I have some insecurities about this. She had some lesbian experiences when she was younger and the most recent being a few months before we got together (4 1/2 years ago). We got trashed the other night and she made out with my best friends girlfriend in front of him (I was in my house and oblivious). She knows that I view this as cheating (I don't want to hear from guys who say grab the camera, 3some, etc.....cool for you, but not for me). Even though I know she was trashed and didn't remember, until I found out and refreshed her memory, I feel completely hurt, disrespected and disregarded. I know she'd flip out if it was me kissing another girl. And no matter how drunk I've ever been, I've never made out with anyone else. But, we have been together for a long time, fight on and off, she is bi-polar (I am not), but I care for her. I'm just worried about her doing it again sometime. I guess this is not a question, just a rant. I'll make my own decision anyway.
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