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Family & Relationships - 5 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships

Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Hey guys do you like girls better shaven in their private ;-) areas or not shaven? My old bf told me he hated shaven ones and I was like "Um..." because it feels better when you shave. But, I'm j/w.

2006-10-05 14:13:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Is your name Nate, or John!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-05 14:13:04 · 9 answers · asked by Wolf Apple 3 in Singles & Dating

2006-10-05 14:12:44 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Okay, this is my first time going to the homecoming dance.
My date is going to be buying me flowers, but didn't say anything about me buying him a boutonniere.
Should I? Is it approppriate for homecoming? Is it expected?

2006-10-05 14:12:44 · 6 answers · asked by yanping z 2 in Singles & Dating

He yells at me and treats me like crap these past two days i try to ask him whats wrong and he just ignores me. man i hate him so much right now, what should i do???? today we were pulling in the drive way and he yelled at me and i told him not to and got out of the car slammed the door and my son got scared and started crying, i wanna tell him that if he wants out just to tell me but to not treat me like shiit, what should i do? oh and i also reminded him that our 2 yr aniversary is this saturday and he just said SO??

2006-10-05 14:12:24 · 15 answers · asked by sourgirl 3 in Marriage & Divorce

okay i really like this guy and my friend nos him real well and she says that she can get him to hug me . i really like him ALOT . i just dont want his gf to get really mad at me. its not like i am scared of her i mean..... but should i. he is older than me by 2yrs

2006-10-05 14:11:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I'm 19 years old, and I have a crush on my teacher's assitant, who is in his early twenties. He knows me PRETTY well and doesn't seem to mind me. I would love to ask him out for a movie or something like that, but I'm really scared to. Should I do it (that is after he's not my teacher's assistant anymore, if that is even a factor)?

2006-10-05 14:11:09 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

tommorow, we're having an inner-outer circle thing! basically the desks are placed in 2 concentric rings. the people in the inner circle have to ask a question and anonther answers, that person asks another question and so forth. then, we switch, with the outer circle people sitting in the inner circle and asking questions!! i dont know why but i'm nervous!! i mean its not even a speech or anything! im in 10th grade and i absolutely hate public speaking! how am i gonna live in this world or even get into a college when i'm not good at public speaking!
symptoms- 1) day before- start to get nervous and think about the next day
2) get red when speaking and stutter
3) dont feel like me when i'm talking in front of the whole class
4) feel inferior when public speaking

2006-10-05 14:10:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

There's an old saying:
If you love something set it free
if it doesn't come back it was never yours to begin with.
If you love something set it free
If it doesn't come back hunt it down and kill it.
Which ever you prefer.
personally i might chose to hunt it down an kill it but i know its wrong so i'll set it free but it hurts so much to let someone you love go......help.......
please state age as well

2006-10-05 14:08:25 · 2 answers · asked by confused 3 in Singles & Dating

We are still friends but we haven't seen each other since we broke up. his birthday is next week and I bought his present a month ago before we broke up.

2006-10-05 14:07:58 · 12 answers · asked by doc_is 4 in Singles & Dating

Do you have no shame and just fart away? or do you hold it in? Or maybe you just let a little go, but not all, so it's not that noticeable? Seriously, how do you pass gas?!?

2006-10-05 14:07:48 · 6 answers · asked by floresa 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-10-05 14:07:03 · 11 answers · asked by aquamarine003 1 in Singles & Dating

See we still love each other, and the door is still open. But I want more and he doesnt right now. He says that there may be a chance that we could get back together later down the road. Should I want for him?

2006-10-05 14:06:43 · 23 answers · asked by chrisieloney81 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-10-05 14:06:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have this friend named Kim and she stoped hanging out with me and my best friend jennie. because I dated her friend gio and him and I broke up now she calls me a b***** behind my back and my friends back too. I am not scared to fight its just that this kim girl is 300lbs. kim told me before i was her friend for me to keep me friends close but that people u hate closer. When I go around Kim shes all nice to me what do I do I really need help!!

