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Singles & Dating - 29 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

would u **** a guy or a girl?

both! hehehe

2006-12-29 14:47:43 · 7 answers · asked by starfleettaskforce 1

I always feared that if a guy say anything nice to me he was doing out of pity or lost a dare. I just want to know how I can tell if what he is saying is true to heart.

2006-12-29 14:47:26 · 9 answers · asked by christina21197 1

He so wants me back becuase last time he talk to me he said he wanted another chance and I replied with.... in short words no. Now he happend to see me on one of my friend's comments on myspace. He messaged me we talked after he asked if I still lived in my house by w/e and said no I had moved. Now he wants to see me and we planed something and I know after we "go out to eat" he- I am 75% sure is he is going to try to make the moves on me.
He's 17 and I am 15 so I don't want answers for older people going throu this type of situation thank you.

2006-12-29 14:47:02 · 2 answers · asked by Meechelle 2

2006-12-29 14:46:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

His crime was no worse than Bush massacring Iraqis and ruining their lives.

2006-12-29 14:45:07 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

well here the thing my boyfriend and i talk every night but for the past few days i have not talked to him and i see him every day but now i hardly see him and his friends keep tell him lies about me and now his sister is telling me he is cheating on me but she does not like me in the first place...what should i do??...should i be worried??

2006-12-29 14:43:13 · 16 answers · asked by babygurl 4life 1

The guy I like, my sort of bf. Gave me a Christmas present. He doesn't have alot of money and he didn't give anyother of his friends presents. What does that mean, is it guilt or something else?

2006-12-29 14:43:07 · 13 answers · asked by Erriyberry 2

I'm 21 going on 22, never had a girlfriend, never kissed a girl, hell I never even spoke to a girl. I dont have a car and I still live with my mom. I do have a job that pays decent and on that car thing I will be getting one within 6 months. Im about 6 feet tall, 200 lbs, a bit overweight but since Im tall it doesnt show too much except in the stomach but Im working on that everyday. Im not concedent but as far as my looks go, Im think Im ok

To all those posters, Im not gay

How can I talk to girls? Everytime I see pretty girl I look away or I look then when I see them look I turn my head fast and pretend they didnt see me. Or if Im close to a girl my heart beats real fast as if Im going to have a heart attack. What should I do?

2006-12-29 14:42:21 · 1 answers · asked by jm 3

2006-12-29 14:41:14 · 18 answers · asked by shanda s 1

my b/f and i have been fighting constantly and i luv him 2 death but I CAN'T stand us fighting! sumtimes i feel he doesn't really luv me it's just that he has me!! i amm confused so plz HELP!!!

2006-12-29 14:41:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-29 14:40:54 · 16 answers · asked by xoxbabexoxox 2


I was friends with a guy who I really liked but he didn't want to get serious. He told me a week ago he had a gf and I was a little crushed. I don't know how long they've been together and I gave him a xmas gift and letter, saying I was going to break. I feel like if we ever got together seriously I would resent him, because I feel like I'm second choice.He told me he wants to break up with her for me, because he feels I would be a better girl friend. I'm not totally into that idea because he should break up with her because he doesn't want to be with her not because of whose better. We haven't had sex but I have strong feelings for him. I called him last night and he never returned the call. I'm in a slump and don't know what to do. I need some real advice because the New Year is coming in and I need to get my life together, whats your opinion?

2006-12-29 14:38:43 · 4 answers · asked by TILAC 2

My boyfriend and i have been together for almost a year. we live an hour apart and he lives with his parents. Be4 we started going out, he used to live in a different state with his sister and her family. he told me that this one time, him and his neice got drunk and she told him that sometimes she wishes he wasnt her uncle. and she meant it in a way like she liked him and that she would be with him if they werent related. he said he told her to shut up and not to be saying stupid stuff like that. she never said it again. She is his age and that happened about 3 years ago, whats worse is that she just came into town to visit him. He says she wants to meet me and crap but im like shes a nasty girl for ever thinking something like that about her own uncle. He says they are very close and that i better deal with it and i better not be mean to her because she is his family. but i just feel kinda mad and like grossed out by her. i kno he wont do anythin with her but i dont trust her u kno?

