Boston 3

There is a guy that I have had dinner with out the past few months. He called me out of town Christmas Day to wish me a merry christmas which was nice. We are friends though. To my knowledge we have gone out as friends.

2007-12-27 11:15:56 · 10 answers · asked by Sweet Pea 3

How do you know when its right to act like a freak with a guy ??
Ikm into alot of different type of things in the bedroom, but when do you know how to bring this things out with someone knew. I been in a very long relationship that has thought me alot and I am nearly single and Im just curiouse what men really think...thank you.

1st date




2007-12-27 11:15:16 · 4 answers · asked by Mean What you Say and say it 2

i live in guyana where in guyana can i find the movie the note book i really have to have it for any one who live in guyana if u do not know guyana is located in the south america

2007-12-27 11:12:44 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a single, straight, 28 year old male that lives at home with his parents and other adult siblings. I am very successful in my career and I am highly educated as well, so it's not like I am a lazy person as some may want to believe when they hear I choose to live at home. My parents actively encourage their kids to live at home as long as they would like and rent free of course. What I don't understand is the jealousy people have of my living arrangements. If they are so jealous, most of them, I am sure, could make arrangments to move back home. I am the brunt of many nasty comments/jokes like this due to many forms of jealousy. It is worth noting that these arrangements did not come easy. I had to cultivate this great relationship with my family over a number of years. So it's not like anything was doled out to me. Plus, this is the least our parents can do considering all the years of joy we have given them in the past. They get a kick out of that when I tell them that.

2007-12-27 11:06:45 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

she is a really sweet girl and shes really pretty too me but my brother says shes ugly!!
what do you think?

2007-12-27 11:06:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex and I broke up a long time ago, about 2 years, but we have maintained our contact with each other. recently she wanted to get back with me but i already found someone. Now that my relationship didn't work out with the new girl im trying to get back with my ex bc the feeling never went away. My ex is asking for time bc she is bitter as to what i did bc i went out with someone else and dissed her. She wants some time to think about it since her nursing exam is coming up and she wants to get her studying and family issues taken care of first. what should i do?

2007-12-27 11:05:44 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recieved i missed call from a random number, while i was at work. So the next day i called twice( from my mums phone) to see who it was, no answer!
The next day i get a text asking whos this? So i text back saying: I should be asking you the same question, i had a missed call the other night, and i said who i was and i asked who are u? So he text back sayin sorry i thought u called me cause i didnt have this number before. So then i text from my phone, sayin yea u did call me from this number, and whats ur name? the person said sorry for bothering me and it was maybe a wrong number, so then i text back well have a happy new year who ever u are, wish u would tell me your name. He text back sayin, i find it best to keep it mysterious have a great year all the best.
Then found out going through my mates phone it was my ex's number, he obviously changed his number, but he rang me, then didnt wanna say who he was. Why did he ring me in the first place? We havent spoke in 5 months.

2007-12-27 11:05:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

good!!! dont ya think.......?

2007-12-27 11:02:12 · 18 answers · asked by mmmmyeah 3

it was said that a woman and man being together was right and normal. But i don't understand why people turn gay, is it because they can't find the right one, is it because they are waiting for love and love never really found them?

2007-12-27 10:59:57 · 8 answers · asked by Que 1

im not saying like a buzz cut...

im talking about like 2 inches above the shoulders..

2007-12-27 10:53:11 · 4 answers · asked by Sky D 2

it doesnt make any sence

2007-12-27 10:50:44 · 12 answers · asked by unknown 1

First 2 are by Neil Strauss, final one by Richard La Ruina. Only answer if you have some idea please. I'm only going to buy one...'The Game' was recommended to me by a friend, but 'The Rules of the Game' seems to be the same thing without the storyline. Anyway; which is best? Thanks.