2006-10-05 14:06:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Ok so My friend broke up with this guy a year ago, Now I'm crushing on him. We are all friends, my friend the guy and me. I don't know what to do. He keeps stairing at me. He has a twin sister and we are all frineds with her to and she acts like she knows I like him. Someone help me! Please!

2006-10-05 14:05:58 · 11 answers · asked by Mary 1 in Singles & Dating

I like this guy named Jesse and he told me where he works and I don't know why. I told him I'll come bug him and he said no but he had a big smile on his face when he said that. And the other day he was playing with one of those back pain dolls and he said look its a swimmer. I pretened to be interested. And everytime I dance with my friend Devon Jesse smiles and he blush's why? What do u think? And do u think he will ask me out soon even though he said that he doesn't date girls from our school b/c there SLUTS. I'm not one but there are alot of girls who are at my school.

2006-10-05 14:05:36 · 2 answers · asked by Steph1490 4 in Singles & Dating

Hi guys!! =)

I want to buy a bday present for my love...
He is 22...
any suggestions??

what do guys like besides perfume, ties, and watches....

2006-10-05 14:05:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-10-05 14:04:37 · 13 answers · asked by paul 2 in Marriage & Divorce

There is this guy at my school who claims this week he loves me 2day he's actin all funky n calling me names like i did something to his a**. now tell me is this fake or what ?

2006-10-05 14:04:08 · 3 answers · asked by Peyton J 1 in Singles & Dating

i've been dating this guy for less than a month, we started going out on sep 13. he's rlly nice but he's a lot diff than i thought and not rlly my type. he comes over and sits with me he 2nd half of lunch but we dont talk and if we're on the phone we both just kinda sit there. its always been like that and although we have a lot of stuff in common we two totally diff ppl with diff personalities, he's way too high strung for me and not as into sports as me and that bothers me cuz i love them and want someone who does too. i dont know how to break up with him cuz i dont wanna like hurt him rlly bad or anything. its been less than a month and less than a week since homecoming and i dont want him to think i used him cuz he paid for everything, but he's kinda starting to annoy me and i want out. how can i do it???

and the one person i kinda like now is good friends with him but i think he likes me (or did anyway) so how long should i wait before i approach him or anyone, a month or so..

2006-10-05 14:03:47 · 6 answers · asked by linds 1 in Singles & Dating

I think I married the wrong guy... We dated for 1 year and then got married. He was perfect at first. He was so sweet. He was caring. passionate. We made love frequently. However now after 7 months of being married, its like hes not the same guy anymore. Hes mean and rude to me. On top of that he never spends time with me. All he does is wake up, go to school, and chill with his friends the rest of the day and come home at 2am or 4am. We rarely have sex anymore and he never spends time with me. Like I dont think hes cheating. Ive tried talking to him and all he does is make excuses... I dont want to leave him bcuz im still madly in love with him and i want our marriage to work. is there anything i can do to try to fix our marriage?

2006-10-05 14:03:24 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

he is into that, i am too but i kind of prefer the white dress and everything nice. should i go with what he says which is everything dark or tell him about what i think and prefer?

2006-10-05 14:03:05 · 5 answers · asked by metalchik 4 in Singles & Dating

My "hair down there" is really getting out of control. When I wear my snug fitting pants I have this big hump in the front. I was going to take care of it this morning but when I attempted to begin the trimming process I dulled my scissors and my sister's razor. Should I get out the weed wacker or the bush hog? I don't want it to look all choppy and since the hair is beginning to creep up my crack this presents a problem as well....its almost as if Don Ho is ready to pop out and say "only in america".
Any suggestions would be great!

2006-10-05 14:02:08 · 13 answers · asked by WonderTwit 6 in Singles & Dating

2006-10-05 14:01:44 · 35 answers · asked by Tired_of _the_games 1 in Singles & Dating

He has abandon me through this pregnancy, neither him nor his parents call or check to see if everything is going well with the baby. I don't care if they don't ask about me but ask about the baby right? But I know as soon as the baby is born they are going to want back in the picture. This doesn't seem fair. What rights do they have? What rights do I have?

2006-10-05 14:00:14 · 10 answers · asked by shane m 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

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