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Friends - February 2007

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my friend tells to me when we hav a chatting time that our conversation was flat,,n it happened twice....think i always try to start a new topic....and till now she even didn't reply my e-mail......
what should i do?????

2007-02-25 04:12:21 · 2 answers · asked by drey 2

I would like to do something special for both of them (together)... but not the usual birthday dinner. Any suggestions? (under $100)

2007-02-25 03:59:59 · 3 answers · asked by naenae0011 7

Zach won't let me talk about it with him. I told his friend to talk to him about it, but he hasn't yet. Zach's friend hasn't even brought it up! I need some major advice for me to bring it up and break it to him. At school it's so obvious that Manny and Zach's gf (Hannah) are backstabbing him. Hannah and Manny go to the movies all the time. Our teacher Mrs. Musser, talks about how she saw them at the movies holding hands and everything like that. HELP!!!!!

2007-02-25 03:58:57 · 5 answers · asked by magnetgurl56 1

Please, tell me the circunstances.

2007-02-25 03:52:19 · 21 answers · asked by Juan Carlos 2

My bestfriend is turning 13 and I am trying 2 find a gift she will like and I need a website w/ like a quiz or something that takes her personality and matches it with the perfect gift

2007-02-25 03:47:54 · 4 answers · asked by SydneyB 2

2007-02-25 03:47:24 · 5 answers · asked by Barbi_girl 2


2007-02-25 03:42:05 · 11 answers · asked by Jailyn W 1

I have an online friend that has become like a best buddy over the years; someone that I would consider a true friend even though we haven't met. Problem is this person always tells me, "Hey, I am gonna be online tonight at this time, please be here" or something to that extent. He has done this several times and then never shown up. Everytime he has an excuse. At first it was fine, since it really wasn't a big deal. But then he has continued to do that over and over and I have gotten to the point where I really don't want to talk to him because of this. I just know that any of my other friends would be where they would say they were going to be, and being online shouldn't be treated differently. I feel like you should show people the same respect whether online or in person. There are actually some important projects that we work on together (we are both in the same field), and when he doesn't show up that really slows my process. So not only friend wise does he do this, but sometimes on a professional level too. I've told him over and over that if he is not going to be around or doesn't know for sure, then not to say that he is going to be. I've given him numerous chances and he has done this over and over for at least 6 months if not more. Am I overreacting? What would you do in this situation? Would you stop talking to the person? I've told him over and over about his behavior , and now I am to the point where I don't know if I am just being too picky or if I have a valid reason not to talk to him anymore, which is the way I am leading to now. Thanks all!

2007-02-25 03:40:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 18 years old. My best friend for the past 5 years has always had parties house parties, birthday parties, everything and never ONCE bothered to invite me! She always tells me to my face she is having them but never once has even bothered to invite me. This year i finally confronted her about it for the 2nd year IN A ROW and here is what she told me.

"hey Kristin i told u i was having a party.... and let me explain for like the 2nd year in a row... i didn't know if it would mix well... u don't know ANY of my xc friends and that would just be akward and for my other friends you didn't know most of them so i thought it would be weird i was just going to have a small get together with you and kelly or something but then i wasn't sure 'cuase its like 3 parties in a row"

so kelly ended up going to this party!!!

i don't understand what she meant by this and everytime i ask her she just says "it's complicated"

should i still consider her a friend even? I'm almost crying it hurts

2007-02-25 03:37:50 · 18 answers · asked by pantherkick07 1

i think i have a friendship problem
my best friend acts like she is not my best anymore
although we are sitting together in the class , she doesnt talk to me and talk to the other girl mostly and this makes me feel alone
she also talks unwillingly on the internet and rarely calls me at home
she goes outside with her another friend and doesnt invite me
we used to be really really good friends
i dont really want to ask her why she is acting like that because that will break my heart
and she sometimes even pretends like nothing is wrong with each other for example the whole day we rarely talk later when its time to go home she gives me a candid frindship hug like there is nothing wrong
omg this really makes me crazy
what should i do?

