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Other - Family & Relationships - 9 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

plain and simple my mom tried to kill me yesterday. no joke. thier is a big scartch under my eye. another in my eyeball.some on my neck. i cant see as well since she beat me up. is this child abuse? i am 12 years old. not a bad kid i have 2 ferrets which i love very much some freinds and a abusive mom. my dad is in korea atm. what should i do? i am also kinda scared to live here with her, she said next time"next time i am gonna try and take out my eyes and make them black" i know this is verbal abuse but is this child abuse?? o yea my sister is taking sides with my mom. so it is me against them. i know it is wrong to hit your parents but defend yourself is ok rite?

2007-07-09 23:30:51 · 12 answers · asked by maCappy 2

2007-07-09 23:27:05 · 11 answers · asked by Brittney J 1

I am going through really a boring life. My working place…very quite (boring staff). Family…i am staying with my mom only. Not all the time I can talk to her. Friends all got married. My boyfriend-working outstation. I am not a person like to go around outside looking for friends and/or chating. I can realize nowdays that I am smiling or laughing very less now days. Please give me some ideas how to be happy in my life. Some motivation advice.

2007-07-09 22:02:46 · 13 answers · asked by km 1

I also find I have this problem with friends too. With the girlfriends I always thinking they are lying or cheating. I have no basis for this I am just suspicious. I wanted to know what other peoples thoughts were on these. Anyone else have these problems or similiar ones? Thanks in advanced.

2007-07-09 21:36:37 · 5 answers · asked by Shaun 1

2007-07-09 20:56:57 · 14 answers · asked by BigErrn 2

Have you ever asked your gf/wife if you could help her put in a tampon? Why are you so curious, and what could you possibly get out of that?

2007-07-09 20:12:54 · 10 answers · asked by Rachel B 2

She does alot and I think she needs a break. I want to do somthing really nice for her. She runs a day care out of our home and is around children most of the day. We have 4 of our own soon to have 5. I have vaction coming soon and I would like for her to have some "her"time. Your input would be appeciated. Thanks.

2007-07-09 19:35:59 · 10 answers · asked by Dalton 2

I mean seriously, is it THAT hard to do?

2007-07-09 19:16:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-09 16:41:46 · 15 answers · asked by Sam Da Man 1

Okay, so, my boyfriend broke up with me because me and his friends don't get along and hes says his friends are important. We dont get to see each other everyday and the day we were hanging out his friends just all of the sudden pop out of no where and ruin things and are just rude and disrespectful to me...So, later on that night my boyfriend asks me if i want to go to his friends party and i say i dont want to because his friends obviously dont like me and i dont like them and why put myself in an uncomfortable setting, right? But anyways, we ended up going to his friends house anyways and they werent there so he dropped me off at my house and we were just out there for atleast an hour discussing and he said in order to make our relationship to work i have to change, but i dont feel the need to change because i see nothing wrong that i've done...so, he tells me it just wont work..
and we broke up. I can honestly say i miss/love him and i dont know what to do...

2007-07-09 16:22:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

one day hes amazing and acts like im the only thing that matters in the world. He tells me over and over again that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me and for us to someday have kids. He cant keep his hands off of me and cant keep his hands off me. Then the next day he cant even really look at me in the eyes and is kind of distant. Could it nbe a guy thing that sometimes they just need space??? am i over analyzing the situation?

2007-07-09 16:19:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my husband stopped at the store to put gas. The cashier guy told my husband that he has been waiting for him , he told my husband he was a gemini wich he is, and also told him his birthday and got it right, then he told my husband that he had a toothache wich he does and we got freaked out. He went on and told my husband that he was going to be getting into some kind of trouble , but couldn't tell him what kind. Now i am freaked out do you think that this could be true i mean we have never been to this store ever in our lives and don't know this man he gave my husband some kind of herbs and told him to make tea with it and drink it and it would help him. Do you think my husband should take it we don't know what it is, but how would this man know all this . HELP

2007-07-09 16:15:06 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any smart A@@ need not respond I am concidering it and if you are so shallow to reply with STUPID answers go get your points else where.

2007-07-09 15:51:56 · 26 answers · asked by mrscokelady 2

My sister is fourteen years old, and her boyfriend is 18 (this is considered as a legal adult!). Yikes! I probably should mind my own business, but at times I can't help thinking about this: Is my sister hooking up with a pedophile?

2007-07-09 15:44:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anna S 3

I really love him. And I want to give it to him. And I'm positive that I'm ready. Just want to know what you all think.

