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Singles & Dating - 15 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

ok so i wanna ask this girl out and like im not shy but i just dont know what to say to her. i wanna ask out her to the movies but i just dont know what to say !! o and also if i ask her out then does that mean shes my girlfriend ? help me pleaz : (

2007-04-15 11:01:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

guy 1: lives at home ok job he's the bad boy
guy 1: divorced owns his house 4 year old daugter great job somewhat dorky

who is the better match?

2007-04-15 10:59:29 · 18 answers · asked by monmon 1

My sister broke up with her college boyfriend last year than roughly eleven months ago, she meets a mutal friend of theirs and than finds out he moved to her home town 6 months ago, while he has not tried to contact her , he occasionally rags on her on his myspace page, and someone told me that he saw her in a bar and he got upset that she was happy and did not speak to him , I have no clue how to help her

2007-04-15 10:57:32 · 5 answers · asked by cdog61 2

how/why is it seem like the same thing time after time if a man does not hang around a woman they automaticly think the reason he does not wont to be with me is because I'm to fat / too ugly Or some thing close to that, I understand That They wont to look pretty for the man in there lifes, But G Come on why can't they think that is has to do with something other then that, however that's that the case here, there's two other reasons then that, & why can't she see that's she doing what she doing wrong, I under stand that she can't read my mind But that has nothing to do with it, it seems like she can't see what she's doing here, & 1 is that she ask me to borrow $30.00 for exsample & she would pay me back $100.00 & then tells me a date that she will give that money back to me,but when the date comes she's no where to be found, 2, she's never hardly around to find & then tell's me I never hardly come around, need to find way to say what the probem is with out making her fell bad,even

2007-04-15 10:56:45 · 1 answers · asked by song_lyricsman 1

my bf and i have been going out for like 4 weeks and he has never kissed anyone before so thats why im not ready also i made out with his friend once so if i kiss him then they will tease me all the time.

2007-04-15 10:50:23 · 1 answers · asked by Michelle 3

we've been going on 9 months now and we love eachother. Ive been offered a job in another state. She wants to come with me. is it too soon?

2007-04-15 10:23:56 · 7 answers · asked by ninjuggalo182 1

a few months back, a guy friend and i flirted about hooking up. the thing is he has a gf overseas and he is actually engaged to her since I helped him get the ring. we exchanged a few words about getting together like where we do it, and if we would use protection, etc. The problem is that I told him i was falln in luv with him and he told me that it was best that i focus on someone else. anyway a few days later, I texted him to wish him Happy New Year's and he didn't text back and i got upset and called him a dog. I then wrote him a note apologizing to him and
suggested that we stop texting each other about sex. A few weeks later, he looked at me like he was angry but still said hi. I emailed him saying asking him if he was still upset and that it might be best that we treat each other as coworkers. he replied back and told me that i was too weird and that he was just jokin and that i should get some friends and a bf. Now we hardly talk anymore and just say hi awkwardly.

2007-04-15 10:21:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

If your man is working all the time monday to sunday would you(A) leave him and find somebody who will be more convienent to be with you? or (B) just except that he is a hard working man and doing what he has to do for you and him for the future?

2007-04-15 10:21:09 · 13 answers · asked by kisha 1

Well basicly theres this guy who lives down my lane who i like but hes 16, will he go out with me?
Now obviously i'm asking your opinion but just to give ya some back ground, i know some young girls get taken advantage of but hes not like that and i'm not like that, if ya think ile be out of my league, please award with me some smarts, id never sleep with anyone untill i was 16

2007-04-15 10:18:45 · 15 answers · asked by George1008 1

When you have met someone you like after several dates or on a one night stand, have you ever been so turned off after seeing them naked you had to make your excuses and leave?

2007-04-15 10:17:08 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous


what are some ways you can tell if your girlfriend is cheating on you?
My girlfriend isnt cheating on me, but im just wondering

2007-04-15 10:16:30 · 5 answers · asked by Bernie 1

K, I want to lose weight to get the attraction of this dude that I have liked for almost 4 years. I asked him out last year, and he never answered, and now this ***** who is my best friends friend told him, and he said to my friend that he doesnt care that I like him. Back to the weight. I cant get him, or my weight off my mind. He said that he wanted a g/f that was 96 pounds, (Not to my face, it was a activity in church.) and I am SO not that. I am 147 pounds, 5'2, and I know that that weight is so not healthy, but I do want to get slimer. I really want him to like me. I would say no to him if he ever started liking me if I were to change apperance, and I will, but I really want to lose weight. How do I do it, and posibly by June? FYI I am about to b 14, and I really think I might . . . Love him. I just dont know what to do. What do I do about the weight? I mean what are some ways to lose it and get real results? Please b serious. Thanku for answering.