2007-12-27 10:49:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Alright… There’s this girl that quite frankly, I believe I love. Can’t stop thinking about her and she is, at this time in my life, one of the few things that can actually make me smile. Its not that I am obsessed or infatuated, it is just more of my incompetence to be able to do what I need to. I am a sophomore in high school and she is a junior. At the beginning of the school year, I had known her for a year and I liked her during the previous year but I made no attempt to get closer. This year that has changed and my interest in her has increased greatly as I got to know her better. I am doing everything in my ability to get to the point where I can ask her out. One major point to bring up is that to this date, I have never been in a relationship of any sorts. Period. After about three months of getting closer to her I asked my best friend (he had been friends with her since they were young) out of desperation, to call her up, ask if she thought I liked her and what she thought of me (he pretended he had no idea). She said she thought I did like her and that at that time she only liked me as a friend. Now, a month later, I had been talking to her pretty much every day. Both in person (on the bus everyday) and on aim. She was opening up much more to me and every once in a while she will bring up the fact that she thinks that she is fat. Now, I know that this is a big load of bull so I always just explain to her why she isn't and I just try and comfort her. Now, in a much broader period of time, I realized that I was talking to her a bit too much. Realizing this, I backed off, trying to give her some space. As a result, I think she doesn’t feel as pressured anymore, and as a result, when I do talk with her, the conversations tend to be much more engaging and just better overall. Unfortunately, I have gone back to my old habits of being too caught up in the moment and freaked out to ever talk to her in person. At this time, I haven’t the faintest idea of what she feels for me, and what is going through her head. The time I spend talking with her, even the time I spend with her when I don’t talk is an adrenaline rush like none other. I feel ecstatic. All of my worries and negative emotions flood away from me in an instant. I don’t know…. I don’t want to be an inconvenience I just really need to talk about it. Any responses would be amazing. Thank you for spending the time to read this…

2007-12-27 10:43:20 · 1 answers · asked by patton 1

Over the past two months I became friends with this girl in physics class. She always makes an effort to talk to me and be nice, and even made me a cd for me a while back after she asked me if I liked a band. She also copied notes for me and asked me my number recently, so we could study together. When we got done studying and I was walking to my car she stopped and picked me up and we talked in her car. We went and got coffee at school the next day after she waited a few mins for me to finish our exam. She also dropped out of her lab project group to be in mine after I couldn't get in hers. She then asked me to goto church with her recently, and we've studied together outside of school. In passing one time she said didn't want a relationship when talking about this guy from church that called her...we've been hanging out for a few weeks now at her house or going out to other places.

2007-12-27 10:38:57 · 38 answers · asked by cracky 2

so angry all the time, but i get mad for good reasons(that is true, he does have the right to be mad when he his), I dont know whats wrong. I have get off work(he hates his job- compass Bank) and im mad and I dont even want to talk, text or see anyone, not even you and i would be just fine going strait home, and to sleep every day and i would be fine....." --- he isn't depressed though.... but wt do yall think? help, i dont know wt to tell him to make him feel better, I think he needs a better job that he enjoys....? please help
15 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.
Additional Details
4 seconds ago

and this morning he said to just leave him alone and that he would talk to me when he wants too........ (im nervous)

2007-12-27 10:35:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have never done it. He on the other hand probably has a lot of experience (he's been in long relationships and stuff). When we make out it's very hot..he's very impressed and so am I. Now, if he thinks us having sex (making love) will resemble how we make out...he's in for a surprise. I don't know how since I've never done it:) So I'm really scared! (I'm over 18 btw so is he)

What should I do to be ok?

2007-12-27 10:34:03 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

if they think this way or not. but how do u think u can have a successful relationship online without ever seeking, seeing calling etc.. but expect woman to just spill their guts here on line without a trace or even a sound. sorry i find here a stepping stone but not a place to hide..come out where ever u are if want more than have to lower the pride and nderstand that this is not going anywhere just being here.like girl or not?

2007-12-27 10:29:51 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im skinny
I dance
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Nice Tan
5' 4"
Medium Length Hair
Shy when I first meet people
Laughs alot.

2007-12-27 10:21:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

theres this shy guy i have a crush on and well i was talking to him online through messaging and we talked back and forth and then the last message i sent was telling him that winter break is boring and i miss him. I checked to see if he read my message. he read it but he didnt reply. why? it makes me sad thinking maybe he didnt because he doesnt liek me or he doesnt care. please tell me what this might mean. im tired of being sad. Why didnt he reply?

2007-12-27 10:21:08 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous