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Singles & Dating - 19 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

he moved 2 a different school and i dont ever see him! i really like but i dont know if hes cheating on me! my friends say that i should!

2006-11-19 06:53:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-19 06:53:06 · 12 answers · asked by liz 1

First off, if you have nothing positive and constructive to say, please just move on, you are wasting my time and your time.

Ok, now that the disclaimer is out of the way, my problem is this, I have issues approaching women, for whatever reason, possibly due to bad experiences in my childhood. (If you are a jackass who just can't seem to resist jumping all over this opportunity to try to boost your ego by cutting someone else down, try your best to get a hold of yourself)

The truth is, I find women to be very cold and judgemental upon first meeting them. It seems like there is this impenetrable wall, and breaking the ice requires so much damn energy. I am an honest, genuine person, but these traits seems to go completely unnoticed. Is it really necessary to make a huge impression with a woman before she will take notice of a man?

There is so much competition involved in the "mating/dating" game. Am I completely alone in feeling this way? Anyone else out there feel the same?

2006-11-19 06:51:53 · 4 answers · asked by whoholdsthepower 1

my boyfriend just doesnt get it. i tried to talk to him but he doesn't get that I'm a distant person and i dont enjoy making my problems other peoples problems but that doesn't mean that when he cancels our dates to hang out with buddies, or when he doesn't call, or when he lies to me it doesn't hurt me. it does...i just don't express it and keep it to myself becuase its just the way i am. What should i do to let him know how I feel. I have talked to him about it before he said he'd try to be more understanding but he's apparantly isn't trying. How do i remind him? or is this relationship just not ganna work out?

2006-11-19 06:50:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm very attracted to a bartender at the bar I hang out at on the weekends. She's really hot, and she's very very very flirtatious, but she has a boyfriend - and she's younger than me I'm 38 she's 21. How could I get her to go out with me?

2006-11-19 06:48:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my man was having a good conversation a couple of months ago and he started tellin me that when he was with his previous girl he used 2 LOVE sucking on her breast the only problem is that she was steal breastfeeding her son and he liked drinking her breast milk. WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT? I cant get that out of my head. he said dat like 2-3 months ago. but what does that mean is my man a weirdo pleeze help and be real with me

2006-11-19 06:46:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you like it slow, rough or kinky........ 3 play, anything goes, no limits

2006-11-19 06:46:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the signs that someone likes you at work?
What signals should I look for at work around this girl who works with me.
She is 26 and im 20 but I think there is something going on im just not sure and I want to be careful. Our company has no dating policy so its cool. But im not sure if she is into me yet! We get on good we laugh a lot and we both end up in tears by the end of the day laughing and messing, we do work as well I swear. She called me after work and I call her sometimes we talk for like an hour sometimes!
Help me out is she being nice or could it be more?

2006-11-19 06:45:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-19 06:45:31 · 6 answers · asked by biggybig77 1

What do you use it for? I've had a profile there for like a year but I never use it. Can you tell me what it's purpose is, and what you like about it?

2006-11-19 06:45:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


me and my girlfriend been going out 4 years now im 20 and shes 19 but she still needs to ask her mum if she can go out or even stop at mine what type of advice can i give her before it ends up pulling us apart any advice will do thanks!

2006-11-19 06:44:59 · 13 answers · asked by reaper420 2

well i am not complaining about how i look cause i am happy with it but i am athletic and 2 years ago i landed with size c alien boobs which i totally hate.

2006-11-19 06:44:16 · 13 answers · asked by no longer caligirl. 2

This guy and I were together for a long time until the relationship eventually turned sour. Now, we've become more of a friends with benefits type thing. He's the one person I trust besides my mother. Since our break up he's been with another woman and so have I, a man but that hasn't changed anything. We still speak and act the way we did when we were together. How can we make this work without either of us getting attached. I don't know about us actually being together in the long run, we're not ready for that yet, or atleast I'm not. But as for now, this is the situation that's going to have to work.

2006-11-19 06:41:55 · 17 answers · asked by silence_within_chaos 2

I was trying to make some friends on myspace, but I don't think they seem to look for a nice guy to be friends with? the first thing they do is give me their number which is weird.
So most women there are there for the hit or something else?
sorry ladies if you have myspace, but almost 90% of them are acting like that...any suggestions?

2006-11-19 06:40:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean... it's not like you're going to marry each other... and isn't the whole point of dating, as an adult, to find your future spouse?

2006-11-19 06:40:44 · 13 answers · asked by Baljinnyam D 1

I broke up with him 8 months ago. And I so want to get the ball rolling and get over him. But it's creepy because everyday for the past 8 months, there's not one day that I do not think about him. To make matters worse, he contacts me once a month (always the third week), and it sends me reeling back to Day 1 of the breakup. I know he still wants to be friends, but it's tricky because as much as I want to be, I'm not yet over him.

