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Singles & Dating - 6 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How can you be friends with the other women without wanting to hurt them in jealousy persay?? To always have to share your loved one..to know that you will never completely have his heart..that all your love and effort isn't enough for him to be with just you. It's hard to enough to know about them but then have it thrown in your face is horrible..I couldn't do it no matter how much I am in love with my boyfriend. Can someone help me with that one please??

2006-11-06 15:33:09 · 5 answers · asked by Deb 2

molested your gf and made her afraid of every move you madeuntil she saw a consuler?? What would you do on the anniversary when she didn't want to be alone?? If she wanted you to hold her would you??How about sleep(no sex) with your arms around her for safety?? Would you understand and accept it or do what he did to her??

2006-11-06 15:33:03 · 13 answers · asked by Sakura 1

Here's the hypothetical: suppose you met a woman on vacation. You both know that you have limited time together (say a month or two). You're attracted to her and she likes you back. Would you hold back because you know it's going to end soon and you won't be together? Or would you share yourself and get to know her as though you wouldn't have to part?

2006-11-06 15:31:59 · 19 answers · asked by Trillian 6

They are a little older and I don't know if they could think of me in that way yet, I am not sure but my feelings are VERY strong and I care about them more than anything and cant stop thinking about them....

2006-11-06 15:31:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Love him even today....even tho he was arrested for assult 4 dometic case......but I can not get him out of my mind. I am over 50 and been through more things than I can ever explain. But this man has broke my trust, heart, and confidence in other human beings.

2006-11-06 15:31:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

it bothers me a lot....just check my answers to this one lady she really likes to insult african americans...her questions are very offensive ! :-( not cool not cool at all

2006-11-06 15:31:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its like living with a terrorist, you never know what next will be destroyed or disappeared. Always have to lock up things. Always have to check for things and find out what next. Always behind my back, by surprise. Could anyone live with that ? What should I do? and how?

2006-11-06 15:30:31 · 16 answers · asked by million$gon 7

Why after you tell a guy you can't talk to them because you are afraid that you care for him too much and your BF said you can't talk to him anymore the guy can't answer me and say he understands? Why does he have to ignore me..if he is my friend can't he understand? He told me he could never be mad at me..what is he waiting for...me to say goodbye to my BF..I really don't know what he is thinking...

2006-11-06 15:29:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-06 15:28:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean they would rather have a complete a*hole who has got a certain personality with him,doesnt normally get along with guys,would beat them in times of arguments.but they are happy to ignore shy wallflower kinds who would care for them certainly.

2006-11-06 15:26:34 · 8 answers · asked by varun k 1

My boyfriend returning from a trip in Europe went through my cell phone txt messages, and then sent txt messages (pretending he was me) to couple of my co-workers who had previously sent me messages. he thinks there is nothin wrong with what he did, but I feel viloated...

2006-11-06 15:26:28 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need advice, theres this boy at school, and he is soooooooo hot, and i really didn't notice him until like a few days ago when i took my little bro to toys r us and he so kindly helped us (i know kind of corny) I know that he would totally date me but i really am not for making the first move and he is the shy type, what can i do to give this boy and push in my direction and let him know im totally intrested without seeming to aggresive, eager or overly forceful. Cuz i would love to start something with him. Oh and by the way he's a senoir and im a sophmore, so my time is limited dears, thax

2006-11-06 15:24:41 · 14 answers · asked by Im that girl! 3

because as men, we tend to equate a woman's friendliness to flirting .

2006-11-06 15:24:10 · 9 answers · asked by Kurious 2

And I don't have enough bruises on me.
I won't even be sore tomorrow.
Should I ask for my money back?

2006-11-06 15:24:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

What would you girls do in this situation? He doesn't know that I know..but I've seen the pics titled 'My Toy'. Marriage material?????

2006-11-06 15:23:43 · 11 answers · asked by diecast_heart 3

I met her just a couple of months ago and we talk to eachother at least 3 times a week. Whenever she says bye she says "xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo" or leaves a 'heart emotion'. A few close friends of mine say that means she likes me and i should ask her out but i don't know if i should cause, I don't want to wreck my chances of ever being with her.

2006-11-06 15:23:39 · 11 answers · asked by drummerboy 2

He is not my manager but he scolded me anyway, i felt humilliated,and hurt i felt like crying,ever since that day i notice he looks at me, and try to say hi, or kind of smile , but i ignore him.Maybe he realized his over reaction, but I can't forget that day, what can i do ? I'm I sensible or what ? I think a male should never scold a women, we are similar in age. What do u think ?

2006-11-06 15:21:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do you do it without seeming so desperate? How do you do it without it seeming annoying? Thanks

2006-11-06 15:19:48 · 12 answers · asked by heynow 2

what is so good about feet?

2006-11-06 15:18:28 · 4 answers · asked by daisy 4

Why= do I still love my ex?
Why=do I think she loves my brother?

2006-11-06 15:17:30 · 9 answers · asked by Skittles 2

well, my parents didnt seem to care if i like a boy or not, but when a guy asked me out and I said yes, it seemed like such a big deal. i kept the secret to my mom but my dad already knows about it. he makes it such a big deal and asks me questions about my bf every single time. if my mom found out, she would probably ground me. my life sucks. should i tell my mom? i have a date with him this friday and i told my parents i am going to the movies with my girl friends but i m not sure how this lies gonna work. if youve been through this, please leave some advice. even if u didnt, please let me know of what you think.

2006-11-06 15:15:25 · 13 answers · asked by eugina l 1

How easily do guys fall for girls? See there is this guy who i think is cute and i really want to tell him but i'm afraid what he'll say or think.....i don't really know what to do...everyone is telling me to tell him but i want to know is what guys think? I flirt with him as much as POSSIBLE. Do you guys fall for girls who flirt with you or just girls who got T AND A?

2006-11-06 15:14:54 · 7 answers · asked by That Girl 1

what she is supposed to do...like when I pat my head (well, you know that one)...and when I snap (get me a beer)...when I show 3 fingers...pick up the living room, and so on.....but she has only learned like 150 of them so far, and it's been almost two weeks....do you think she is slow, or should I give her another few days? Men? Advice?

2006-11-06 15:14:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend is moving next Friday to the other side of the country. We're on good terms but know long distance won't work...how do I get him off my mind??

2006-11-06 15:14:33 · 9 answers · asked by Blondie82 1

2006-11-06 15:13:58 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am clearly in love with my best friend and i dont know what to do. His wife and I are good friends. But it is clear they are not happily married. I never planed on this to happen and never thought i would be that person. One night we kissed and since then ( 8 months ago) it has escalated. The next day i recieved a red rose. about a month ago we kissed and he looked at me and asked when i last time igot a kiss like that was and then told e it had been 6 months for him. He cares about me that i know but what i dont know is to tell him how i feel or figure out what he feels. I care about him very mmuch and cant help getting ad at her for the way she treats him. PLEASE HELP!!!!! My heart is breaking and i dont know what to do .

2006-11-06 15:11:26 · 10 answers · asked by confusedbetween2 1

And she looked great in a bikini. Let's have fun with this and say you 2 were alone and you could do whatever you wanted. this girl is 5'1 and 90lbs. She doesn't look thin. She's a really rich gymnast and dancer from 60010(one of the wealthiest zips in the US) You could have friends with you if you want. Would you do what most girl's think you would do?? Please Answer!!!

Describe what the scenerio would be like. Think outside the box!!

2006-11-06 15:10:02 · 4 answers · asked by Sakura 1

Cut my arm because I feel like it and I enjoy the pain?

2006-11-06 15:08:25 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

When someone only sends you a head shot....should've known it was for a reason. I am not shallow, but I am not wrong in knowing what i am and am not attracted too...So here is my question, how do you end an online fling without coming across as being rude?? I mean, big gils need love too, just not from me!!

2006-11-06 15:08:10 · 5 answers · asked by Krunky 1

Your perfect lover?
Happiness, bliss, true love.
Isn't that what you want?

2006-11-06 15:07:23 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

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