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Singles & Dating - 24 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

they feel lonely?

2007-12-24 17:31:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm very serious.

I encumber an unyielding feeling of guilt every time I look at girls who aren't in the vicinity of my college.

It's basically like, should guys like me feel guilty when we look at girls that we know are (much?) younger than we are, and think "You know, she's not bad" et cetera.

I can't help but feel like a creep when I see a girl who's 17 or whatever and mentally recognize her physical attractiveness.

I know some people think this question is stupid, but seriously, I do wonder.

I mean I know thinking and doing are two different things. I would never do anything with any of these girls. But is talking to them in a friendly context also kind of wrong?

Assuage my insecurities, or rightly shoot me down! Help! :(

2007-12-24 17:29:11 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Over the past two months I became friends with this girl in physics class. She always makes an effort to talk to me and be nice, and even made me a cd for me a while back after she asked me if I liked a band. She also copied notes for me and asked me my number recently, so we could study together. When we got done studying and I was walking to my car she stopped and picked me up and we talked in her car. We went and got coffee at school the next day after she waited a few mins for me to finish our exam. She also dropped out of her lab project group to be in mine after I couldn't get in hers. She then asked me to goto church with her recently, and we've studied together outside of school. In passing one time she said didn't want a relationship when talking about this guy from church that called her...we've been hanging out for a few weeks now at her house or going out to other places.

2007-12-24 17:12:46 · 3 answers · asked by cracky 2

well i like this guy but the problem is that he doesnt like me only as a fren!!! but all kinds of other (stupid)so called frens of mine are all up on him, them knowing that i like him!!! it gets me soooooo jealous and pissed and makes me want to go slap them!!! other problem is that most of the girls hes gone out wit are (sluts) excuse my language but its true!!!he doesnt realize that!!! and some of my frens that like him only like him cuz of his looks and dont realize how nice and sweet he is!!! it pisses me off cuz they dont even get to know him and they say that they like him that fast!!! it just gets me mad!!!pleaz help me wat can i do for this guy to notice me!!!!????!!!!????!!!???

2007-12-24 17:03:07 · 3 answers · asked by ali 1

when a guy says your beautiful or if he says your cute or if he says your gorgeous or if he says your sexy...what the difference/ is there even a difference.

2007-12-24 16:59:53 · 14 answers · asked by Emily C 1

I love him, but it's not reciprocated that way, and am trying to be his friend. It's really hard but I do want to try.

What do I need to keep in mind so he feels comfortable. Yes, he is very much aware of my feelings.

2007-12-24 16:55:31 · 3 answers · asked by ? 6

Just an observation, not necessarily fact.
What are your views on this?

2007-12-24 16:55:27 · 11 answers · asked by Lettuce 3

Should i phone or sms my crush?

We graduated from school already so theres no chance for me to approach her in person , im planning to get her number from a friend of hers. Were schoolmates but we dont really know each other and ive approached her once b4 but it was kinda bad. Just wanna get to know her.. were both 16 btw ... only thing im worried about is she freaks out and hang up,

if it was you being called , would you freak out?

2007-12-24 16:54:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's a list of things that've happened 2 me. I just want 2 know if a guy can run game so well that it seems like he's interested when he's not or are these things a guy just can't fake?

- Always looks @ me and smiles big time when he walks in front of me 2 the point people look 2 see who he's looking @
-Ran his fingers/hand across my back 1 time when he passed me from behind, when I looked, he stopped & smiled
-When we see each other, he hugs me & sometimes we say goodbye twice w/ hugs when I leave
-Tries 2 make small talk & jokes when his english isn't so good. Always laughs hysterically when something funny happens or when I laugh.
-Finds reasons 2 call me. 1 time he called & then there was this odd silence like he wanted 2 say more but couldn't, yet he didn't hang up
-Always tells me he's been waiting 4 me when I get 2 class
-Spent 15 min. trying 2 find a wine I liked
-Makes me feel special each time we're together
-Lately gives me tight 1 arm side hug but used 2 full body hug

