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Singles & Dating - 22 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating


2007-12-22 09:38:22 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok ...so me n this guy have been dating for about 5 months now....my guyfriend (who is friends with my bf and is my best friend) is sort of...acting different. He doesnt like to see my bf hug me or give me a little kiss or even put his arm around me. Once we were watching a movie n my bf had his arm around me and he slid right in the middle...i have to say it was kinda funny but my bf didnt think much of it. My best friends just always looking out for me..especially with guys..he doesnt really like the fact i have a bf at the moment ...but its starting to bug me....he calls me all the time and thats fine hes like a brother to me....thats wat i tell him .....but i cant talk to him constanly anymore...i have a bf n i dont want him getting the wrong idea....wat should i do? am i wrong to wanna kinda step back from my best friend? i dont wanna lose him...i just want him to calm down a little n try to get uesed to the fact. wat should i do?

2007-12-22 09:37:52 · 9 answers · asked by Blueeyedbaby 2

I figure if he lies about little **** theres no tellin what kind of major **** he lies about!! I have proof but I dont know if I should reveal where I get my info from.

2007-12-22 09:33:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont really have any luck when it comes to guys.My recent ex left me for someone ale.Do you think i will eventually find the right gut?

2007-12-22 09:31:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont really have any luck when it comes to guys.My recent ex left me for someone ale.Do you think i will eventually find the right gut?

2007-12-22 09:31:15 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm Thirteen years old and I really like these two guys.Both of these guys are great and i see myself being with one of them for a long time.Is it too early to be thinking about having sex.Is thirteen too young?what age do you think i should do it

2007-12-22 09:30:35 · 24 answers · asked by I walk Alone 2

2007-12-22 09:30:16 · 55 answers · asked by Anonymous

We're friends and, well, people always tease us (cuz we're always 2gether in the halls at school) saying that we make a cute couple. well, when people say things like that the thoughts eventually pop into your head, and i started getting feelings for her. on friday her friend asked why we were always together and if i would consider going out with her(the girl i like)

The problem is... I have a bad past with rushing into relationships so i considered taking this slowly, so when her friend asked that, i got nervous and defensive and instead of saying "maybe" i said "no, i only like her as a friend, that's it" she looked a little disappointed and said "...[sigh] okay..."
We just started christmas break so i can't talk to her friend for another 2 weeks to fix what i said.
How can i tell if this girl i like already spoke with her friend?(without asking!!!)
and if she did, how can i let her know that i DO like her without making her think that i'm just playling some kind of game?

2007-12-22 09:27:00 · 1 answers · asked by Redinez 1

okays a guy friend told me this "____ for you i'd do anything...
maybe not ANYTHING but more than you would imagine." (the blank is my name)
^what is that suppose to mean?
he tells me he likes me all the time and he calls me cute like playfully he asks me "___, why are you so cutee?" he also remembers the things i tell him. when other guys flirt with me, he gets mad most of the time and so now none of his guy friends dare to talk to me. then again i never really talked to most of them to begin with. and this one time i got vey angry at him and didnt talk to him for a week. my friends told me he was sad the whole time and kept asking me why i wasnt talking to him. at the end he imed me apologizing for everything he did and told me he couldnt stand not talking to me for this long and bunch of stuff. so i forgave him...

everyone keeps telling me he likes me... in your opinion does he?

2007-12-22 09:22:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think Mr. Right is gonna come to you on a Golden plate?

Don't you think you have to Fight to have this privilege?
Modern women you got to struggle to grab the chance of having Mr. Right, he's a rare item nowadays, a lot of competition is going to find him.

What do you say?

2007-12-22 09:19:44 · 15 answers · asked by ? 6

when i talk to my boyfriend on the phone at night hes like "walk down here"
so i tell him no because we live a good distance apart, and then hes like "let me call you back in like, 2 minutes"
well he calls back about a half hour later...
this happens almost every night.
and he always gets "beeps" from girls on the phone at night, too.
im starting to think that just because i wont walk down, hes gonna call someone else up that lives closer and cheat on me with them.

how can i know .?
oh, and he's on probation therefore he cant walk down to my house... :/

plus, this girl sent me a message (his ex who hates me because im dating him now) and said this
: http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa2/halle_v/cheatingNOT.jpg

which i doubt since they're both, well, "not his type"

please help ]:

2007-12-22 09:18:33 · 7 answers · asked by halleee_xox 4

ok, im dateing this guy and i find out this other guy likes me. he found out that i found out that he likes me, and now he won't stop calling me.
WHAT DO I DO?!??!?!??!?!?!?!

