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Family & Relationships - 29 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

It didn't end because either of us wanted it to , it ended because he got deported. It wasn't the greatest relationship but I still miss him at times. I can't help him, only he can help himself. We have a child together. I'm seeing another guy , its just not the same.
I lived with him and did everything with him, shower , eat, sleep everything. We were attached at the hip and VERY posessive of one another. This new guy and I aren't THAT close . Its very hard adjusting , how long will it take?

2006-09-29 20:28:45 · 17 answers · asked by primamaria04 5 in Singles & Dating

Ok, I used to belong to a church group but then my mom got kicked out becuz of her conduct. I got upset becuz things started happening and the people in charge did not care and didnt do anything about it. I ended switching groups becuz of this mess. When I switched she did too and we went together. Well, I recently went thru some seriuos issues with the people in charge and now that my mom is doing good there, it seems like she dos'nt care! She even invited the people, I cant stand due to our recent issues, to her house for a party. I was invited too but I cant stand them! I would never do that to her! Thats why all that happened last time was becuz of her and now its like she is ok with these people that I have a problem with. I am so mad, anyone ever been thru this?

2006-09-29 20:28:38 · 21 answers · asked by Justme 2 in Family

I'm not bipolar. I SWEAR. It's kinda corny, but I'm in love. Anyway, just these last few days, I've been so emotional. I love my boyfriend to death. We live together and he is such a great person. We are so happy and everything seems so perfect. He is so great to me and treats me like a princess. And I would do anything for him because I love him so much. But I always get choked up and want to cry when I sit and think about him. Is it possible for a person be too happy? Has anybody here ever felt this way?

2006-09-29 20:26:16 · 20 answers · asked by pp 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

my boyfriend responded to 5 girls personal ads in craiglist saying he is single and asked 5 strangers to go out on a date with him to enjoy good times and even gave out his phone number. he is usually so charming with me and is trying to move in together, and talks about our future children and married life. He also loves to go to the club alone, but since i told him i dont think is right to go alone, he tries to stay home. he refuses to take me. and now he figured out he wants to be a dj. he also wants a weeklong vacation alone once we get married. the majority of his friends are single, drink and party too much. i am divorced with a 7 year old he says he cares about, and plays with him videogames. in other areas he is pretty good, just cant understand his odd behavior

2006-09-29 20:26:01 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am 32 years old and 5'7"; I never sowed my wild oats because I was always to shy until recently. Now where in the world could I go to have a fairly easy time meeting some beautiful women I can have sex with? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please no BS smartass answers.....thanks.

2006-09-29 20:25:41 · 7 answers · asked by mattclaptongad 1 in Singles & Dating

Mmmk, here's the deal. I'm uncomfortable around people, and especially guys (even more especially the cute guys and hot guys, naturally), unless I know them well, and it's a real pain when I'm trying to make new friends. I'm a freshman at UC Santa Barbara, and I live on a co-ed floor. I don't have a problem with that, its actually quite amusing at times. But, I'm trying to make new friends, and it's really hard because I'm so worried about people thinking I'm homosexual or something when I'm not. I'm one of those girls who has an insanely dirty mind, but is completely straight, yanno? I'm also afraid of flirting for some reason unknown to even me. How do I overcome this... thing, and become comfortable around people, especially guys? Help a girl out, will ya? Thanks!

2006-09-29 20:25:00 · 12 answers · asked by High On Life 5 in Singles & Dating

It's as many letters as pregnant. Preggers just sounds annoying and NOT cute.

2006-09-29 20:24:18 · 10 answers · asked by bebeeangeldust 4 in Family

I know a girl from 2 years. She is such a interesting girl that many boys had proposed her. We are very much in touch. I am some type of reserved type of guy she has admit. I proposed her but she is keep saying you are my friend I dont want any other relationship. But she is ready to share everything. She said that she is imotionally, physically mine. She use to speak me many hours and hours. She also adimt that she likes me from strating. But she doesnt want to give our relationship a name. But I want this relationship far way to marry. What I do ??

2006-09-29 20:23:15 · 10 answers · asked by wind_chill 1 in Singles & Dating

my bf is sick and he has a 2 year old and twins his ex the 2 year olds mom heard that her son was sick and jon got pissed off because she blames him for ezekeil being sick.even thought it is his fault.so she ends up helping him out and they seem to have a love/ hate relationship.jons really clumsy and once he fell out my apt window and was hanging upside down from the fire escape laughing.his big brothe whos 12 years older then him came by to halp take care of his twins.the problem is hes just like jon but more educated with kids and almost twince as clumsy.when jons ex came in with soup she "accidently spilled some on him" he got pissed off and started yelling in italian and she starts yelling in spanish.then his brother comes in and does a belly flop on the bed and the rest of the soup spills.i dont know if i should leave the 3 of them alone with 3 kids there.because there all pretty much the same and sometimes the 2 year old acts better.

2006-09-29 20:22:14 · 4 answers · asked by me 1 in Singles & Dating

i am class x. i know i need to study but cannt bcoz of a guy he is my first true love.i am unable to forget him.i cannt ignore him bcoz he sits besides me in my class and comes 2 talks with me if i dont he already has 2 gf what should i do?? pls help me out!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-29 20:21:00 · 12 answers · asked by angle 1 in Family

2006-09-29 20:17:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

age of father 38....age of woman 20.
would you accept this relationship even after 3 yrs or so?

2006-09-29 20:16:50 · 22 answers · asked by magictongue 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I am asking this seriously. I have never had any type of sex other than regular intercourse. Some of my friends say it's the best, but I would think it would hurt the girl.

Am I missing out, and does it feel different? Thanks!

