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Family & Relationships - 22 September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships

Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2006-09-22 08:16:47 · 17 answers · asked by HEY boo boo 6 in Weddings

That would meet the "two consenting adults" argument and the "its not hurting anyone" argument provided by the left. I am against both actually.

2006-09-22 08:16:36 · 21 answers · asked by joshjones007 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I have a friend who's physically handicapped. She is my best friend and I love her dearly. For years we've been talking about rooming together for both our benefit. She can't live alone because of her disability, she currently lives with her mom who is driving her nuts. She has a good job so I would have someone to help with the bills and she loves my boys. The problem is she's gay and she recently told me she has feelings for me beyond friendship. She says she understands that I'm straight but I can see so many things going wrong if we move in together. I don't know what to tell her because if I changed my mind she'd be devastated. She sees this as her only chance to live on her own and I don't want to take that from her. I'm concerned about her getting more attached, and also bringing "girlfriends" around the boys. They don't really understand about girls kissing girls or boys kissing boys and I'm always a mother first. What should I do?

2006-09-22 08:16:27 · 18 answers · asked by lovelee1 6 in Other - Family & Relationships

just because she smiles and acts as if she wants to know him and talk

2006-09-22 08:15:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

How am I supposed to tell my boyfriend (only 3months) that I am interested in someone else? Or should I?

2006-09-22 08:14:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

whats the best way to warm you up for the main event. what works the best...be specific

2006-09-22 08:14:46 · 10 answers · asked by s w 4 in Singles & Dating

Date this sunday and don't know if I should dress up or just be casual? He is taking me out for dinner, and won't tell me where so how do I know what to wear? What do guys enjoy on a lady the first date, any ideas?

2006-09-22 08:13:35 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Don't know where to begin, some impressions:
1. Planning a date night with him is like pulling teeth.
2. Went on a week long volunteer mission trip (NOT a vacation!!) When I came back, he seemed resentful that I had gone. (So I know the "leave and let him see how much you do all day" approach wouldn't work)
3. He went on a business trip for four days and was fighting on the phone with me on his way home because I couldn't be two places at once.
4. Did the FlyLady system for keeping the house clean, for anyone who knows what that is. Missed one day of my routine and he complains.
5. Asks me to do things in passing that usually he would do, says "Thanks" in a sarcastic way.
6. Two years ago it was pretty bad. Then he got better...
But now recently husband's been acting resentful again.
You know, date nights, flowers, him saying nice things would be..... nice!

2006-09-22 08:13:35 · 18 answers · asked by emilsignia 5 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-09-22 08:13:22 · 17 answers · asked by super girl 3 in Singles & Dating

My ex says he wants to be friends because we're such "good friends" now. He wants to sleep over and sleep with me. Says he loves me but wants to be "just friends". What does he really mean?

2006-09-22 08:13:20 · 11 answers · asked by sweet_bella06 2 in Friends

2006-09-22 08:12:25 · 7 answers · asked by HEY boo boo 6 in Friends

hes scared he cant sleep every night he wakes up swearing he just saw another one please what can i do?

2006-09-22 08:12:06 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I've tried talking to her but every time she's with HIM! He's gross and I heard he cheats on every girl he dates

2006-09-22 08:11:58 · 11 answers · asked by Gabby w 2 in Friends

Someone who's a total mute or someone who has an annoying moan?

2006-09-22 08:10:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I've been in a friendship for the past 10 months, he became my best friend, and eventually after spending time together all the time, I began having feelings for him. We lived the lives of people in relationships, but he didn't want that. We became intimate and that messed up the friendship even more. Now, we don't spend as much time together, and he has new female friends. I get jealous and take it out on him because I'm scared that they're going to take away my friend. He called me the other night, while he was in the car with a female "accidentally" and hung up. I got mad and text him that I wanted all the money he had just borrowed from me, along with every gift. He got mad, and said that he doesn't understand why I act like that because I'm not his girl and I can't get mad and take my stuff back because of that. He also stated that if I wasn't happy with the friendship, he would be happy with whatever decision I made. I was upset and told him that I was leaving it.

2006-09-22 08:09:26 · 9 answers · asked by Charlies_Angel 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

They could be famous people that are dead, too.