2007-07-09 15:06:11 · 27 answers · asked by susie_rav 2

2007-07-09 14:50:22 · 25 answers · asked by Eisbär 7

I moved in with my boyfriend about 8 months ago and recently found out he is using chrystal meth. I want to leave so bad but I dont have the money to do so. Im scared to death of him. He is physically and mentally abusive. If I call the cops on him I will be homeless. He is extremely irrational and I know it's from the drugs. I have a job that holds me at a pretty high society level and I dont want anyone to find out that there are drugs in my house. I wear long sleaves in July to hide the bruises. Ive been trying to ride it out until I saved enough money but its gotten really bad. What do I do??

2007-07-09 14:25:51 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yeah, so I have been feeling quite lonely lately. It is the weirdest thing. I have friends, we hang out and have fun all the time. But even when I am with them, I feel alone. This is so strange to me - I would think that you can't be lonely when your friends are around, but yet I am...

What have any of you done in a situation like this? I feel alone and removed even when I am with people. It almost seems like they are not there although I am right in the middle of interacting with them.

Then, when it is all over, then I REALLY feel that way. I feel like a freak or something. I feel like I don't belong anymore, but don't really want to go somewhere else and start all over again.

Okay, I am just rambling now, so I will stop. Please tell me any good ideas you have.

If anyone says something horrible, like I should just get it over with or something, I will report you. I am not a suicidal type and have no interest in such things.

Just havin' a bad couple of weeks.

2007-07-09 14:24:24 · 4 answers · asked by animal lover 4

Things have happened to me in the past that are shameful and could have possibly have to do with the law.I feel like my past will make my future lonely.I feel like I deserve things that come upon.How can I truely let go? Should I try to take to someone,I try to do a lot on my own.

2007-07-09 13:07:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-09 13:05:43 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

We own three pet rats. I don't want them on my new bed because I don't want them to pee on it. They have other places to play and my boyfriend is acting like I'm being unreasonable. Am I?

2007-07-09 12:29:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've never really been an aggressive person.But now I feel really low & cry all the time. I find it really difficult to understand what my partner is saying to me & get angry with him & take everything to heart. I'm convinced he doesn't want me or the baby & have it in my head he's going to leave us. I'm finding myself really unattractive & as though I'm not good enough. I feel really guilty because when he tells me something, I percieve it all wrong & start shouting & screaming in his face..& if he doesn't say what I want to hear (he has a habit of winding me up when I go like this) I start throwing things & I cry - I've even hit him a couple of time. I feel awful & don't know what to do. I know he doesnt deserve this & I have NO RIGHT what-so-ever to behave like this, but I just freak out without warning & have no control over it. I try to relax for his sake & the babies but i just cant. i feel like im going insane, like i need to see someone. This isnt me.Ive never hit anyone before

2007-07-09 10:51:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hate my job, but I never leave it or even try to get another job. What is wrong with me?!

2007-07-09 10:48:10 · 6 answers · asked by C Deezy McCain 3

0KAy...ii HAV3 DiiZ B0YFRii3ND..RiiGHT..0KAy...W3LL ii WANNA PR0V3 2 HiiM DAT ii L0V3 HiiM M0R3>>>S0 H0W CAN ii D0 DAT..ii M3AN LyK3 CAN YA GiiV3 Mii SUM TiiPS 0F H0W ii CAN PR0V3 HiiM??N0W L00K PLZZ GiiV3 Mii TH3 B3ST ANSW3RS??

2007-07-09 09:08:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, what is wrong with me?
I am in my late 30's...and I am 28 weeks pregnant and I can't get enough of my old man!
I don't know how much more I can take!
Or Rabbit Man either, I am jumping his bones 2-3 times a day!
So, can anyone help me?
I am making the old man So tired that he falls to sleep driving!


2007-07-09 08:52:57 · 10 answers · asked by Midnight Winter WOLF 4

I am 18 and I have never really felt love since my parents died when I was just a little kid, but even then I felt nothing when they died. But I see it all the time and I can tell u that it is not good. It changes people completely, not in a good way. I have seen it turn some pretty tough guys into *****'s. But that wont happen to me I am a warrior for life. I will never fall in love and wonder why any one would want to. I have been good for almost all of my 18 years alone and that will continue tell I die. Why do people want this i dont get it, some of my friends have turned into big pussys cuz they found love and now I dont even know them anymore.
I need my soldiers back this is some bullshit. Love is like a bad disease an epidemic

HOW DO I GET MY SOLDIERS BACK or r they gone and need to find new ones cuz I aint with this bull

2007-07-09 08:44:48 · 1 answers · asked by Me,Myself, and I 1

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