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Singles & Dating - 3 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Do you need to cut the hair for better aural? Can a q-tip help oral?

2007-01-03 17:07:17 · 1 answers · asked by PartyTime 5

I mean they're not afraid to have sex with us and see us naked but watching us go pee freaks them out. Yet we deal with them pulling over on the side of the road to let them "take a leak"!

2007-01-03 17:05:34 · 32 answers · asked by Barlow 6

Hi all,

I am actually having good feelings with this guy that is 2 years younger than me. We can chat and talk about almost anything in life and I feel really comfortable with him around in my life.

He is my colleague and we are working in the same project last year. We work overseas and stay in the same company condominium. It was like seeing him everday during work and back home at condo. We were terribly close until everyone around us sometimes wonder whether we are a couple.

There is 1 barrier that makes the whole thing not working. He say he goes for looks and cute girls. He knew its not really right to see things in this way but he still can't let go that desire. He told me that maybe that is his childish thinking and he is not ready for any relationship yet.

The question here is, should I continue to treat him really good and hope that he realises that looks really is not that important after all? Should I gamble in things that I am not sure whether it will work out?

2007-01-03 17:05:25 · 16 answers · asked by nOt gIvIng uP 1

I've just realized after months of flirting and being close with a guy i liked that im falling in love. He treats me like he really cares for me but we never talk about how we feel about each other. So i can never be sure, even though his actions say he does i just dont know. I dont want to fool myself into thinking he does care for me when its just a bit of fun for him but the way his with me is quite intimate. Due to circumstances we cant really be together right now, but i dont want to get hurt letting it go on. I dont want to confront him and make things uncomfortable between us, what can i do to make him tell me how he feels without being blunt? He knows i have feelings for him

2007-01-03 17:05:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I know this guy that i went out on a few dates with and then stop talkin to him for a while...and know recently starded talkin to him again but he was very sincere and told me that he was talkin to like 4 more girls now but nothing serious...so should i start talkin to him in a dating way again or not?

2007-01-03 17:03:10 · 15 answers · asked by honeybun 1

....you all amaze me.

2007-01-03 17:02:37 · 18 answers · asked by Roman 1

i googled her name outta curiosity and she came up...its been 6 years...would i sound like some whack job stalker if i just called her up to say "hey hows it goin" ? ...or is the fact that im even asking this make me look like some whackjob stalker? .

2007-01-03 17:02:33 · 6 answers · asked by jjols 2

2007-01-03 17:00:28 · 12 answers · asked by Mayonaise 6

There's this girl that's very special to me. We're great friends but my feelings run deeper than that. I want to ask the question, but I'm a bit worried that the question can ruin our friendship and make things awkward. I can deal with a 'no' but a rip in our friendship is something I don't want.

Has anyone been asked, or asked to start dating their best friend and their answer made things awkward and distant?

2007-01-03 17:00:13 · 5 answers · asked by VoirDire 3

I really like this girl, but she wants to be boyfriend free for another year. I really like her, and she knows it. She hasn't said that she won't date me, but she's said no to right now. Maybe in the future. So is it worth waiting and staying without a girlfriend untill I know if I can get together with her?
From the last time I asked this, I've decided to add a little more info. She's about 22, and I'm just over 18. She was in a not so good relationship about 1 year ago, and she decided then that she wanted to wait 2 years untill getting into another relationship. She's very cautious. And she's said no to other guys, I'm guessing, since the subject has been brought up. And she has said that she'd be willing to date me. And since she's seeming to get over the whole 4 year age gap, that was the only reason not to date me, the only thing in the way of us dateing, pretty much, is her wanting that 2 year boyfriend free time. And she's focusing on getting a job, and school right now.

2007-01-03 16:59:45 · 1 answers · asked by Weston 3

3yrs ago i was in love with this lady,i know she loved me too coz she always sent me signs but never came and ask me out,she was waiting for me but am very unbrave,i was always so afraide of the rejection & of feeling gulity after i take some1 from her husband (yes she is married)she always used to tell every1 that am her gf behind my back,till that day there was a party in a park &she sang this song
love is all around
the song says
I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes
Well, love is all around me, and so the feeling grows
It's written on the wind, it's everywhere I go
So if you really love me, come on and let it show

You know I love you, I always will
My mind's made up by the way that I feel
There's no beginning, there'll be no end
Cos on my love you can depend

I see your face before me as I lay on my bed
I kinda get to thinking of all the things you said
You gave your promise to to me and I gave mine to you
now after 3yrs i feel am ready to tell her i love u

2007-01-03 16:59:25 · 9 answers · asked by Tara 6

I am so desperate, I would give anything to have a guy in my life who loves me. What should I do?
Would any guys want me?

