I talked to my ex finally and he doesn’t want to get back with me, he told me there wasn’t any chance we’d get back together ever again, and he thought I understood it was just sex and he agrees we shouldn’t have sex anymore. I told him we couldn’t talk anymore either, and I am so sad and devastated. I really don’t know what to with myself right now. I am so hurt by him. I don’t want to say he lead me on but how could he move on so fast? Our relationship ended 2 weeks ago and he already says he’s back to normal and can date other people. To be honest I don’t know why he doesn’t love me and he says he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. I guess it’s hard when im crying over the phone, but still I wish he’d be honest instead of beating around the bush. Why do I love him so much if he doesn’t love me in return? How can I allow myself these feelings when they are not returned? I don’t know what to do to move on and I feel I may never get over him. I might be able to finally function normally, but I’ll never get over him. He says he loved me at one time in our relationship but I think he’s lying. How could he and be fine now? He says his love for me was different. Why does he hurt me so bad? I told him we can’t talk anymore and he said ok that’s fine. He said I’m good in bed and I said maybe we can just be friends and talk occasionally but not sleep with each other, and he said no. Apparently he just wanted sex. He said if he wasn’t benefiting from hearing about me then why would he talk to me? Why is he such an asshole? I am so traumatized and I don’t know when I’ll trust again. We’ve broken up so many times and I’ve fallen into a deep depression many times, but right now I am beside myself with sadness. .I know its for real now and all I can see now is a future without him and it seems so depressing to know I’ll have to move on only because HE didn’t want ME. It wouldn’t be that way if he had just wanted me and not been so difficult. Who does he think he is anyway? He will never find another girl like me, he won’t get a girl as beautiful as me to love him this much. Why do you guys let a good thing go? *tears* * tears* *tears streaming down my cheek*.
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Singles & Dating