The break-up was caused by the oh-so used "it's not you, it's me" and he was the one who broke up with me. Prior to the relationship we were really good friends and then we decided to go into it. It was not conventional. We didn't get into a relationship because we were in love. We just liked each other. But then I fell in love with him, and that's when it all came tumbling down.

Will it be cruel of me to tell him that I don't think we can be friends anymore? The reason for this is (and i don't want to tell him) because i still love him.

2006-11-19 06:40:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

We've been together for about 5 months and recently moved in together. His last gf cheated on him and he was pretty heartbroken about it. now he gets worried that I will cheat on him, even though he has nothing to be suspicious about. It doesnt help either that during the move in together, I was moving some items from my bedroom and accidently dropped a bottle of ky in my car, so when I found it, I put it in my glovebox to grab out later. Well he found it and now is more worried than ever.

how can I get him to trust me? It seems I never really had his trust in the beginning so how do I get that? He is really a wonderful guy, but he was just hurt by an ex. this hasnt really affected our relationship yet but I find myself avoiding hanging out with friends because I dont want him to think I am out cheating on him.

2006-11-19 06:37:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i really like this girl and we have been going with each other but she doesnt want to go steady and keeps on going with other boys and this makes me fell really depressed and i cant stop thinkin about her!!! i just dont know what to do

2006-11-19 06:35:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

hasn't he left her in the past and he said it was because he didn't have a reason to. We have been seeing each other for about 6 months now. He constantly tells me how happy I make him and how he feels as though he's in another world when we are together. He finally has a reason to leave but theres kids and a lot of money and property involved. My question is how long should I wait for him to get his priorities together?

2006-11-19 06:30:03 · 27 answers · asked by confusedinphilly 1

I have been divorced after 2 years and had stayed pretty much alone for the entire time. I was really missing out on intimacy and sex. So, I went with someone whom I wasn't as attracted too physically. Her name is Kari. It was nice but now, I sort of want to go to the next girl. A few days after the sex, and sometimes during the time we were out doing things, I thought about my ex-wife. So, I called the ex and talked with her a while and told her that I still had feelings that weren't completely dead and she pretty much reciprocated the same feelings. I concluded that I am just gonna have to move on from the ex knowing that a little part of me will still love her. I felt better. Trouble is, I am pretty sure that Kari likes me and might be hurt. I want to tell Kari the truth and I am asking all of you what is the best way that would be the most repectful way of doing that? The really weird part is now, my ex-wife wants to come over and have sex too. I am not willing for that

2006-11-19 06:29:11 · 12 answers · asked by Jeff W 3

what kind of text messages do you love getting from your boyfriend?

2006-11-19 06:28:28 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

every body is telling me to ask him out. Should I wait until he asks me out or should I ask him out???

2006-11-19 06:26:58 · 6 answers · asked by Foxy girl 1

Last week, I was over at my b/f's house one night and we were making out, when he suggested he go get some condoms before anything went further. Well when he left, I took it upon myself to look through his nightstand drawers and was shocked at what I found! I found about 5 polaroids of this little skinny blonde witch that looked no more than 19, nude!!! And another girl was in one of the pictures. When he got back I asked him about it and he said it was from along time ago, that the girl came on to him and he had kind of a one night stand with her, but couldn't he throw them away for me!!?? We have been going out for a month and I really love him. He is in his 30's and I am 29, do you think he is cheating on me??

2006-11-19 06:26:02 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend is 14 and goes to WI Dells for like 4 weeks alone ith her b/f. Her mom wants to know is she should be worried. Should she??

2006-11-19 06:24:47 · 12 answers · asked by Makoa 1

i know it is legal, i just want to know if it is socially acceptable

2006-11-19 06:22:14 · 18 answers · asked by Beaujock 1

and she starts gigling , her face looks delighted after that event . Next day she asks him out singling him out in a group of people to go to a night club with a group of people.
Does she fancy the man ?

2006-11-19 06:21:14 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

who met this guy when he was out on holiday here (we live in greece and he is from the uk) and they kissed and presumably were together. he promised not to forget her and that he would keep intouch alll the time. for a week or two they sent lover dovey txts saying that they love each other like crazy and miss each other. but for the last 2 weeks he has been ignoring her and not answering txts. today we asked him if he still feels anything about her and he said that onyl as a friend coz hes got a girlfriend in the uk now and hes very busy. what she should she do? she got so upset? he asked to keep in touch and stay friends. but i think thats the worse he could have said. what do you think about the whole story? what would you do? what do you men think? what do the women think?
thank you for your answers. x

2006-11-19 06:20:48 · 17 answers · asked by TMFULP. 3

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