2006-12-29 14:37:48 · 16 answers · asked by Lizeth 2

ALL of my friiends have or have had boyfriends and I don't even know if anyone has ever liked me. I'm not ugly, I have blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'4, and am athletic, bu no one to my knowledge seems interested. What's wrong with me????

2006-12-29 14:37:46 · 13 answers · asked by germancutii21 2

2006-12-29 14:37:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year now. We have sex maybe twice a week and thats NOT enough for me. He admits to having a low sex drive and its because he's depressed sometimes. But when he doesn't seem to be depressed he still shows no intrest. He tells me he doesn't want to feel "forced" to have sex. So now I'm scared to initiate sex because i dont want him to think i'm "forcing" him. When we actually have sex, its great and we both enjoy it. He's totally aware of this problem and feels terrible. What can he do, or what can I do/say to end this problem? Anti-depressants are OUT of the question.

2006-12-29 14:36:48 · 4 answers · asked by iwantitall420 1

This guy and I have been dating for alittle over a month. I am almost 19 and he is already 19. But on Christmas Day he told me that he felt like he loved me, and I told him that I felt the same way. But we decided that it was all to soon for that kind of relationship. The next day we had a converstation about marriage and we agree that it is way to soon to have thoughts like that, but we have never had feelings for anyone to this matter.
What I am trying to say is... Is it possible to fall in love so quickly? Also, Are we too young to be in love? And lastly, Is love scary at first?

2006-12-29 14:36:00 · 13 answers · asked by Mrs. Parrish 3

hey! do you guys care about looks in a girl? and would you brake up with a girl if you were making a move and then found out she was a virgin, or not?

2006-12-29 14:35:49 · 11 answers · asked by blue_frog_gy 2

I like this boy and he likes me back. The only problem is that my parents get in are telephone conversation and they think he his not for me. Bu even though we havent seen each other and my friend bought as together, we still want to meet each other. Oh and by the way, my mother was going to come on this date and this was going to be my first date. How can I see this guy because this boy could be the one for me?

2006-12-29 14:35:41 · 12 answers · asked by ssydny 2

2006-12-29 14:34:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was aquainted with this boy, K.C., since early in elementry school till my first year in high school. I developed *ehem* feelings for him very early on, but I thought that they had completely dissapered when we went our seperate ways. I hadn't even thought about him in years, until I ran into him by chance a week or so ago. Since then, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. When I do, I feel just like I did, back in forth grade when I was head over heels for him.
Do I love him, or am I just completely confused?

2006-12-29 14:30:27 · 32 answers · asked by Genni 2

i'm 16 i was wondering is it good to date someone over the internet

2006-12-29 14:30:17 · 17 answers · asked by rocky 1

2006-12-29 14:30:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

30? It's easy to tell by browsing myspace profiles. Just plug in different ages and compare the results.

2006-12-29 14:30:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

She told me that the idea of a "relationship" gets her weirded out, and that im too good for her. What does that mean? Also, is there anything I can do to help her become comfortable with a relationship or should I just move on?

2006-12-29 14:29:29 · 33 answers · asked by MiamiGuy 2

This girl that is in my grade(10) and rides my bus sometimes comes over and sits really close to me or on my lap on the bus. Sometimes she just walks up and jumps on me or hugs me and she has started to refer to me as "sweetie pie." However she also sometimes flirts with other guys. She also insists that we are going to grind at our next school dance. Is she just flirting or does she like me?

2006-12-29 14:28:28 · 24 answers · asked by rabdcow72 4

i am....how do you say... sexy-time

2006-12-29 14:25:45 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

my frend tells me not all shy girls are quiet they can be loud. and my quiet frend is very shy but when you get her in the mood she is really crazy but she laughs at everything i say and most of it is not funny what your opinion

2006-12-29 14:23:38 · 17 answers · asked by clumsy gamer 2

I don't like her anymore. Should I tell her or ignore her like she ignores me? I told her I had a crush on her, but I don't like her anymore because of what she did.

2006-12-29 14:22:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

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