1) Adam Gontier from the band Three Days Grace
2) Johnny Depp from Pirates of the Caribbean
3) Elvis Presley
4) Harlon Block (one of the Iwo Jima flagraisers)
5)(the young) Rene Gagnon (one of the Iwo Jima flagraisers)
6)(the young) John "Doc" Bradley (one of the Iwo Jima flagraisers)
7) Mike Strank (one of the Iwo Jima flagraisers)

I can't think of any more!

2006-09-22 08:08:58 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

boy and a girl

2006-09-22 08:08:00 · 9 answers · asked by T 4 in Family

who is in it aka groom flower girl all those people what arthey called no smart remarks please

2006-09-22 08:07:39 · 6 answers · asked by asiab b 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Ladies, we all know that we are a little self-concise about our bodies. Do you care if someone you are sleeping with sees you changing clothes or in your underwear if you are not in a sexual setting?

2006-09-22 08:07:07 · 46 answers · asked by Mintygoodness1 4 in Singles & Dating

I have been involved with my boyfriend for about a year and a half. During that time we have had many ups and downs, however I don't see us as a good "fit". He's a pessimist, I'm an optimist, he's Jehovah's Witness and I'm pentecostal. He's antisocial with my friends, I've never met his. The list goes on and on.

In addition to all these things he's bipolar and he has a crazed baby mama. Well he recently had a stroke of bad luck in which he lost his job and his apartment. I'm going to stay with him until he gets back on his feet. But once he has done that, I need to let this relationship go. How do I break things off with him, without sending him over the edge???

2006-09-22 08:06:27 · 28 answers · asked by Slice 2 in Singles & Dating

There is this guy and he comes over my house every weekend to hang out. I found out that he likes me.He is 19 and i am 15, there is nothing wrong with the age but my sister is in love with him but she wont say anything to him.I like him but i dont want to hurt my sisters feelings( cause she has never had a real boyfriend,and she is 16) what should i do ..... she wants me to ask him if he likes her or not but i dont want to hurt her...... help me!!!

2006-09-22 08:06:26 · 8 answers · asked by darkangel 2 in Singles & Dating

I've been in a friendship for the past 10 months, he became my best friend, and eventually after spending time together all the time, I began having feelings for him. We lived the lives of people in relationships, but he didn't want that. We became intimate and that messed up the friendship even more. Now, we don't spend as much time together, and he has new female friends. I get jealous and take it out on him because I'm scared that they're going to take away my friend. He called me the other night, while he was in the car with a female "accidentally" and hung up. I got mad and text him that I wanted all the money he had just borrowed from me, along with every gift. He got mad, and said that he doesn't understand why I act like that because I'm not his girl and I can't get mad and take my stuff back because of that. He also stated that if I wasn't happy with the friendship, he would be happy with whatever decision I made. I was upset and told him that I was leaving it.

2006-09-22 08:06:11 · 4 answers · asked by Charlies_Angel 1 in Friends

2006-09-22 08:04:54 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok this much i do know.......but dont understand..when i am single and on my own.i feel the most confident girl in the world...no probs at all.....................when im with someone or in arelationship thats when i get all this insecurity.analysize way too much think way too much and try and sabotage..but its only when ifeel strongly for someone..when its just at the friends stage i dont give atosss!!.hmmmmmmmmm..im just aloooney tune i think!lol

2006-09-22 08:04:11 · 12 answers · asked by georgousgirlz 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I had to put my Mom in a nursing home temporaily when her caregiver(my Aunt) got sick. Now it looks like it will be perminant. I have been taking care of my Mom since I was 15 & now I am over 40. The home is close by so I go every day to see her. Please give me suggestion on how to tell Mom I can't bring her home.

2006-09-22 08:01:54 · 27 answers · asked by ladytc 6 in Family

2006-09-22 08:01:48 · 7 answers · asked by HEY boo boo 6 in Marriage & Divorce

Meteorologists are encouraged to answer this question!!! It has been so cold and rainy and my toes are freezing and I got the sniffles and I am beginning to think I might need one of those purple light to sit by because there is no sunshine at all. I put this in family because I couldn't find a weather category.

2006-09-22 08:01:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships


between 14 and 18 what do u think about urself
ur hot ,sexy, cool,etc... and why????

2006-09-22 08:01:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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