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Singles & Dating - 19 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

i keep worrying that my g/f is cheating on me and she is acting really guilty lately.i asked her but she said "no im not cheating on u i love u baby"lol
but still is there anyway to find out that u might knoe? she is probly lieing but how do i knoe?wut do i say to her? and dont say its all teenage drama! i just really need to knoe. thanx.

2006-11-19 08:07:09 · 11 answers · asked by Your queer bait 1

i have a boyfriend and i have no clue what to get him for christmas. im not good at shopping for boys :( please help me

thanks alot ~mariah~

2006-11-19 08:07:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 17

2006-11-19 08:06:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok well me and my ex-boyfriend were going out for four months but i dumped him as he loved someone else even though she dosnt love him back. Most of my friends go to his school (we dont go to the same school) and they are all realy close and they told me that no-one in there year loves him as they think he is ugly. However.. Most guys in my class find me "fit" and have asked me out as soon as me and my ex split. I dont love any of them though... i still love my ex, but if everybody else is saying that i am "fit" why dosnt he love me??
[Yeah i know this sounds really vain but its true,, and i wana know why so please no stupid answers saying that its vain and u dont really love him etc... ]

2006-11-19 08:05:23 · 4 answers · asked by XxXToMuchToThinkAboutXxX 2

After dating several LOSERS... I have come up with a list of requirements and 1. wanted to know if I left anything out and 2. is it really that crazy to ask this of a potential mate or would I be crazy not to??

1. Credit Check
2. Debt Check
3. Background check
4. Crazy Ex Check
5. Kid Check
6. Vanity Check
7. Fertility Check
8. Drug Test
9. Drama Check
10. Fidelity / Wife Check
11. STD Check
12. Crazy Parent Check
13. Job Stability/ Longevity Check

2006-11-19 08:04:48 · 14 answers · asked by ? 2

There is a guy at my school and even my neighbor but I dont know what to say to him when he tries to talk to me. I think he's really cute but i cant even think what to talk to him! Only when my friends are with me I can talk to him but my friends dont come over very often!!

2006-11-19 08:04:43 · 12 answers · asked by Hilary B 1

butter on the bagel will you share it with me?

2006-11-19 08:04:10 · 17 answers · asked by onelonevoice 5

lets say a guy likes a girl wat really goes through his head???

2006-11-19 08:03:54 · 3 answers · asked by awesome_cha 1

First of all i am a nympho!! when I am with some one (in a relationship.) I have this urge to always want to have sex and some times i think it annoys my partner. But i feel that I cannot cheat on the other person just becuz i need sex, its my bad hormones. Secondly I love this guy ive known for 5 years and for 2 of them years we were not talking but now we are and when we do he makes me feel like there is nobody else and i have told him this but i dont want to be too much of a push over .Then I have this last problem well for some reason that is very eerie to me i cannot be alone i gotta be with some body or i will feel lost but at the same time i am picky about who i am with.and when i go through boyfriends and girlfriends which is rare, the person hurts me orbetrays me and then i use another person to cover for that pain cuz i dont know how to deal with herat ache except overeating or not eating and sleeping at all and then i get sick. ANY UNHARSH ADVICE?

2006-11-19 08:03:38 · 6 answers · asked by Mizz Lady 2

My (over a year long) crush thinks my best friend is hot. I'm taking 3 AP's and my grades are going down the drain. I feel super ugly and not worth anyone's time and all my physical insecurities have come out. I have a headache from my braces being tightened. I think I'm depressed, but my parents won't believe me. The only thing keeping me alive right now is excercise, and that high won't even last for more than 10 hrs.

2006-11-19 08:03:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous


I have a crush on my "secret" admierar's best friend and he does not like me... and when his BFF talked to me, my secret admierar got all mad and "broke up" with me. what sould I do???

2006-11-19 08:03:14 · 5 answers · asked by oleylyne 1

i love him i really do i just don't know if i can handle his lifestyle he is his job 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. I know that eventually it is going to cause problems with me and him. I am high maintence and i know it. I really fear that one day i will not be able to handle him being gone spur of the moment all the time the way he is now. I really want to try and work on things to try and make the relationship last but is it fair to him??? He knows in his heart he'll never be able to walk away from a fire or a car wreck. I want to think that i am a big enough person to be okay with that but i know that i am not. should i walk away now before i hurt him before we fight or should i stay and try to make it work??? in essence is it better to have loved and lost or is it better to walk away while both hearts are still intact

2006-11-19 08:02:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to get to know this girl. I try to say hi and smile but she usualy is talking to her friends and doesn't notice me. What should I do?

2006-11-19 07:57:49 · 11 answers · asked by [quarantine] 3

I've been going out with her for almost a year, but its a distance thing, so i only see her once a month. She is staying at my place for a week and i want to make the whole week really special for her.
P.S. We are both 16 and we will be in separate rooms cause my parents wont have it any other way. Lol

2006-11-19 07:57:48 · 8 answers · asked by Maplejake 1

2006-11-19 07:55:48 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-19 07:55:40 · 5 answers · asked by Carmelo Anthony 2

i only told her it was my friend because i cannot sacrafice our friendship for my feelings. if she has the same then it will be different. i will always love her. i txt her a minute ago saying how did you feel wen u read tht txt. she hasnt answered and im worried i have ruined our frindship

2006-11-19 07:55:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-19 07:54:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

18 so no too young speaches

2006-11-19 07:54:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, I like this guy and he likes me a little bit too but he is in love with a girl who doesn't like him and is in a relationship. I asked him out and he said no because he thought he had a chance with that girl. Then she started dating this guy and he still thinks he has a chance. How can I open this guys eyes and show him that I perfect for him and that she doesn't like him?

2006-11-19 07:54:09 · 4 answers · asked by itsybitsybikini2003 1

He said he was hurt awhile back and now he is scared. I told him ive been hurt too but we have to take risks. We fall and we rise right?? Well he had stop calling, ran into him last night and he went to talk to me and i was like..mad..but not. So i told him jst to let me be and he apologized and said he was really gonna "try" this time. He said "im not gonna ask for ur new #" i said "good" cause i was not gonna give it to u anyways." He said hes gonna show me this time around how he really cares and that he is gonna get my ph# and i was gonna see how he was gonna mend his actions. he seemed really for sorry for having stopped calling and now im just really hoping he finds my ph# so we can start talking. What should i do?? should i have just given him my#???

2006-11-19 07:52:51 · 3 answers · asked by cheetos 1

I treated you like a submissive slave who was there to cook and clean. I mean keep you barefoot and pregnant! Would it really be so bad?

2006-11-19 07:52:15 · 10 answers · asked by onelonevoice 5

2006-11-19 07:50:52 · 5 answers · asked by BARBARA B 1

Regradless if it's a first date or hundredth date, is it ok to just walk around the neighbourhood talking and may both eatting a fish supper while you walk?

Sometimes go to KFC or a warm cafe for coffee

Do they sound like good dates?

2006-11-19 07:50:27 · 28 answers · asked by Michelino 4

Me and my girl friend have been dating for 6 months, and it is getting to be really serious. We have talked about it, but we are still at the cuddling, making out, and touchy felly stage.

2006-11-19 07:50:08 · 7 answers · asked by motors2005_tk 2

but she still likes me and shes pissed at her boyfriend right now because he said she was gunna give him a lap dance and now shes talkin more 2 me

2006-11-19 07:48:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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