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Other - Family & Relationships - 5 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I am at work boored...So i came up with this question since i want to be at home :P

2007-07-05 23:45:35 · 26 answers · asked by !g!z 1

My children, "Mary" 11 and "Joe" 14 have 2 months visitation across the country with their Dad & Step Mom. I just received this email after 2 1/2 weeks. What would you do?

The girls and I just spent all morning cleaning their room and trying to organize all of their stuff today. "Mary" brought a lot of unnecessary things with her that are cluttering up their room and our home. For example, her own first aid kit, feminine pads, envelopes, stamps, toothpaste and such. All of these things we already have here in our home and there was no need for her to bring these things with her.
To further complicate the clutter problem you keep mailing the kids packages. "Mary" just received a large package from you today in the mail full of stuff to make stuffed animals with. First of all, we already have an entire room of our home full of art, craft and school supplies, second of all the last thing "Mary" needs is another stuffed animal. We have 7 children here, 9 people in our home.

2007-07-05 22:12:22 · 26 answers · asked by me_just_me 2

My boyfriend uses drugs, which is something I am very against. He lied to me about it up until a month ago, and I knew all along that he was lying. He orders drugs online and pays extreme amounts (hundreds of dollars). He's really sweet but I just can't get past the drug use and how he lied about it. Our one-year anniversary is in 2 weeks. Part of me really wants to break up, but part of me really wants to stay together. Any suggestions?

2007-07-05 20:19:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have wriiten a piece of poetry on esnips(betrayal of my life).Check it out.Want to know your reactions!!!
Thanks a lot...

2007-07-05 19:41:22 · 7 answers · asked by onella 1

im 17 years old and i dont have any friends at all in fact i have a lot of enemies. nearly everyone in my school hates me and im not being over dramatic cause they tell me they do, one day i went to sit at a table and a girl was there she didnt say anything to me then another girl came to sit down then this kid asked if he could sit with us and she said yea ur at the cool table minus one and looked at me. im nice to people and approach them in a kind way but there turned off by me and literally hate my guts i have like 100 people who have blocked me on aol nearly 65 people who wanna kill me lol, and when i do get friends it seems they are fake. like i go tro the gym every week and i made friends with this kid who seemed like me he was good lookin and had no friends either but he was a cool kid and nothing seemed wrong with him besids bein into fighting and star trek a little too much but anyway he turned his bk on me and the few kids ive talked to in school ended up makin fun of m

2007-07-05 19:07:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you lived in a shelter or on the streets or even with a friend or something.

2007-07-05 18:47:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my boyfriend have been together almost 2 years. and engaged since valentines day. Well it all started a month ago when my boyfriend moved to wyoming. He told me the reason why he was going there is bcuz he's always wanted to go there ever since he was younger and theres a job there where he can make alot of money. Its been over a month now since
he's been gone and its driving me crazy not getting to see him. All i do is stay depressed bcuz i was so used to being around him all the time and another thing that makes it hard is bcuz he was pretty much my first true love. He told me before he left that he will be back in november. Theres alot more to this story but i dont want to write all of it, i just need a little advice on what i should do to pass time until he gets back or if i should find someone else?

2007-07-05 18:44:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a 25 year old woman, soon to be 26. I graduated college about 3 years ago, and am currently working in my almost 3 year job. The pay isn't too good, but since I still live with my parents that hasn't really been a big issue. I don't know if I should try to get a better job, cause I'm comfortable where I am, but am concerned with the little money I'm getting there. I am totally afraid of change, and don't know how to deal with the job hunting while i got one. When does one go to interviews?

My other issue is with my bf of 4.5 years. He has said he doesn't want to be tied down with me, that he still has so much to do with his life. He doesn't work yet, and he got into a big fight with his family. So now he has the urge to work and leave. So his 'so much to do' has been cut down to 'get a job and get out', so now he tells me we should rent together, since my parents will probably want me out soon too . He doesn't 'love' me, but says he cares. Do people get together for love anymore?

