He signed up for the Navy, what can I do to convince him to give us another shot before he ships out in a couple of months? I feel I'll never see him again, and I want to do all I can, but I don't want to sound desperate when I try. Any suggestions? I really would love to spend the rest of my life with him, and I wouldn't mind waiting for him to come back ... if he ever does. At first I thought it was killing me that he wanted to be a cop, but this is so much worse because he'd be half a world away. Is there anythingthat I can do to win him back? He says he's still hurting, and I think he wants to be with me because he is really nice to me, unlike everyone else I've seen going through a break-up, there were never any petty arguments; our breakup was very mature and was all talk, not yelling. I just need a way for him to spend more time with me, so I can show him that I've changed, and we were talking on the phone a while, and I know that he's changed too. Dont say its impossible
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Other - Family & Relationships