2007-12-22 09:12:12 · 15 answers · asked by supersexy 1

And no he's not staring at me because he doesn't like my hair or clothes and I've never have had anything stuck in my teeth, lol. His look seems like an admiring look, but how can I know for sure without asking him or someone else? When I pass him he looks at me, doesn't say hi, and then as soon as I make eye contact with him he looks away. I like him a lot and want to go out with him, but I don't want to ask him for the risk of him saying no or worse that he already has a girlfriend. Also, I usually like to wait for the guy to ask me out (call me old fashion but I'm really not at all like that) because I don't want to make him feel insecure even though I don't think he would feel that way. I think he's too afraid to ask me out. Maybe we could become better friends first. Is there anyway to become better friends with this guy (btw I work with him)?

2007-12-22 09:08:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you be more likely to want an ex-gf is she goes above and beyond calling & texting you letting you know how much she wants you back OR would you want her back more if she just stopped calling and didn't congtact you at all and started dating s/o else?

(I really want me ex-bf back and have tried calling and texting quite a bit letting him know how I feel about him and that I want him back - he broke up w/ me b/c we got pretty serious about each other pretty quick & it really scared him - i KNOW he misses me and has strong feelings for me - anyway, that hasn't worked and the last text I sent told him I was going on a date and wouldn't go if he told me not to - he didn't respond. Do I have a better chance getting him back by leaving things the way they are and letting him think I am moving on or should I send him another text letting him know I still want him back???)

Which approach would make you more likely to want to get back together???

2007-12-22 09:07:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i know the obvious answer but im not talking about that. lets keep this non X rated. :D if you are sitting on the cough with them and he puts his arm around you.. what is he expecting?

2007-12-22 09:03:35 · 4 answers · asked by ask me a question! 2

she says its certain things a guy does to make her trust them what is it? how can i prove to her im trust worthy?

2007-12-22 09:01:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I go out on a date with a guy, we have a great time and we agree to see each other the very next weekend. We talk on the phone or through IM all week leading up to that weekend. Then Friday comes around and he never calls or talks to me again. What is up with that? If he didn't like me then why did he continue to talk to me after that date!

2007-12-22 09:00:10 · 4 answers · asked by splattered12 2

how often do u finger urself plz tell me its important it can save my relationship dont ask how but just anwser me

2007-12-22 08:57:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

There us this boy who I really like and I think he might like me back. On the last day of school, he mentioned me to my friend in another period and she says I was the subject of their conversation for a while. She said that he told his other friend that I was nice. Is it possible he likes me?

2007-12-22 08:57:35 · 3 answers · asked by gmoya 3

The guy I like from church is helping my dad build a car, and he's coming over during the holiday break. Should I talk to him and hang out with them? What should I do? Help!

2007-12-22 08:49:04 · 27 answers · asked by Dallas Cowboys 2


i love Jeremy. my AMAZING boyfriend.
i've found my prince charming....<3

2007-12-22 08:47:47 · 9 answers · asked by emmy asdfjkl; 3

i really like him and he's a really good friend!!!

2007-12-22 08:37:48 · 12 answers · asked by Tamara C 1

I am dating an older man that was just divorced I am in love with him and he loves me also. He is 36 and I am 21. He has a 4 year old son that I adore. I am just seeking some opinion on whether or not we should move in together we have been talking for 9 months but he just got divorced officially last week. We have so much in common and get along better than me and my friends do. I really want to move in with him what do you think?

2007-12-22 08:34:40 · 7 answers · asked by JD 2

Tomorrow we're having a family get-together for Christmas.

And i'm nervous. Lol I'm really really shy so how can I act more outgoing?

2007-12-22 08:30:35 · 24 answers · asked by iLoveHim<33 1

expected them too.

2007-12-22 08:30:19 · 12 answers · asked by louise d 6

I have been seeing him for 4 months. I care about him a lot. He assures me that he does not want her back and he does not even feel the same about her. She has never ask him to go back but she calls him all the time, needs his help on things, when she thinks Im at his house she drives by. How do I handel this?

2007-12-22 08:24:26 · 4 answers · asked by runponi 1

we've been together for about a month & a half, but we've known each other much longer.
he already has my present, and im about to go buy his.
i just wanted some opinions on what guys like for christmas...
i serioulsy have no idea i feel so stupid!!

about him:
he loves bmxing and is into rockish music..
he ALWAYS smels good so i really dont want to get him cologne.
and basically hes just a really awesome guy.

my cousins girlfriend got him a build-a-bear once that was wearing a cute little shirt that said i love you and also gave him some candy.
idk if thats the type guys like or what..

so please help me :]

happy holidays everyone!

2007-12-22 08:23:09 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

there is this boy that i really like and i flirt with him all the time are there any sure ways that i can know if he really likes me back?

2007-12-22 08:21:14 · 28 answers · asked by K B 1

2007-12-22 08:20:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-22 08:16:22 · 21 answers · asked by ♥Nancy-SRB♥ 5