I really like this girl, but she wants to be boyfriend free for another year. I really like her, and she knows it. She hasn't said that she won't date me, but she's said no to right now. Maybe in the future. So is it worth waiting and staying without a girlfriend untill I know if I can get together with her?
From the last time I asked this, I've decided to add a little more info. She's about 22, and I'm just over 18. She was in a not so good relationship about 1 year ago, and she decided then that she wanted to wait 2 years untill getting into another relationship. She's very cautious. And she's said no to other guys, I'm guessing, since the subject has been brought up. And she has said that she'd be willing to date me. And since she's seeming to get over the whole 4 year age gap, that was the only reason not to date me, the only thing in the way of us dateing, pretty much, is her wanting that 2 year boyfriend free time. And she's focusing on getting a job, and school right now.
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