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Singles & Dating - 22 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

because i haven't met one yet.

2007-12-22 14:05:16 · 45 answers · asked by snowangels 2

For some reson I am able to talk to people who I hate but people who I don't hate I feel weird about talking to them. How can I get past that???? I am sooooo sadd!!!! :((

2007-12-22 13:55:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok heres the deal this girl is about 9 months older than me and i AM 15. she usually dates guys alot older than her and just broke up with her 20 year old boyfriend. Her best friend told me that she would go out with me if she wasn't dating the other guy and now she isnt. We had a winter formal last nite and i wasent going to go but she really wanted me to go so we went together. The first part she seemed like she was having fun but the last hour or so she barely even looked at me. There was a guy there who she use to like alot but they never dated. He kinda screwed around with her they have held hands and he has gotten really close to her but they never dated made out or anything like that. He is moving away but he will still be around or school alot all though he wont be attending school with us. Me and this girl had been friends but never really gotten this close until this year. She got me a nice shirt for my birthday and she might give me something that she had for her old

2007-12-22 13:50:54 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

what does it mean when a guy friend says he is comfortable hanging out with you that he is happy and relaxed when spending time with you? does he likes you too?

2007-12-22 13:49:30 · 6 answers · asked by blue_angel08 1

keep in mind that he also has 2 nieces older than she is!!

2007-12-22 13:49:21 · 30 answers · asked by amber h 1

there is this guy who im really good friends with even when he was dating his old gf! im the reason why he broke up with her but were not dating at all although when ever i see him i always kiss or we makeout. well anyways i know he likes this other girl who he dated freshman year and i know he cant pick between her and me . so i just dont know what to do! i mean i dont have a prob. with the other girl i just want to date him you know!! what should i do?

2007-12-22 13:45:21 · 15 answers · asked by puppylove12_2 1

i like this guy, and im almost certain he likes me too, we talk almost daily and when we do we laugh a lot. What can i do thats SUBTLE that will let him know i like him too, and will let him know he can make a move or something like that

2007-12-22 13:44:18 · 3 answers · asked by Sushilove 2

Why would anyone get pregnant by a man who has children by multiple women. I work with a gal who has just had a baby with a black man and he has 7 children with multiple other women. What happens? Are they just too stupid to use birth control?

2007-12-22 13:36:17 · 13 answers · asked by happydawg 6

we have been going out for 4 months, and his ex gf just came back 2 work in october, and she was gone 2 rehab after the broke up in May. We all work 2gether, n he started this whole drama, n he got in troubel at work about her, but he says he hates her! Im not worried about her, bc she doesnt call him or anything and he doesnt call her thank god which im sure is due to teh fact that he is stubborn. But lately ive been noticing him staring at her at work. He doesn't think i know but my friend told me, n now i have been noticing. Why is he doing that? ps-i asked him about this n he thinks im crazy n he claims he hates her

2007-12-22 13:34:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i dont know where to start!

i met this bloke a few weeks ago-he lives relatively far away so i have only seen him 3 times.

i am 24 and have had MANY failed relationships (mostly due to me getting bored!!!!)

but with this new bloke i feel ''different'' there seems to be something special about him and i cant put my finger on it but i really like him-my friends cant believe i actually like some1 as normally i am not that bothered!!!

when i think about my feelings for him i get tearful/worried that things will go wrong and im scared because i haven't ever felt like this before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP, whats going on!!!!

2007-12-22 13:32:33 · 11 answers · asked by BscHons 6

We have been going out for 10 months he is 23 and I'm 20. We both have jobs and we have a very stable relationship. Now I know for sure that he is my significant other half, we are so similar and think alike aswel. I am ready to spend the rest of our lives together. Now we have talked about moving in together in a couple of months, but he is not sure, He says he thinks it will take the fun out of seeing if we could live together when we are married, I also told him that it will be a good way to see if we will be able to live together for the rest of our lives, but he asked me if I don't think that we will be able to live together, so I said to him No I believe we will be able to live together for the rest of our lives. He wants me to tell him why I think it is a good idea to move in together, any ideas please?

2007-12-22 13:28:26 · 28 answers · asked by anonomous 2

I am the only person that my boyfriend can stand up to it seems. We've been together for almost 2 years. There have been girls that have tried to break us up, and instead of being assertive and telling them to back off and letting them know they're disrespectful he just avoids them. Towards his friends, he lets them call him his little ***** and stuff and walk all over him. Towards me though, he stands up for himself a lot. He has called me a ***** before; if something bothers me he tells me that I need to deal with it; he's hung up the phone on me; he's never done that to anyone but me. He says that it's my fault that he's mean to me, that I bring that out in him. Why is it he is like that towards me, but towards anyone else, he lets them walk all over him?