2007-12-24 16:52:19 · 3 answers · asked by darney s 1

ok my bestfriend said this guy i met didnt have a gf we started datin an 2 days later i found out other wise. his gf was my bestfriend and someone told her bout me and him he told me he loved me an would only b wit her for a week longer cuz he said he wouldb there through her grounding cuz they got caught havin sex. he tells me he loves me an he always talks to his friends bout me. i am bestfriends wit his one friend and the guy is falling in love wit me. he tells me everything they talk about (best friend) idk wat to do i am tired of cryin an tired of being confused an hurt someone please help me i need it now more than ever thanks

2007-12-24 16:48:40 · 18 answers · asked by tired of being hurt by him 1

In my younger years, but then we don't want to go there!

2007-12-24 16:41:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfiend just moved an we have been talkin on the comp for awhile. he didn't move far away, just across town. wen ever we talk he always brings sex up. all he ever wants to do is have computer sex. wat can i say 2 him 2 let him kno that i don't want 2

2007-12-24 16:41:29 · 18 answers · asked by sexy girl 2

here's the situation.Im try my best to make a long story short.
Im 23 and my girl is 20.we been together for a year and 3 months.She has my name tatooed on her back.She had a hard life,mom died when she was young and her father was abusive.She has a godmother though that she considers her mother and her family.
Her fam didnt like me for a while cuz I never came and seen them before.They used to say negative stuff.But now they realize that my girl really loves me and now they said they still willing to meet me.My girl said that they never said they didnt like me,they was just mad cuz I aint come see them.She spoke 2 her godmother and she said that she asked was I coming with her to see them on christmas?
Im really nervous cuz I never met a girl family before.Im afraid I might say the wrong things and I dont wanna look stupid or anything.would it be a good idea to go or should I just wait a lil longer to see them

2007-12-24 16:39:14 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i like this boy he is a lil bit older than me and we talk everytime we see one another.He's always smiling when he talks yo me and makes me smile. So what I want to know is how to know a guy likes you?

can you give my details like tell me things he would do or just ask me questions and give me the answers so i know. Like ask if he does this then you can say for the answer that if he does that then he doesnt like you or if he does do that then its a good thing. and if you can give me things i can look out for...

please this is important that i know this...thank you soo much to those who helped

2007-12-24 16:34:15 · 9 answers · asked by ♦sweetest mamita♦ 1

he says he likes me after i told him i liked him. but now he seems to be distant. i am not running after him we just enjoy each other company but. of course i would like to have more. i am a sagittarius.

2007-12-24 16:31:46 · 2 answers · asked by mecca 1

We have been dating for over seven months and its pretty serious. He said he spent all his money on my promise ring he bought a few months back. Is it okay to be mad/ upset/ hurt? Or is it just me over reacting?

2007-12-24 16:28:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you think they are stupid?
do you think they are just hot?
do you think they are stuck up?

plus feel free to add in any other thoughts...

2007-12-24 16:26:45 · 9 answers · asked by -=-==-=-==-=- 4

Like can a woman tell just by talking to a virgin that he is a virgin. Or while they are having intercourse or afterwards can a woman tell if he is/was a virgin

2007-12-24 16:26:08 · 10 answers · asked by One Day 1

my bff's mom doesnt think blacks and whites should date and she told my friend shes not aloud to date anyone unless there white,,i think that is the dumbest thing ever,,why does it matter???i just dont get it and it makes me so mad that some people think thats wrong,,in my opinion its like saying you should stay with ur hair color or somthing lol,,maybe not so much but u get what im saying lol,,i just think as long as the guy/girl is a good person and good to their bf/gf it shouldnt matter,what do you all think???oh and merry Christmas lol

2007-12-24 16:26:06 · 9 answers · asked by ♥Emily♥ 3

What do you like? In the way of Foreplay?