2007-07-05 17:52:47 · 5 answers · asked by jade 2

Im pregnancnt right now and before my ex boyfriend left outside the country we were happy. When he was away he told me that he did not treat me as girlfriend. It hurts when he said that because i accepted him in my house and treated him right and loved him a lot because he'salso the dad of my baby. He just told me that he will just support and send money but until now he did not send and not yet paying his debt to me on which I have no money to pay for the credit card as he used my bro's credit card. I do not know if I will still purue the communication. Some said no because he's nothing but my bro said yes just for the baby. But whenever I ttalk with him it hurts a lot. I only remember the pains he caused me. PLEASE HELP ME!

2007-07-05 17:44:20 · 11 answers · asked by fairy 1

I find it somewhat disgusting and it is not something I would have wanted him to do. He said he thought I would like it; but I don't. He will not remove it and I don't want to have sex with him because of it. I think he should have told me before the fact and he says it is something he wanted to do for a long time. He said it was very painful and thought I would like it. I don't and he is unmoving in removing it. I don't like sex with him because of it and it is uncomfortable when being intimate in many ways. What should I do to convince him to remove it, even though he says he will not? I think this will be the end of our sexual relationship and I would rather that not happen.

2007-07-05 16:50:24 · 4 answers · asked by Boomer 5

Would you consider a mother telling her children that they cannot go to bed until they find her channel changer because she thinks they lost it verbal abuse?

2007-07-05 15:49:47 · 8 answers · asked by Alana 3

my sister's hubby recently left her and now she is out every night drinking and acting like an ***. she is dating another guy (after 4weeks of being seperated and has been w/ him for 3 months now) and is always with him. the sucky part comes to play when i tell u that she has 2 children that she now neglects big time. they are great kids and she used to spend 100% of her time with them. now she might have them 2 nights a week. and when she does have them she complains about them and tries to send them to grandma's instead. she is 30 years old and thinks its her right to have fun. she has admited she wants freedom from the kids and says she is at a time in her life where she doesnt want the burden of kids.
the whole family has tried to talk to her and nothing works. she is hurting her babies and they have changed so much! any suggestions on how to get through to her. she just doesnt see what she is doing to them.

2007-07-05 15:20:41 · 10 answers · asked by moms_lil_bugs 2

she does it all the time i cant understand why she wont flush =she like's look at her own feces and mine... She allway's tell's me not to flush the toilet after i go to the bathroom so she can go in there and look at it.... is realy disgusting... is this a normal thing that happen's in a relationship?
What should i do?

2007-07-05 15:06:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are some good dares to use when playing with girl shes a blood cousin shes 18 im 19 im a guy what good dares could I use

2007-07-05 15:00:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

There's this guy who keeps calling me on my cell and his mom keeps trying to set me up with him, what sould I do? Just ignore his calls and everything? Which I cant do to his mom... It's getting really freaky and stuff, especially when my friends told me he kept asking them if I had a boyfriend or any plans this weekend...

2007-07-05 14:25:24 · 3 answers · asked by Volleyball Girl 2

The male ego is bigger but more fragile than the female ego.

2007-07-05 11:25:40 · 12 answers · asked by Dr. G™ 5

Do you still impress your spouse in this way?

2007-07-05 11:14:46 · 12 answers · asked by Dr. G™ 5

Broken romance, loss of a special someone?

2007-07-05 10:34:13 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can understand wanting to please your partner, but I'm a guy and even I wouldn't ask a girl to do that. I wanna be with a girl with some class. I'm shocked so many girls these days are willing to do it. How do you guys/girls feel about this subject?

2007-07-05 09:39:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-05 09:22:45 · 18 answers · asked by Izzy 2

My man is getting hi as often as possible he claims he doesnt need help but i say he does i have threatend to leave and take the kids but he still does it and tries to hide it but i always seem to know. He will do good for 4 or 5 months then go on a binge off and on for like a month what in the hack can i do to help him stop and make him see and i am seriously ready to give up on us and take off with my kids

2007-07-05 09:09:52 · 14 answers · asked by mom 2

My boyfriend is 6 years older than me. He's 26. I'm 20.

