How do you tell or show your children-they can be grown and still count-that you love them without actually saying the words "I LOVE YOU"?
I try to show an interest in my childrens interests (schoolwork, art that she made, pokemon cards even if I don't get it, lol), lots of praise, playing, hugs and kisses.
Taking my oldest (17) shopping and then going to dinner afterwards. We have not been getting along very well lately and I don't show it as much as I do with the younger ones. But when I do I try to make her laugh or feel appreciated. The last good mom and daughter time we had is I did her hair and we had a lot of fun.
Sometimes I cuddle and rock the baby (19 mo) and don't say anything and just look into her eyes and I feel that is a very loving moment between the two of us.
My 6 year old son and I have this look that I can't describe and it is sort of like a smile but different and we say "I LOVE YOU" with that expression. Moms may know what I mean, lol.
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