2007-12-24 16:25:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

One day he will be an amazing boyfriend....the most amazing boyfriend a guy could be.....and the next he will have his cell phone turned off so noone can reach him and he wont care that we haven't talked in days. He thinks that people are constantly against him, he is insecure and slightly paranoid, always thinks low of himself....but then gets extremely hyper and active. I love this guy, but his mood changes get me depressed and then once I am feeling stable about the relationship it gets me depressed again bc of his moods. What do I do?

2007-12-24 16:25:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

see he recently got a gf but he flirted with me a couple times before soo, i like him, and idk what to do,

i dont want to take his gf away from him i kind of want to wait for him if its not to long, how should i act in the meantime?

i want to let him kno i like him but i dnt want him to think im clueless that he has a gf.

but at the same time once they breakup i dont want to seem all over him, how should i go about this situation?

thanks <3

2007-12-24 16:24:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've liked this girl for a long time and she liked me back for an even longer time. I was just never physically attracted to her until we got older. Now, time has passed, I never made a move and someone else did. She has a boyfriend that she is in love with and they spend every minute of their free time together. It has been a really long time and I have not moved on....What should I do? It's almost impossible to try to just be friends with her, she doesn't want to hang out with me now that she has a boyfriend......??

2007-12-24 16:23:41 · 12 answers · asked by Pure122 2

I feel like guys only want girls with perfect bodies. What if you just have an average body? Is that like really gross to you?

And ladies if your body is average do you feel really unattractive because it not "really good"

Thanks for any honest opinions

2007-12-24 16:22:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

...or would you rather he pretend he doesn't notice?
...or would you rather he lie to you?

2007-12-24 16:20:48 · 10 answers · asked by Michael S 3

I was with this girl for 1.5 years, we were really good together and everything was fine til she moved like 60 miles away. We saw each other often and it was still working well, but one day she calls and dumps me out of the blue. Right away, literally, she is seeing another guy, so obviously she met him while she was still with me and did it all behind my back, and they're going out a week or two later. She says she never cheated, but she lied often about anything and everything, and i have no idea what actually went on behind my back, if they did anything sexual or not. I ask this because now, after a few months, she is contacting me again, telling me how she misses us, and thinks about us and our memories and hinting she may want to try it again. Before I even consider this, should I write her off as a cheater/player? Maybe i'm crazy, but i'm not so sure i wouldn't give her another chance, but i generally have zero tolerance for cheating. What do you think?

2007-12-24 16:09:57 · 30 answers · asked by Jack B 1

So I am 21 years old almost 22 and I still can't be out after 1030pm without hearing a lecture or getting yelled at from my dad. Since he, in my opinion, is so strict I have snuck out a few times in order to go out with friends and such. I just recently found out that he knows that I sneak out, doesnt say anything to me but loves making some kind of joke of it by telling other ppl (aka my aunt and my mom) that he knows I do. One, do I have a right to be mad that he has to tell my aunt this? Two shouldn't I just be able to stay out late? I hate that I have to sneak out and lie in order to have fun once in a while and I have tried talking to him before(like before i ever snuck out) and he just said no and that if I want to leave I can get out. Rules are rules after all. lol. Oh and by the way in his "defense" we are indian and kids are suppose to obey the rents till they are married off... And three should I just continue sneaking out when I need too even though now I know he knows?

2007-12-24 16:07:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know, maybe it was my parents who instilled this in me as they continued to reject dating and any guy that gave me a 2nd look unless *they* picked him out, but now that i'm all alone, i feel that maybe I should be nicer to someone that checks me out by smiling or something? I just feel that i'm sorta very specific and no guy would work out unless it was *the* guy (i come from an arab family that doesnt really emphasize dating but just first time marriages at a kinda young age) and then i kinda dismiss him....

but i do want to get to know someone. i mean for me, all growing up done in america, it's hard to find someone that isn't so 'traditional' but still knows my background. then again maybe because i'm silently rejecting ppl before i even say hello, this is hurting any chances i would have had? i mean i dont want to be a ho but at the same time being lonely sucks.

2007-12-24 16:03:47 · 10 answers · asked by sarah 4