Today I talked to some 14 year old kids and I realized how immature they are.

Why doesn't my boyfriend view me in the same light? Or does he? Is there a huge difference between 14 and 20?

2007-07-05 08:52:53 · 12 answers · asked by Sam 1


This isn't really a question. Just posting I guess. I just moved to Virginia a couple months ago and got married. My husband and I have a spacious appartment and he is in the Navy so our household is pretty stable. I guess I just wanted to know if anyone needs help or housing. He works all day and I'm home by myself during the day. I would love to have a teenage mom or just someone who needs help. Please only serious responses. If you need help tho with anything child care housing please e-mail me and let me know.

2007-07-05 08:47:06 · 3 answers · asked by VA gurl 1

no on e in the WORLD thinks that i am responsible enough. granted, i can be lazy and sloppy but I KNOW that when u are a mom, there is no time for that! I know this and i'm willing to change! I'm 29. I have worked at a day care, i've babysat since i was 12. i have a younger bro and sis and have been around kids all my life. I spent over a year practically raising my friends baby when she was depressed and she slept all the time. kids love me and i did really good with her!. I want to have a baby so bad. my soon to be husband wants one too i think and he says i'll be a great mom but i think deep down he worries about it too. I don't want to hear people saying i just need to get off of my *** and clean the house, i've done that. what i want are answers from people who have been through this and made it out ok on the other side. thanks :)

2007-07-05 08:10:23 · 12 answers · asked by the1princessh 3

What was the best method that your parents used in trying to teach you something?
I am having a seriously hard time trying to teach my curious son things that are potentially dangerous.
I had just spoken with him about power lines and the first thing he did last night when we got out of a car was touch one. Luckily it wasn't a live wire. I didn't see it when I parked there otherwise I obviously would'nt have. There has been many storms and one was blown down. Still I nearly had a heart attack and cried about the what if's until I fell asleep.

2007-07-05 07:55:01 · 11 answers · asked by Emily 3

We watched "The Secret of MY Success" yesterday with Michael J. Fox from 1987. As kids we watched this movie often.

It is interesting to me to see the women in that movie that were considered to be some of the most beautiful women at that time. In today's society, they would just be considered average attractive women. And I'm not just talking about hair and clothing styles. I'm talking body and facial features, movements, attitude.

These women had average bodies, even the promiscuous wife of the boss. Slim, average breasts, nice bodies. Certainly not what we would see today, big breasted, big butted, looooong thin legged women with striking features.

In real life now, men who have been around for the last 20 years, have your own preferences changed? Do you prefer one look over the other? Do you know what I'm talking about or am I rambling?

2007-07-05 07:00:25 · 17 answers · asked by Stephanie J 5

Even if i just did before we were intimate, i was told by some people that this is because he is hitting my G spot, and if i relax it will feel really good, but the feeling is so strong its hard to relax (or maybe i'm just scared i'm gonna pee on him) if this is the case how can i relax and make the fealing go away, or what is it if not?

2007-07-05 06:49:47 · 1 answers · asked by champaign200221 1

Yesterday for 4th of July we had a small get together at my place of both families. My 17 year old sister invited her boyfriend without asking either one of us and my husband asked him to leave (no one else likes this boyfriend except my mom). The boyfriend asked why and my husband told him he was not invited. So the boyfriend left and my mom and grandmother started arguing with my husband about how rude he was for asking him to leave. Knowing my husband very well it went better than I thought it would have (my husband has a record for violence and other assault cases)- I think he took care of it in a calm manner. Now my mom and grandma said they would never over to my place again. Do you think my husband was wrong? Should I apologize to my mom and sister?

2007-07-05 06:35:57 · 13 answers · asked by Prissy 2

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