2007-04-15 10:13:37 · 7 answers · asked by Star 3

if an 18 year old girl who is in a steady relationship with someone she loves very much (and who loves her) got pregnant, would you advise that person to have the baby or not?

Also, this girl is planning on going to university in the near future, but the guy is willing to look after the baby while she is in uni.

2007-04-15 10:12:23 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just want to tell you about my relationship, and i want HONEST peoples, opinions.. I am 18, and im with a man, 20 years older than me.. i'm not happy with the age difference, but, we met when doing our drag racing and it just happened, were so happy together and nothing could change it. He already has children, whom i have not met yet, but in due time i will. We have almost been together a year now. And i love him to pieces..opinions?... i live at home, and he lives with his 3 kids, and currently his ex who is moving out..and i know this, so i'm not worried. How can i show him i love him, tomorrow when i see him. x

2007-04-15 10:11:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

ages 30-40

2007-04-15 10:06:51 · 3 answers · asked by coffeebean 1

a friend of mine has to choose between prom or the combine where football scouts will be..hes a good football player with a chance to play in college but he also wants to go to prom with a girl he really likes..what to do?????

2007-04-15 10:04:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been dumped by 6 girls in a row. That's not the problem. The problem is that they all dumped me and there mad at me when I asked to stay friends. I don't do anything mean to them and I try to respect them as best I can. What could be some reasons why they would be mad at me? Regret? Jealousy that I have moved on? Am I just a bad person (ok I know you don't know me but could that be it?) What are the most probable reasons why?

2007-04-15 10:02:57 · 17 answers · asked by outlaw92024 1

This girl I like was chewing gum on our date at the movies.The thing is, she never chews gum at school.Was she just being prepared to have good breathe incase I went to kiss her?

She was also laughing at my jokes more than usual.

She was wanting to take a picture on her phone,of me and she told me to smile, because she said that I look much cuter when I smile.

Does this girl like me pretty well?

Were also both shy and were both 17. Thought you might've needed to know that info.

2007-04-15 09:58:59 · 15 answers · asked by boofpoof2 2

On shows on American Tv you feel like everybody secretly hates each other.

2007-04-15 09:57:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I started dating my current boyfriend on Thursday. On Friday he came up behind me 3 times that morning and hugged me. Then Friday afternoon he kissed me on the cheek, then a few minutes later he kissed my hand, then a few more minutes later he kissed my forehead. I talked to him for almost and hour Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. my bff says we skipped some stuff like dates n holding hands,etc & that maybe we should slow down. do u agree or not? why?

2007-04-15 09:56:05 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

so i need an idea of what to do for me and my bf's 6 months.i want something creative and under 30 dollars or so.ive done tons of pic ideas and ive made cds...what can i do/make for him.go into as much detail as possible.thanks a ton.

(weve been on and off for 2 years but this is our first official 6 months)

do NOT say sex....im saving up for marriage.and i want something i can actually give him..not just an i love you or whatever.

2007-04-15 09:49:37 · 31 answers · asked by me 2

I am a nice girl: I am funny, intelligent and nice looking (said by people other than my mum). I have a problem though: I don´t like to socialize in clubs and stuff: I don´t drink or smoke, so don´t really like to hang out with people who drink a lot... even when I go out ONLY DRUNK GUYS come near me. I am a virgin cos it´s been ages since last boyfriend, but I would really like to meet somebody. Where can I meet guys more or less like me??!! PLEASE I DON´T WANNA DIE A VIRGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love answers from women who were like me and now have a happy family. (To make things worse I love kids).

2007-04-15 09:48:03 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have fallen in love with someone i have never seen before...so u see love doesnt have to be "love at first sight", but could be "love at in dreams".....i feel really connected with her and i actually travelled over 8,000 miles just to go see her but instead it was a foolish move? i did not see nor could find her.....the problems is, SHE NEVER RESPOND to any kind of messages..........im really lost here, but i havent given-up hope yet. NO MATTER WHAT, i won't give up.....i just wanna know why's my love life have no sense to it?

2007-04-15 09:46:26 · 25 answers · asked by <_> 2

If you had the choice between the guy who works 60 hours a week, always comes home after work, doesn't drink or do drugs and the bike riding, beer chuging dope smoker....

Who would you choose?

2007-04-15 09:45:05 · 11 answers · asked by Mortis 3

instead of for the ones that will treat them right

2007-04-15 09:40:16 · 18 answers · asked by Seth K 1

when I'm woeing about being single, my friends say I don't "put myself out there" enough. Well, I'm already talkative and friendly, so what exactly is "putting yourself out there" besides that?

2007-04-15 09:39:13 · 7 answers · asked by LuvUrGirl 3

2007-04-15 09:36:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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