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Family & Relationships - 13 December 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Which one do you like best for the card for my crush! Letter A or B! And Why

A. Hey ____! A gift for you! Well, I really don't know if I should say on the card, that I like u! But whatever! Well, its almost winter break if I say i like u on the card it gives you 2 weeks to think about me whether you like me or not! Well, so now u know i like u. T...h...i..n...k........ ^_^ A gift which is more than just for christmas, but for a heart poured out to be thought of, for a lifetime.

Love Sarah


B. Dear Martin,

Glad the holidays are here and I get the chance to say..here's a little gift from me and I really like you by the way!

Love Always,


2006-12-13 03:37:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-12-13 03:37:01 · 9 answers · asked by Aswathy 1 in Singles & Dating

There was a lot of people in my life that treated me like a doormat. Without me wanting to, it became very hard for me to trust people. Now I met a wonderful guy, we have been together for a year, but there are just some things that keep telling me i dont trust him as much as i would like. I know he is a wonderful person and would never do anything to hurt me, but sometimes i will react in bizzare ways to some insignificant comment or a joke, and he feels that something is keeping me from trusting him completely. I seem to have the same trust issues with some of my friends, and even my mom. How do I remedy this (short of going to a shrink?)

2006-12-13 03:36:45 · 14 answers · asked by Mary S 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have been dating a guy from September until now. I haven't slept with him or even kissed him and we've only truly hung out a couple of times but talk on the phone on the regular. He likes to come to the library and watch me study. A couple of days ago I wanted to advance our relationship to another level (us exclusively dating) but he says he's not looking for that right now. He constantly tells me I'm mad cool and that I would be a great mother. I know he likes me cause he is still around. Should I still keep waiting on him to get his stuff together or just cut him off completely?

2006-12-13 03:36:40 · 8 answers · asked by TILAC 2 in Singles & Dating

when he says...."i like the thrill of the chase"???

2006-12-13 03:35:46 · 9 answers · asked by pink sugar girl xxx 1 in Singles & Dating

Hes a lovely man,knows how to treat a woman.He takes me for meals and nights out and even pays my rent.Ive kept it as friends though because to be honest hes one ugly man.I mean to the point of making me gag.The thing is he always says that if we got together he,d buy me whatever i wanted.So being a bit skint on the run up to xmas im thinking maybe if i sleep with him he,ll get all my xmas gifts plus he promised me a new Gucchi handbag.What do you think?Should i buy a gimp mask for him and do the deed?

2006-12-13 03:35:40 · 27 answers · asked by Nellynoo 4 in Singles & Dating

Would you consider someone who drinks 2- 3 beers a day after work to have a drinking problem?

It's not like a few beers is going to get me hammered. My wife doesnt think it's a problem as far as getting drunk goes she just asked me yesterday how long has it been since I had a beer-less day. Honestly it's been a while, is that a big deal?

It's not like I get home and run straight to the fridge and start pounding em. I usually work out first and when I am done I will have a beer, then we have dinner and I have another. After that I might have one more while watching the news..... does that make me a drunk or sound like a drinking problem to you?

2006-12-13 03:35:40 · 7 answers · asked by RedEye 3 in Singles & Dating

Can anyone tell me what alienation of affection and dereliction of a husband's duties to his wife translates into and how it could potentially affect divorce proceedings?

2006-12-13 03:35:36 · 4 answers · asked by frontdeskwaitress 1 in Marriage & Divorce

my nephew, whom i have to care for for a while, has no friends that i am aware of. he talks to no one...other than who he must, to get by. he goes nowhere. everyday he comes home from work, and goes up to his room. he does nothing (other than a part time job). he has no hobbies. he has no goals. he doesn't have any interests and has NEVER even been on a date. he is 21, almost 22.

is this cause for concern or is it something that will pass??? or is it perhaps kinda normal??? if it is cause for concern, how much???

2006-12-13 03:35:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I dated a guy that never went to my school a while ago...well now he is dating some from my school..and all of her friends hate my guts and constantly start rumors..which effects the relationship i have now...and the people who r starting the rumors are so called "preps" (which i hate)..im a cheerleader..so i dont kno y they say mean things...the guy im, dating now is their friend too..so maybe the r just jealous/? or just plain mean??>

2006-12-13 03:34:37 · 21 answers · asked by ~Ohio State~ 2 in Singles & Dating

CHOLESTEROL . you are cooking allll the right foods etc... and he goes behind ur back to eat allll the wrong foods and doing everything he knows he is not supposed to......im sorry i guess im just venting,,, but im sooooo mad @ him .. does that happened to u?

2006-12-13 03:34:25 · 27 answers · asked by HOT LATINA 4 in Marriage & Divorce

My bf and i have been together 3 yrs got engaged then i got pregnant so the wedding had to be delayed.I am due christmas day to give birth to his son.To get to the point i made it very clear when i started dating him what i thought of guys watching porn if they were in a long term relationship.Now i am not a prude but if you are dating someone or married and getting sex on a regular basis at least once a day 7 days a week in our case. Pretty much in any position imaginable and in different places.Why do you need to watch porn and have over 200 hundred web sites on your computer?I feel hurt more because he lied about it and i called off the wedding.I personally would not have cared if it was once in a while but i consider porn to be low class and gross.

