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Family & Relationships - 26 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

some dayz he will show his feeling other dayz he won't even kiss me .. When we walk any where like subway and other thing's he won't hold my hand.. Then there dayz he wont come home 3-4 dayz latter should i be thinkin there something up .. And i heared from his brother that he was doing some really bad drugs like crack... so does he really care?????

2006-09-26 02:54:39 · 12 answers · asked by ManImSadINeedAHug 1 in Singles & Dating


I need somewhere I can get married and have a honeymoon...for cheap. Sandals too expensive...

2006-09-26 02:54:34 · 8 answers · asked by elliemae 2 in Weddings


I have been with my girlfriend for 3 months already and we didn't kiss yet. I want to kiss her already but how do I initiate my 1st kiss. She is going to be the first girl I kiss.

2006-09-26 02:53:58 · 9 answers · asked by Kevin 2 in Singles & Dating


I have been with my girlfriend for 3 months already and we didn't kiss yet. I want to kiss her already but how do I initiate my 1st kiss. She is going to be the first girl I kiss.

2006-09-26 02:53:50 · 10 answers · asked by Kevin 2 in Friends


I have been with my girlfriend for 3 months already and we didn't kiss yet. I want to kiss her already but how do I initiate my 1st kiss. She is going to be the first girl I kiss.

2006-09-26 02:53:44 · 5 answers · asked by Kevin 2 in Friends


I have been with my girlfriend for 3 months already and we didn't kiss yet. I want to kiss her already but how do I initiate my 1st kiss. She is going to be the first girl I kiss.

2006-09-26 02:53:37 · 7 answers · asked by Kevin 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I'm 24, he's 20, we work 2gether and have been good friends for a year. we're close, he's never had a g/f b-4 but has liked girls before, he's friendly yet laid back so what signs should I look out 4 that he really cares 4 me as a friend and might want more?

2006-09-26 02:53:19 · 3 answers · asked by loyalsoullover 1 in Singles & Dating

Well my moms into trees/embroidery .. kinda at home momma...
i really lost with ideas.. pls suggest LOTS & ANYTHING logical for moms..
help...thanks guys!!

2006-09-26 02:52:38 · 9 answers · asked by kim_stolz 3 in Family

do you think that a man can have a woman for a best friend and vice versa?

2006-09-26 02:51:45 · 39 answers · asked by chatty cathy 1 in Friends


Men of the world, rejoice! The average length of an erect penis is shorter than you probably think.

A study by Lifestyles Condom Co. shows that the average length of a male sex organ is 5.877 inches — which might comfort men who previously thought they were less than average.

"The Kinsey Sex Report and other penis size surveys have indicated that the length of the penis is 6.2 to 6.4 inches," says Simon Joseph, a spokesman for Lifestyles. "Our results show that about three-quarters of men fall under the average quoted by Kinsey."

"A half-inch or less might not have anything to do with how you perform sexually, but it might make a difference in how you feel about yourself."

According to the survey, about two-thirds of the 300 college-aged men ranged from between 5.1 and 6.2 inches.

For those of you who don't like to deal in raw numbers, at 5.877 inches, the average penis is about the size of a Nestle Butterfinger candy bar (unwrapped) or a grande (medium) cup of coffee at Starbucks (with the sip lid). Most men vary in size between a Twix bar and a Peter Paul Mounds (with the wrapper extended).

When Alfred Kinsey did his groundbreaking research in the mid-1940s, researchers simply gave men stamped postcards. Each one simply held a postcard against his erect penis, marked how long it was, and slipped the results in the mail.

"They never had to hold a ruler against themselves," says Kinsey spokesman Jennifer Bass.

Measuring an erect penis is no easy matter. Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, and various urology groups have been satisfied with either letting the men do it themselves or with surveys of a few dozen volunteers.

But condom companies need more accurate measurements for the best-fitting products — even if sex experts assure us that size doesn't matter. Lifestyles says it did the largest and most accurate measure of penis size ever just three weeks ago. Company representatives went to Cancun, Mexico, at the heart of spring break, hoping to get 1,000 guys to drop their trousers, get aroused, and let a team of nurses measure them individually.

2006-09-26 02:51:36 · 14 answers · asked by sidewinder45 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-09-26 02:51:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

We met a year ago at our department store jobs, and from NYE have been a strong couple, so much love and so much respect for each other. He's been there for me through the tough times i've had this year with new responsibilities, the need for me to find a new job, etc. Not long ago i started work in the call centre of a major company, which is a job that pays better than the department store. Ever since then he has been getting sadder and sadder and i've been so supportive cos he just has so much trouble finding a job even tho hes qualified to do IT, so much so that i helped him apply for a job at my work. It took them a while to reply, but with me getting to know some people there, his resume got moved up and he got the phone interview, but its almost been a week and he has not heard from them since. Now he is so sad that he tends to take it out on me cos he only talks to me, and he says he's nothing and i try to console him, but i dont know what else to do! I LOVE HIM but im scared!!

