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Singles & Dating - 22 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

how long should I wait before I start dating her?

2007-12-22 02:28:04 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay yes...awkward. i know but why is this. i also feel like my boobs have been gotten bigger...so why am i getting the sudden urge to do certaint stuff with a guy ;)

2007-12-22 02:27:27 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

There's a girl I like - we're just friends. But she didn't reply to my last text today, asking if she's going anywhere for holidays. Sometimes she's like this though - not replying to texts. But other times she would reply.

Is it bad? What should I do? What should I text tomorrow?

2007-12-22 02:26:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like OKAY, I might be shyer than my twin sister but that's doesn't mean I'm totally boring. I mean I might not be the most funnest talkative girl in the world but seriously, why did god make me this way? My sister got out of her shyness a little bit I mean she knows what fun is, but me, I'm just a stupid idiot who has nothing fun to talk about, I mean I am fun but my boyfriend's best friend was joking about how He went out with the wrong one. Ugh.. I dunno.. does anybody else find it alot offensive when someone calls you boring? Has anybody ever been called boring?!

2007-12-22 02:22:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

what would be the best way...............?

2007-12-22 02:15:32 · 7 answers · asked by atl_red_angel 1

I think that girls don't fart due to evolutionary reasons.

In the caveman days there were 2 types of girls - farting and non-farting.

But the farting ones turned men off too much, so they never reproduced. So their farting DNA was not passed on.

The non-farting ones did attract men, reproduced, so passed on their non-farting DNA.

It's survival of the fittest/non-fartiest.

2007-12-22 02:15:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i've been dating a 39 year old man. i've learned that he has cheated on every girl he ever dated except the 8 mth relationship before me. he called me three days after that relationship ended and said 'call me, i'm single'. my question is, do you think he has a pattern? is it possible for a person that has always cheated to find 'the one' and settle him? or do you think it will continue to happen. he is constantly talking to women on the phone and email. he has so many email accounts I don't even know how many. eternal bachelor?

2007-12-22 02:04:32 · 4 answers · asked by jolly 1

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 years. Just recently during intercourse he'll just start all of the sudden laughing. I ask him what hes laughing at and why hes laughing and all he says is it just feels good, but i dont get why he laughs if it feels good? He does it almost everytime if not everytime we are having intercourse. What does this mean? Some please help me i dunno whats wrong. What is he laughing at? I dont understand.

2007-12-22 01:57:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-12-22 01:54:11 · 4 answers · asked by ast 1

2007-12-22 01:50:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so there is this kid that attends my high school. Hes not the best looking guy but hes good enough for me. I've known him since we first started high school and now im in 10th grade. We are friends and i have a class with him. Though we dont speak to each other a lot. Just a conversation every other day. I really like this kid and i want to tell him but when this other girl i know told him that she like him last year he just said pain out no to her and said he was sorry. I dont want to get rejected by this kid. For that is one of my biggest fears. So should i tell him or should i just keep it to myself.

2007-12-22 01:49:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Theres this girl whom ive seen around in school quite a number of times, and only recently in which we've become acquainted with one another. Is catching her looking at you more than once a sign that she likes you? Sometimes i can tell she's looking at me and i just dont look back. We've only had one short one-one convo before, but made some eye contact in there. Help?

2007-12-22 01:31:16 · 8 answers · asked by lamecorn 1

to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?

2007-12-22 01:26:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My girl flatmate and me are really close and always show a lot of effection to each other always hugging and holding each other etc. I really like her and I think she likes me because we have kissed and gone further but not had sex. I told her that i really like her and want to go out with her but she said no and when i asked why she said did like me but didnt wan't to go out with me and we good as friends then said what if things went wrong and we still had to live togther.

My question is do you think thats the only reason she didn't say yes? because the things we have done I would not do unless i really liked the person unless thats just me acting like im old fashioned lol if that is the only reason what could i do to convince her otherwise?

All opinions are welcome.

2007-12-22 01:26:38 · 14 answers · asked by Kevin S 1

No make believes. No dreamers. No braggers. No wishful thinkers.

2007-12-22 01:25:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know the guy and hes pretty cool, and i know for a fact that they are strictly friends. But its still bothering me somehow, i think she did it because she looks good in the picture...

2007-12-22 01:19:31 · 30 answers · asked by Jimmy 2

Well I draw a really good portrate of the girl i liked for christmas (as a present which is yet to be opened and found out). It turned out a really good sketched out and coloured picture of her beautiful head and long wavy hair (i'm talking like 90% real life looking, talented art), that's how i expressed my feelings... Lol

What and how would you feel if i did that to you Ladies?

2007-12-22 01:17:51 · 5 answers · asked by The B 2

We were dating but my parents don't like him because he's at Africa & I'm at UK, I thought we loved each other but i was on my way to school with a friend on a morning & my mate said something funny about my bf's mate & I burst out laughing while talking to my bf on the phone & he accused my friend & I of laughing at his friends & him and we had a fight. That was a week ago & we haven't talked to each other since then. I think he has ditched me and it hurts because I still love him and I miss him. What should I do? Please help me.

2007-12-22 01:11:55 · 23 answers · asked by Osie 1

what will be his career?
at what location will i find him?

2007-12-22 00:47:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a guy has a girlfriend and he wants to visit a girl he is friendly with in another country..like take vacation to see her..does he have feelings for her? Lets say they have had something intimate in the past..like kissed & flirted (before his present girlfriend), doesnt that mean that he still probably has feelings for her and that the girl he is going out with is not his 'true love'? Opinions please. (Im a girl by the way..ignore the avatar):)

2007-12-22 00:46:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Single used to mean you were not married...whether you had a significant other, bf/gf, etc...you were single.
Now, people say "single" to mean available/mateless.
When did it change?

2007-12-22 00:45:48 · 17 answers · asked by Digital Age 6

2007-12-22 00:42:16 · 22 answers · asked by qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmoooooo 1

I'm having a recent long distance relationship with my boyfriend and I've talked about one of my female friend who is suffering from loneliness and who's living near his place.
After a couple of weeks, he asked me recently if she had anything planned for the new year celebration, because him and his friends (male) are throwing a party and she could come to meet some new people..
I had a weird feeling.. why do you think?
Is it jealousy? Is it normal?

2007-12-22 00:40:18 · 17 answers · asked by Azucar 1

help guys!!! I went out with a friend of whom i really like shopping this past week...and we are both in relationships...i sorta playfully dropped a couple of lines like you are very pretty and i think you are wonderful...stuff like that...anyways I told her that I was ending my current relationship...just not at christmas...like shortly after....and she mentioned she is a little fed up with her current situation. So when can i tell her how I feel? what are my next possible steps??

2007-12-22 00:33:32 · 3 answers · asked by slicky23 1

2007-12-22 00:32:32 · 11 answers · asked by Supadan 2

contradicts or complements ur style? but on a second thought people of same interest flock together,,,,,,,so how do you relate these two?

2007-12-22 00:20:39 · 15 answers · asked by Love 2

okay so me and this guy i like got drunk a few weeks afo and started kissing a little. i didnt mean for it to happen...it just kinda did. but we are hanging out again tonight and i don't want the same thing to happen. i want him to ask me out.

what can i do to hint to him that i only hook up with my bf?

also what should i do/say if he tries to kiss me?

2007-12-22 00:12:22 · 10 answers · asked by emilyy 2