2007-02-25 03:20:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

In my class, there are two girls who sit at my table. One of them just recently broke up with her boyfriend, Josh. Her best friend, Bethany likes him and during Science, they both take a bulletin board tack and carve his initials in there wrist! They act like it is no big deal but it is! I am really afraid that they are going to go even further with it! What should I do?

2007-02-25 03:17:14 · 4 answers · asked by Taylor B. 1

I have a friend whose 6 years older than me but were really close. She chose a guy over me though and ran off with him. Now she's back, nearly 6 months later and in need of a friend. She really hurt me because she was my only friend at the time. What should I do?

2007-02-25 03:15:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

has this ever occurred in your life, that you've dumped a guy, for some reason beyond your control, and after a long time, you miss him so much and you dicover that you still love him?

2007-02-25 03:09:50 · 4 answers · asked by Honey 3

Okay, so there was this girl I knew that went to middle school with me and I knew her from 6th grade to 8th grade, but we didn't really start becomming friends until 8th grade. When we did become friends, though, she began to physically and verbally abuse me. This went on all through 8th grade, and then we went to high school and I haven't seen her since the last day of 8th grade. And for the record, I'm now a freshman in high school. And several months ago I began to realize that I missed her. I always just tried to convince myself that I was wrong, but is it possible to miss an abuser after not seeing her for months?

2007-02-25 03:05:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i've had this friend for a year now. things were great at first but now things have gone down hill fast. where we fight all the time if it's just us but act like there is nothing wrong when we have people around us. i've been there and helped out and have a lot of investment in him to just let him go. now it just seems like he wants to be with me since i have money. just the other night he told me if i didn't give him that 10 he was down with me. do you think i should let him how i feel hoping that he might change or just forget it and move on

2007-02-25 03:05:25 · 9 answers · asked by gibbs_20_11 3

But they dont make fun of me they make fun of my friends and the jokes the say are kinda funny and I try not to laugh but I cant help myself. Then they get mad at me for doing that. I really want to stop laughing beacuse their my BFF'S. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!

2007-02-25 03:04:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

wht is ur choice of a friend? a friend for a season/reason/a good reliable trustworthy & dependable friend forever?

and what kind of a friend d wud u be to someone?

a friend for a reason/season/a good reliable trustworthy & dependable friend forever?

2007-02-25 02:54:59 · 14 answers · asked by ☆| raji |☆ says let's make life beautiful! 6

I have my very 1st girlfriend now. I barely asked her out yesterday and she accepted. I am happy. But when can i start holding her hand? do i just touch her hand to let her know that I want to hold hands with her? When do I start kissing her and so forth?

2007-02-25 02:51:07 · 6 answers · asked by Mr Guy 1

Why does society make it hard to make friends? I suspect the reason why I don't make friends well is because the time allocation of college and the fact that I stayed home for extra time for the past 5 years. I played too much game that I lost communication to the real world. I lost ways on how to interact with the real world. Back in grade school, I remember I am good at making friends. In high school, I barely made one good friend. now in college, I cannot even make friends. in grade school, you used to have at least 8 AM - 2:40 PM monday through friday. and that is with the same people all day. In hs school, you can only get to meet the same people at least 1 class period (75 min) for 5 days and you had time to talk to new people. In college, you can meet new people but so rare to make friends. you can only see them for at least 2 class period only per week (3 hr). and you don't even have a chance to talk. the teachers lectures all class and the student leaves.

2007-02-25 02:44:14 · 6 answers · asked by Daft Punker 1

i know he's depressed. he's the quiet type. doesn't talk much. he's dealing with some problems now. he's my friend and i really want to help him. so what's good for him? me leaving him alone with his probs or me bugging him from time to time to check if he's ok which he never is?

oh, and he's not my boyfriend, or my ex-boyfriend or the guy who i want him to be my boyfriend. ok so there.

i know my way of asking is somewhat rude or anything, but i'm stressed out. so, please, help, thanks.