2006-09-26 02:51:11 · 6 answers · asked by bigsista 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

Im getting married in late March.. need some ideas for colors :)

2006-09-26 02:51:02 · 19 answers · asked by Bell 2 in Weddings

I have known a girl since 6th grade. I have a crush on her since 6th grade and wa are friends. I am now in 11th grade. I like her a lot. What would you do it you were me? I am just scared of asking her out since she might say no.

2006-09-26 02:50:52 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

They thrive off my energy, and my happiness. Want to control, keep me in the house, to cook and clean.

2006-09-26 02:50:46 · 8 answers · asked by Jennifer 2 in Singles & Dating

I have known a girl since 6th grade. I have a crush on her since 6th grade and wa are friends. I am now in 11th grade. I like her a lot. What would you do it you were me? I am just scared of asking her out since she might say no.

2006-09-26 02:50:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I have known a girl since 6th grade. I have a crush on her since 6th grade and wa are friends. I am now in 11th grade. I like her a lot. What would you do it you were me? I am just scared of asking her out since she might say no.

2006-09-26 02:50:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Can you tell me why my man always thinks I'm talking to him like he's a little boy? I am a very communicative person. He barely talks, so when we do have an issue he's always first to shy away and not contribute to the resolution of things. Therefore, I become more emotional and then it seems like I'm talking to a brick wall. How can I do this differently and get the response that our relationship needs to grow.

2006-09-26 02:50:18 · 3 answers · asked by Ann 1 in Family

My 12 year old would like a clothing allowance! As a part of this she will need probably a bank account. Which accounts have you found best?

2006-09-26 02:49:51 · 4 answers · asked by honeypot 1 in Family

Iam 24 years old and have been married 2 years recently i found out my husband was having sex with his boss. I was devestated because my husband and i had spent the last year trying for a baby and the first year of marriage really did not use protection. He had kept saying i was the problem and we had a lot of fights because he thought it was because off the miscarriage i had when i was18 with my first bf. He met me right after and helped me through it. We seperated for 2 months and i started the paper work and so did he for a divorce. While at the bowling ally i actually ran into my ex. bf my first love and the only other guy i dated befor my husband we had seen each other around before and talked. We went out and had some drinks talked about life he turned out to be married 6 months and they had major problems ext. I had sex with him one time thing and now i just found out i am 1 month 1/2 with his child. Problem i cant bring myself to tell my husband or ex.bf.

2006-09-26 02:49:43 · 29 answers · asked by Jessica C 1 in Marriage & Divorce

No matter how hard you try, when you're the other man/woman in a relationship there comes atime when you believe or hope that the existing relationship will finish and you'll get the guy/girl to yourself. Currently faced with no chance of this happening, yet always being told if things were diff, there wouldn't be the relationship to be a third person in., yet they won't leave their partner. So when its obvious that nothing will change why keep hoping/believing/thinking it will?

2006-09-26 02:49:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

im 20y old im attracted sexually by my mom sister wich is in 38y old ,divorced sexy women.

2006-09-26 02:49:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my son is coming for a visit and i need a place for him to stay while i am at work. he is 5 yrs old and has started year round kindergarten in missouri. he is on his break and i have arranged to see him for 3 weeks. i live in florida and i can not seem to find a temporary place for him to play and fill his day with activities while i am at work.

i tried the YMCA and a few other day care facilities without much luck. anyone have any experience with this? or do divorced/seperated dad's typically not see their children? it makes it hard when there isnt readily a place for school age children to go for what seems like common situations for a lot of people.

thank you for any help

2006-09-26 02:49:09 · 6 answers · asked by itshowmuch 2 in Marriage & Divorce

i found out he was cheating and blackmailed him so he can do what i say like buy me lots of videogames and R-rated movies but now i am feeling kinda guilty for what i am doing should i stop or tell my mom

PS. i am 13

2006-09-26 02:48:54 · 15 answers · asked by The Wise Spoon 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Why do I keep on staring at the girl I think is beautiful? and when she catches me looking at her, I just look away. What would a girl think in her point of view? I have talked to her in class though. I seriously need help. What would you do if you were me? First of all, I know I need to stop staring at her. Maybe I can lie to her if she asks why did I stare at her like I can say, I wasn't staring, I was looking at the wall that is like 10 feet away from you and I was also wondering is that the girl from my class??? I gotta play it cool. I got to play my cards right then I might get her. I will not give up on her yet. Is there a chance that she can be friends with me still?? I will not ask her out until we know each other a lot more.

2006-09-26 02:48:14 · 11 answers · asked by Mike 1 in Singles & Dating

my boyfriend already cheated on me with his ex but i gave him another chance is he going to do it again? was i stupid for doing this?

2006-09-26 02:47:58 · 24 answers · asked by wondergurl3211 1 in Singles & Dating

im 20y old im attracted sexually by my mom sister wich is in 38y old ,divorced sexy women.

2006-09-26 02:47:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

sophia was served...............that is all Im affraid to ask him because what Im thinking is SSSSSSEEEEEXXXXX, can you tell what he minded???

2006-09-26 02:46:33 · 20 answers · asked by haki 5 in Marriage & Divorce

is it normal?

2006-09-26 02:46:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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