2007-01-03 16:58:55 · 28 answers · asked by Rachel 1

im a virgin and have a boyfriend that i love and think im ready to have sex i know this might sound weird but i need to know do guys like it when girls hair down stairs is shaved or hairy

2007-01-03 16:58:21 · 9 answers · asked by chloe d 1

Ok, so I have recently been reunited with a friend from high school (7 years ago) and things are going great. We totally click and both feel positive about the relationship..the downfall? He's about to go into the military while I'm off at college. What are some suggestions for things I can either do for or send to him to let him know that I'm thinking about him always?

2007-01-03 16:57:14 · 5 answers · asked by Redneckswoman0121 2

2007-01-03 16:53:46 · 10 answers · asked by caramush 1

My bf who iv ended evrytn with a few days ago gave me an ultimatum.either i marry him in 6mnts 2 a yr or we go our seperate ways. His excuse is hs mum doesnt stay wel, n hes getn old!im 25, hes 32, i wana establish myself b4 i marry iv told hm 2wait 3yrz he aint havin it, does he truly luv me 2 nt want me?n wait?

2007-01-03 16:53:22 · 9 answers · asked by SARAH 2

this aug-oct nov-now?

2007-01-03 16:53:20 · 10 answers · asked by Mandi U 1

I have been friends with two other girls and a boy since about 5th grade. We are juniors in HS now. Noone is sexually active. Anyway, the four of us were alone in my mom's from room exchanging christmas presents. The guy got me this really cute pink, long fuzzy sweater. I held it up over my top and asked how it looked. He said "great - try it on." So, for some unknown reason, with the three of them there infromt of me, I took off my shirt and bra and tried on the new fuzzy sweater. It felt great! I also thougt is was kind of exciting to stand there in front of them being bare (for just an instant) from my waste up. The guy takes us out to the river on most summer days, We use his car to change clothes. He has seen we girls lots of times in our bikini's, so there really wasn't , much left to his imagination. I want to keep the four-some friendship and hopefully we will go away to college together. I am sure we can share a 2-room apt without a lot of hanky-panky. Advise plz

2007-01-03 16:51:48 · 9 answers · asked by Becky J 1

I'm educated, friends say that I'm fun. I love to smile, cook and dance; not all at the same time.

2007-01-03 16:51:45 · 12 answers · asked by Rich 3

I have always like this guy (crush) near my work place for more than 2 yrs and he definately likes me too but we never got to get together because we are both extremely shy.....I know it sounds ridiculous but it's easier said than done so all we did during this time is exchange our looks and smiles. I often caught him staring at me and smtimes I stared back until we would both laughed and smile. However, recently a guy, Max asked me out and I dated him like 3x. But I can stop thinking about crush. I do like Max but not as much as I like 'crush'. I feel guilty going out with Max. I feel that my feelings had grown for crush these past 2 years even though we never actually talked! Sounds crazy but that's exactly what I feel! I saw him this morning and immediately I felt a warm feelin that I've never felt before. I've get butterflies in my stomach constantly just thinking of him. I'm really shy and I can't help it. I really want to approach him but my legs go numb! ADVICE PLEASE

2007-01-03 16:50:04 · 8 answers · asked by Cookie 2

he could not possibly do it intentionall or may be he is busy or may be a bad day?

2007-01-03 16:49:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Women & Girls, what's the cruelest thing you've ever done to a man (or boy)? How did it make you feel at the time?

2007-01-03 16:49:17 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

lie in front of your face? A friend of mine recently got back together with her ex-boyfriend of 5 months over the fact that he told her that he was interested in another girl. When she told me this, she quickly said that she doesn't want to get back together with him. Naturally, I thought she was telling the truth considering she was rarely speaking to him. Then over break she and him left comments on eachothers myspaces saying how much they love eachother and it sickens me. This girl, regretfully to say, was someone I was interested in. How do I react around her next time I see her? Also, why do women constantly do this?

2007-01-03 16:48:58 · 3 answers · asked by bob green 2

My FWB keeps wanting me to sleep over and spend the whole night with him cuddling whenever I go to his house. He gets really sad when I leave. Does this seem like typical FWB behavior? Could he be feeling something for me besides lust?

2007-01-03 16:48:13 · 16 answers · asked by bellyyo62 1

was it more of a personal choice, afraid of commitment, just really busy, have no feelings for the opposite sex or the same sex, what is your reason why you remain single
i remain single just 19 i just feel im meant to be single

2007-01-03 16:47:25 · 28 answers · asked by haringmarumo 6

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