2007-12-22 13:25:38 · 22 answers · asked by LateBloomer 2

okay so theres this guy..
she used to like this girl a lot.
but she told him that she liked someone else.
and he became sad. and i was there by his side.
because were friends obviously.
and then i kind of started to like him. and hes been giving me more attention more then usual. and stopping by my lockerr..
and talking to me more
and sitting with me at lunchh.
i kind of think hes starting to like me too.
because when we had an assembly he kept on looking at me.
what do you guys think?

2007-12-22 13:18:54 · 23 answers · asked by LEAH 3

If she says: you are mine!
Is it gonna make you feel owned, controlled, imprisoned?!
or you will like it?

2007-12-22 13:18:25 · 14 answers · asked by a fantasy 1


me and this girl have started 'hanging out' and stuff... we have both admitted we like eachother....but have not taken it further...yet...

i was just wondering as its prob not possible for us to meet up again before christmas for me to give her a physical christmas present...do you think its a good idea to kinda do her a ''online mixed tape''...e-mail her the links/websites to songs that remind me of her, and the lyrics to them??

kinda sounds ...geeky...so im not sure...i mean they're good songs and all...but you know...

any advice much appreciated!

2007-12-22 13:14:18 · 9 answers · asked by bass player 4


2007-12-22 13:10:05 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i just got my heart broken :(
what can i do to get over himm?

2007-12-22 13:02:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's a good quote for someone who likes another guy but he has a girlfriend?

This is about my friend L. She's liked the same guy for 5 years! She's always sad about it and she's not being herself especially since he has a girlfriend. To make things worse, his girlfriend HATES L! What can she do?

Sashay [[Loves Joe Jonas]]

2007-12-22 12:59:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

like some thing to tell her to turn her on.

2007-12-22 12:45:08 · 32 answers · asked by blah127 1

just because i dont hate my life? and i think im pretty?

2007-12-22 12:42:50 · 12 answers · asked by kara 2

I am a 19 year old straight, white male, and I usually wear girls clothes skirts, dresses, and tights. I wear my hair either straightened or in one or two ponytails, and shave all the hairy areas. I have had girlfriends who completely loved the way that I looked and dressed, but my most recent one moved away so we broke up, and I was wondering how many girls are into feminized guys? I look very good in girls clothes, and always dress very fashionable, one of my favorite outfits is a sweater, denim skirt, leggings, and uggs. Please no stupid comments from narrowminded people, and again I am a 19 year old, straight, white male.

2007-12-22 12:41:33 · 29 answers · asked by bballfan117 3

2007-12-22 12:40:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

How would you define a good girlfriend? What would she do, say.

No jokes please, seriously what would make someone a good girlfriend.

2007-12-22 12:38:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

k well i have a boyfriend and i spent $60 on his present, but im olny 15 is that 2 much.

2007-12-22 12:35:37 · 37 answers · asked by KEniLYnBABY! 2

Here is the deal. Let us say you have a crush on this guy, and he does not have a clue. What are the signs he should have seen - like things he could catch you doing to tell by? A good friend of mine says her friend likes me and she is 'showing it to me', but I can't see it. Or is my friend just strangely jealous?

2007-12-22 12:22:46 · 3 answers · asked by highthoughts 4

help ill chose u for the best answer ok i like him so they dared meh should i really do it this other guy told me they will give me five bucks lolz & my other friends dont think ill do it???? help plz

2007-12-22 12:19:18 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My bf is kinda shy and he hasnt really had a serious gf either.....i dont think hes ever kissed a girl and ive never kissed a guy




2007-12-22 12:16:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which gum or breathmint kills ur bad breath like for long hours.

2007-12-22 12:15:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Um Im a guy and my best friend(guy) hang out alot together, but when we do, he always makes me jealous on purpose. He shows me his cell phone contacts list, shows me his aim and stuff, and he shows me pics of his girl and him making out. It makes me so jealous, he has like alotta girls and I have none, he tells me girls are just supposed to be used and that they like it better if you act like a agressive boy rather than respect them... He says u can be going out with more girls than one as long as the other one doesnt find out, and tht most girls expect u to do this, I dont have any girlfriends, girls think Im really annoying, innocent but they can see that I am athletic and smart. I think that women should be treated with respect, and that they're amazing ppl, I dont think what saying is true, can someone plz explain this to me, prefereably a girl so I can see how u girls think?

2007-12-22 12:14:17 · 32 answers · asked by Dhoopy 3