2006-12-13 03:33:44 · 20 answers · asked by Bella C 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My boss is very nice to me with holiday gifts and I am stumped on an idea for a gift to him this year. Any ideas that are unusual? I would like to keep it under $200. It's hard because he has a ton of money and buys himself whatever he wants, so there's not much that he says he would like. Looking for an unusual idea....

2006-12-13 03:33:18 · 14 answers · asked by Nikki 2 in Friends

I truly do like this bankteller at the bank that I go to, the past few days I have tried to talk to her and the next teller is ear shot away and she could hear or listen to what I would say to the bankteller. What should i do about that? Can ya give me advice on what I should say ito her ? How can i find out if she is single or has a bf? thanks i really appreciate ur help bc I really do like her. Thanks again

2006-12-13 03:32:59 · 8 answers · asked by spurs257 1 in Singles & Dating

so me and my friend were talking the other day right and she asks me... when a guy does you in the butt is it true that you get poop on there penis because you know thats where you poop from. so i was like i dont know!!! can anyone answer that question for me??? any answers or anything u have to say about this?

2006-12-13 03:32:55 · 6 answers · asked by mexican-mami 15 1 in Singles & Dating

gave my husband an Ipod for his birthday and he lets his 8 year old son use it. His son has lost two expensive games of his own, has an Ipod of his own but not the latest. IT bothers me that he is allowed to grab it out of his dad's hands and play with it. For some reason it bothers me, even though in my mind I know a gift is a gift, with no strings attached. What mind exersice can I do to get over this?
I am re asking a question posted today already

2006-12-13 03:32:00 · 1 answers · asked by Valerie 6 in Family

2006-12-13 03:31:48 · 21 answers · asked by NurseNancy 1 in Singles & Dating

1 i know well he is not my biological one tho and 1 i havent met wht do think I should do with my unknown one?

2006-12-13 03:31:41 · 8 answers · asked by X?LADY?X 1 in Family

I am 42 yrs old, I worked away from home a yr ago and ended up sleeping with a 22 yr old, I feel bad enough about the age thing, but I love my wife very much, I never meant to hurt her in any way, is it possible to save this marriage>? or should I just drop everything?

2006-12-13 03:30:52 · 50 answers · asked by cwolf325 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm almost on the brink of asking this girl I like out (because we both like each other) and I just want some feedback on some good ideas on places to take her, and how to act around her

2006-12-13 03:30:52 · 14 answers · asked by Greg S 3 in Singles & Dating

This guy and I have been friends for four or five years and I think he has feelings for me. We did go out once and it didn't work out because we were too young and we weren't ready. Now, I think he really likes me, and I think I like him. He went out with another girl once and he said it didn't work out at all. He drops hints that he likes me all the time. Does he like me or is he just being friendly? Help!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-13 03:30:17 · 4 answers · asked by retooser 4 in Singles & Dating

A guy may kiss you after a first date, but many guys never actually ask a girl, "Will you be my girlfriend". What gives? So when are you offically dating??

2006-12-13 03:30:15 · 2 answers · asked by staci 1 in Singles & Dating

I have a friend that brags about everything she has but she really don't get a lot of things. she just like to be seen i want to tell her because i think that is what a true friend does but i don't know how to tell her without braking up our friendship what should i do?

2006-12-13 03:29:36 · 18 answers · asked by kuntry_blaque16 1 in Friends

my friends will make me laugh, but in like 5 seconds i'll be like all upset, i don't know how to stop it, then when they tell me i am i get even more upset, but then my friends make me laugh and im all happy again. Is it my friends or me?

2006-12-13 03:29:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

So ok there is this guy. i wen out with him 6th 7th 8th 9th and now soon 10th .. ok we always were on and off. and no matter wat we do. we ALWAYS like eachother. even when were just friends. we try so hard. but we always end up bak with eachotehr. Now this is the confusing part. Me and him jsut got IN A HUGE fight. for 5 months we didnt talk this fast friday we saw eachother and we made up.. we had a sleepover witha bu nch of friends and we were up all night talking. and stuff. now again we both like eachohter. i wanna be with this kid. no more messing around and fighting. and he told me he has the same feeling but he d oesnt think i like him..? wat do i dooo?

2006-12-13 03:28:57 · 15 answers · asked by Samantha Rae 1 in Singles & Dating

Can you tell the difference between a really shy guy from a guy with low self-esteem?

2006-12-13 03:28:11 · 11 answers · asked by James 2 in Singles & Dating

I Love my boyfriend so much, and I want to be with him forever. He had some past girls ever since I left him last year, now he's in trouble with some guy, then he comes and sees the girl he was seeing before me and him got back again (we got together again in november of this year). However, she called him, and can you beleive she invited him over and he told me she kissed him but he pushed her back and said he had a girl, but then im like 'why did you go?' and I just get so frustrated. What can I do, he says he trully loves me and wants to marry me some day. I also want to marry him because I love him, but all this gets in the way and
I haven't even been able to sleep. This may seem confusing, but if you have any advice I'd really appreciate it, or anything that you can tell me to make me see or make things better

2006-12-13 03:28:10 · 8 answers · asked by Candy_T 2 in Singles & Dating

Me and husband babysit a 2 month old baby, and the mom always call my husband (not me). She tells the baby go by your daddy.

2006-12-13 03:27:39 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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