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Other - Family & Relationships - 14 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I am looking for an old friend. We lost touch a few years ago and I would like to get in touch with her. The info that I know of her is that she lived in Litchfield MI and moved to Ft Polk LA with her army husband. When they left there they moved to the Seattle area. The last I heard, she left her husband and moved back to the Litchfield area again. This was in the spring of 2003. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

2007-01-14 10:38:19 · 3 answers · asked by storm_mitch 3

Could you help me please?
I think that my mom is recording me on this computer. I know what the hell!! I am 16 and yet she still thinks i am a little baby. Probably i have said some stuff in my conversations to other people that i should have never said, and i was wondering if you know a way to remove the unwanted stuff and also stop my mom from recording me, i hate it!!! Thanks a lot

2007-01-14 10:29:37 · 3 answers · asked by Angel From The Hell 2

GPS navigator system for your car
electric shaver for your face
gold watch
expensive aftershave

i am spending $600 , each thing on the list besides the perfume/ clothes is worth $600 and if i did buy him aftershave i would just buy him 4 to add up to that amount

i cant decide though which one to get , what would you rather receive as a gift ?

or is there anything that you would rather get that isn't on the list above . the gift is for a 27 year old

2007-01-14 10:23:19 · 17 answers · asked by Me 7

When I was having sex the other day, he said "oooh I feel it" lol. So he brought it home (if you know what I mean). Was he saying I feel it cuz he felt he was coming? I just am very curious. Is it like a bone you feel or something?

2007-01-14 10:22:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a neighbor who I considered a friend. Her and her husband work so I would keep an eye on thier 11 year old for them when they asked. Well she told me to keep her posted on him. So she would call several times a day for progress reports and I would tell her. She also would tell me to make sure he did his chores while they were gone. So when I would check on him I would ask him if he had done his chores and if he hadnt I would remind him to do them before mom and dad came home. One day I saw him kicking and punching his dog so I told the mom. A few times he left their door open or unlocked when he went to school (I also took thier dog out everyday) I told the mom. Now I am an evil person in their eyes that likes to pick on their kid and try to be his mom. I only did what she asked of me. Now she says Im a spy and I should have only checked on him once in a 12 hour period. I checked on him at least3 times a day to feed him, etc. Am I wrong or is she? She said Im just an evil spy.

2007-01-14 10:19:35 · 15 answers · asked by dcforensics51 2

This is rather embarrassing! I went to a party with an ex-girl I really liked and she was topless and dancing in front of few "guy-friends" and well I got really upset (I was drunk) because I felt they were using her as an object, one said to take that shirt off. I am ashamed I even gave a tear. I went to another room to deal with it. She slapped me and said "You are making me look like a whore." (because I was the only one taking offense) I basically cried more lmao (so embarrassing). I don't want to see my friend strip in front of me! Do women hate emotional and nice guys? I would think they like them for becoming a good father but I may be wrong.

2007-01-14 10:08:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know I can't make them not have sex before marriage. I myself believe virginity is sacred and important. What is the best way to teach them that lesson?

2007-01-14 10:05:19 · 7 answers · asked by upstairs_albert 2

We have told our next door neighboor not to come in our house unless we are here. She really bad into drugs and she is always over at our house asking for stuff to borrow, but never brings it back. She has became friends with my grandma who lives with us. When we are gone she will come over and my grandma will let her in. We have found things come up missing that where there before we left. We have told my grandma not to let her in, but she does it anyways. Is there anything we can do to get this stopped. We are completely out of ideas, anything will be greatly appreciated.

2007-01-14 09:57:59 · 24 answers · asked by **baby~doll** 3

I like a guy who is one grade higher than me. how do i stand out from the crowd in a good way that will make him want to ask me out? everything helps. thank you :)

2007-01-14 09:46:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I trust him and I am attracted to him. I laugh with him and I can cry with him. He makes me feel comfotable and relaxed when I am going through a tough time.

We have great chemistry

I feel like jealousy outweighs love. I Think every relationship I have been in in the past I had reason not to trust them. Therefore, I think I defined love from jealousy. Now I feel like jealousy outweighs love....

Do you think that we are just hitting the comfort stage of love or am I falling out of love?

I also have an anxiety problem and I feel like the anxiety are making these thoughts much worse

2007-01-14 09:44:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK, the gye I like flirts with me all the time, and naturaly I flirt back. But on Friday at lunch, I saw him kissing another girl. when I asked him about it, he said nothing was going on between them. Should I belive him, or give him the "Boot"?

2007-01-14 09:42:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

me and neil have been dating for only 1 month and a half and i lost feelings for him....we have been friends for 5 years and i dont want to hurt his feelings....hes one of the nicest guys ever but i just dont feel it for him anymore...how should i break it off with him, cause its soo hard to do it in person.

2007-01-14 09:38:15 · 8 answers · asked by Sara 2

the questions asked and sometimes your question remains unanswered. Pehaps that person really needs help..yet they get no answers what do they do then?

2007-01-14 09:36:03 · 12 answers · asked by Disco Lady 1

1.Until what age it is considered normal to never have had a relationship (or just very few relationships) with a person of opposite sex?