2006-09-29 20:16:42 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Why do they ask you personal stuff? Why can't they be normal? Why is sex a big deal for them? I'm not saying sex is bad or anything but guys tend to exaggerate about it. They're always like, "what are you wearing? or do you cam?" and stupid things like that!!! Ughh...

2006-09-29 20:16:32 · 24 answers · asked by meche 2 in Singles & Dating

lots of compliments and to be treated like thay are smart

anything else?

2006-09-29 20:15:17 · 20 answers · asked by blah 2 in Singles & Dating

I have known this guy for over two years now, we have become bestfriends then feelings started growing on my side, He flirts with me by poking at me and we are always out together, he shows signs that he feels the same. A few months back he told two of my friends that he was torn between me and this other girl of course they told me about this...I finally told him a few weeks ago that i knew about this and he told me that he did not persue it because he did not want to hurt me, well three times so far i have ran into him and a few seconds later there she comes or i run into them together and it really hurts me, we have even talked about marriage and kids and i don't understand why he jokes around with me about that knowing how i feel towards him. We spend almost all our time together and if we get into a fight my friends say that he always seems depressed when i am mad at him. I don't know what to do anymore it hurts me when i see them together...do i walk away or keep trying?

2006-09-29 20:15:10 · 6 answers · asked by losing my mind 1 in Friends

help please and no retarded answers!!!!

2006-09-29 20:14:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i came across dis guy through a chat service. he waz in search of a girlfriend who could share his feelings and i thot him 2 b a nice guy so i went 4ward wid it. he told me dat he waz single. but a week later i came 2 know dat he waz already in a steady relationship and dat his gurlfrnd waz ma skoolmate and she came n threatened me. i wanna teach him a lesson, plzzzzzzz tell me wat shud i do..................coz i m really hurt

2006-09-29 20:13:58 · 18 answers · asked by sanjana_studious 1 in Friends

With more metrosexuals out there & women who like them, I was wondering how many of you men actually do wax and if any of you do the whole all over back, sac & crack? I know, staying hair free is a big job that never ends so its got to be a major job for men!
If you do wax, is it for yourself, for the lady friend or the boyfriend?
And ladies.. do you like it? I personally love a hairy man but I also know that my taste in men is usually far from the norm..so I'm genuinely curious at to the men who do it, why they do & the women or men who like their man to be hairfree not hairy.

2006-09-29 20:13:54 · 8 answers · asked by punkvixen 5 in Singles & Dating

I am happily married by the grace of God..
but why do i still like other girls?
I have to force my consciene and say that I have a beautiful wife and a child..
....I sometimes wish i was a muslim so that i could marry 5-6 wives at a time.

2006-09-29 20:12:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

my bf is sick and he has a 2 year old and twins his ex the 2 year olds mom heard that her son was sick and jon got pissed off because she blames him for ezekeil being sick.even thought it is his fault.so she ends up helping him out and they seem to have a love/ hate relationship.jons really clumsy and once he fell out my apt window and was hanging upside down from the fire escape laughing.his big brothe whos 12 years older then him came by to halp take care of his twins.the problem is hes just like jon but more educated with kids and almost twince as clumsy.when jons ex came in with soup she "accidently spilled some on him" he got pissed off and started yelling in italian and she starts yelling in spanish.then his brother comes in and does a belly flop on the bed and the rest of the soup spills.i dont know if i should leave the 3 of them alone with 3 kids there.because there all pretty much the same and sometimes the 2 year old acts better.idont think i should leave them or should i

2006-09-29 20:11:24 · 5 answers · asked by me 1 in Singles & Dating


2006-09-29 20:10:43 · 5 answers · asked by sundaynightjazz 1 in Singles & Dating

Am pregnant (8weeks) with another mans baby who wants me to have an abortion and the only thing i need now is someone to just hold my hand and tell me everythign will be ok, there is this other guy who is interested in me and i dont know what to do (he doesnt know abt the pregnancy). What should i do.

2006-09-29 20:09:56 · 25 answers · asked by Bab-gal 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

my story is,i was soo happy i was living with my aunte and i was getting to be with my bf more than i ever have before then my MOTHER made me move back and now i hardly see the love of my life i hate this i love him soooo much and i cant even be with him its sooo hard and i blame and hate my mother for all of this i feel so suficated and i dunno what to do any psycological help??? and im also very emotional now i cry so often more like evryday and i go to the most worst schools ever its un-manageable i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-29 20:09:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

My friend wont be honest she says she is not a confrontational person. Her sister informed me she thinks im a pest. She only calls when she needs something. She is a very revengful person.Im a christian and try to always do what is right. My feelings are hurt. please give sound advice.

2006-09-29 20:09:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

white wedding dress... what do you think? I say I'm pure and therefore deserve to wear white... thanks for your help!

2006-09-29 20:08:58 · 24 answers · asked by isabela d 1 in Singles & Dating

Is it true that black men have the biggest penises?
if so, Where is your proof?

2006-09-29 20:07:56 · 22 answers · asked by the man 1 in Singles & Dating

Here is the story. I am a college freshman, and I believe I have a crush on this girl, who is very classy, nice, and always smiling. Both of us are in ballroom dancing club, and that's how I got to know her. I have known her for only 10 days, but I feel that she is the girl I really like. Whenever I meet her and talk to her, I try to find some common grounds and talk about them. However, I'm a little worried because I am not so humorous. I have recently noticed that some dudes have started talking to her. I can see they are trying to hit on her. My best friend tells me that they are ugly scrubs and that I should be able to "get her" as long as I have confidence. I am still worried though. I wrote on her Faceball wall several times, but she never wrote back. I wonder if this indicates her lack of interest. I know I should take some time to get to know her better, but I don't want to see someone else becoming her boyfriend. I need some advice. Thank you.

2006-09-29 20:07:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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