2007-02-25 02:43:25 · 7 answers · asked by Pauper 2

2007-02-25 02:31:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone know how to extend a conversation until to the end of the lunch period? Most of our conversation only last like under 2 minutes only. I need help extending the conversation to last at least a long time so I can get to know the person better.

2007-02-25 02:30:23 · 3 answers · asked by Daft Punker 1

I tried talking to new people but they already think I am a stranger. I am always failing to find friendship with people. I tried talking to new poeple but they only answer because they are being nice, not looking for a friendship. I seriously need help finding friends.

2007-02-25 02:27:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most of my friends have girlfriends. I don't have a girlfriend. I want to find my true love already. The main problem is this, I don't have a majority amount of female friends. Nor even I have close female friends. How can I overcome this? I tried to talk to new people but they still think I am a stranger. I ask them about their day and their weekend and etc. They only answer me because they are being nice, weren't interested in being friends. Anyone help please? I really really want to find my true love already.

2007-02-25 02:25:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I remember it was my best friend's brithday, and she was helding a party at her house. I was the only friend of hers that showed up. My brother had to walk me there in the snow. I brought Tiffany an bracelet set from walgreens, and a birthday card.
Now me and her are 12 years old now in middle school, and we live long distance now. She never bothered sending me an b-day card throught the mail, or giving me an present. Or risking her self to come to my house. Sometimes I think that Tiffany cares less about me, and more of her self. On myspace I will send her big spactacular birthday comments, and say happy birthday to her very loud to her on the phone. What does that tell you about Tiffany? Do you disagree that I feel like she's careless about me? What do you think about this?

2007-02-25 02:24:58 · 9 answers · asked by Ebby♥♥ 6

i n my frnd were really good frnds bout 1 yr ago....until d day i betrayed her...i started lying bout her spreadin gossip..etc etc..now i really regret all dis.. i really want her back as a frnd but she doesnt even spk to me...i have tried spkin to her n i have said sorry a millions times...but yet she doesnt 4give me what should i do??????

2007-02-25 02:19:34 · 10 answers · asked by cool girl 1

Theres this boy that likes me but i dont like him.He always writes love note from hearts.How should I tell him I dont like him with out hurting him.
Also theres this boy that I have a crush on he's sweet and cute how should I tell him I like him and how do i know if he likes me?
Answer these two questions. The person that helps me the most will get best answer!Please Help!

2007-02-25 02:13:03 · 15 answers · asked by Brooklyn 3

Well as u can tell im azn...

i usually got to an azn church but today we went to a white church (no offence or anything)

i went to this different church today and when i was walking down the aisle to get my communion i swore i could have seen people staring at me and my family..

are they racist or do they usally dont see azn people like me?

2007-02-25 02:06:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello (ni hao ) I m John Qiu ...live in shanghai just wanna make christian friends ...no matter where u live,.,,, I just knew God is love .....so i should love u too

anyway ,if u wanna know more chinese culture or learn chinese

follow me,,, I ll be there
i can introduce u about china, and teach u chinese,
of course it s free

msn johnjack174@hotmail.com
yahoo duke1351411@yahoo.com.cn

2007-02-25 02:03:59 · 3 answers · asked by Jesus loves me 1

My freind, has this awful boyfreind. I went to the movies and the mall with them a few days ago, and I met him. he is TERRIBLE! He is very imature and disgusting. All he did the whole time was complain, and complain about people he knows and blah blah blah! He swears excesivly, and he wouldnt let me and my freind shop for a few minutes because he "hates" shopping. He wouldnt even hold my freinds hand or give her a kiss goodbye and they have been dating for 2 months! How do I tell her that this guy is a loser! She is completly infatuated with him, its crazy! She is totaly wasting her time, when she could find another guy worthy of her!

2007-02-25 01:47:45 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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