You can not know if it's causing her or him great unhappiness (you have reasons to believe she/he is suffering) AND, I REPEAT: this person seems to have little or no relationships whatsoever with other people (sexual or otherwise).

2.If you would know a person who never had a relationship (or that has had an in-significant number of relationships), what would you do?
3.Would you worry about that person? If yes, why and when(at what age)? If not, why?
4.Would you do something about that person's situation? What would you do for him/her?
5.Have you ever seen something like this? What did you do about it (if you did anything, I mean)?

Please write your age, gender (male/female) and nationality (country). Answers are different due to many factors, some of them are age, gender and nationality (maybe these are the most important ones).

2007-01-14 09:33:07 · 2 answers · asked by iDontKnowWhatToDo 2

2007-01-14 09:28:10 · 12 answers · asked by Scorpio 1

2007-01-14 09:22:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't want to go to dinner tonight with my entire family. Everytime the whole family is together I canstan it! Its eiether filled with fights or boring as hell! I love them all, but I would rather go clubbing with my boyfriend and friends. Atleast with them there are never fights or a dull moment! Please help me.

2007-01-14 09:18:53 · 6 answers · asked by Barlow 6

My husband has an idea to start his own business. it sounds loke a good idea and i think that it just might work but i am employed and making $12/hour in a shop. in order to start this business we would have to move to a place that is a five hour drive from where i work. what would you do?

p.s. we have 4 children ages 1-10

2007-01-14 09:18:52 · 4 answers · asked by dreamer 4

right i have been with this guy for six months, sex is crap...he doesnt talk AT all. He crys leaves me loads of voice mails crying if i dont call him etc etc...I broke up with him 3months ago for 3mnts he went to my worst ex-friends house who has caused me lots of problems in my house to listen to gossip and talk about me for his own selfish needs i guess i dont understand that one...we used to argue as we would b out and he would stress he needs to go home 2 call his mom 2say goodnight at like1130pm i use 2 moan and say this isn't normal..i pick up d house phone (we lived 2gether) and his mom would like have 20 voicemails on there saying where are you..then call again saying i called you 15mins ago where are you dont you love me no more!!!!???? it freaked me out LOTS...im just trying give a little history so you can answer my ? so anyway he stalked me 4 like 3mnths...werid again..i got back wid him at new yr..said ill give it one more try he said he knew he need work on talk to me

2007-01-14 09:10:32 · 29 answers · asked by MissTee 2

I trust him and I am attracted to him. I laugh with him and I can cry with him. He makes me feel comfotable and relaxed when I am going through a tough time.

We have great chemistry

I feel like jealousy outweighs love. I Think every relationship I have been in in the past I had reason not to trust them. Therefore, I think I defined love from jealousy. Now I feel like jealousy outweighs love....

Do you think that we are just hitting the comfort stage of love or am I falling out of love?

I also have an anxiety problem and I feel like the anxiety are making these thoughts much worse

2007-01-14 09:07:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ryt, ther is this guy, we r really good friends, i fancy him.
When i was in his house he asked me if i fancied him n i said yes and he snogged me. He came onto me. And i liked it and i fink he did too . I see him all the time. But now i want to snog him again but i dnt know if i should just hug him then snog him or just snog him or wateva. Plz give me some tips , wat to do . (he wnt pull away, sure of tht ) I need tips plz !!

2007-01-14 08:58:05 · 16 answers · asked by NoYouHangUp.. 2

How does it feel for them? does it hurt? my boyfriend said that he pissed out blood.. just curios guys plz share your experiences.

2007-01-14 08:49:19 · 8 answers · asked by hotpinkpunk2009 1

My bf and I are dating and he has resently moved out. But we left it open so each f us can still date other people. Is this a way of just putting off the inevitable or do we still have a chance?

2007-01-14 08:43:59 · 12 answers · asked by ridenitroughly 1

Me and my boyfriend are having serious problems. He is the best thing in my life, even though he does alot of stupid ****, i love him to death and i would do anything and everything for him. If we broke up i dont know what i would do... Without him, i really have nothing to live for. Please help.

2007-01-14 08:38:20 · 3 answers · asked by itslove2378 1

I LOVE being single, but I dont want to let my boy go cause he's real sweet -- but there's loads of boys I'd rather be with, and would just my bf to be a real good mate who I can flirt with .... How do i do it rrrrrr?

2007-01-14 08:35:10 · 23 answers · asked by SeaSide,x 2

My mother tries to run my entire life.She tells me what to do all of the time.She criticizes every little thing and then yells at me about the simplest stuff.She blows cigarette smoke it my face,tells me i'm going to hell if i dont believe in god,and says she has the right to do what she wants.What do you think? What should I do?

2007-01-14 08:33:37 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Until what age it is considered normal to never have had sex?
If you would know a person who never had sex, what would you do? Would you worry about that person? If yes, why and when(at what age)? If not, why?

2007-01-14 08:29:42 · 29 answers · asked by iDontKnowWhatToDo 2

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