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I've been in a friendship for the past 10 months, he became my best friend, and eventually after spending time together all the time, I began having feelings for him. We lived the lives of people in relationships, but he didn't want that. We became intimate and that messed up the friendship even more. Now, we don't spend as much time together, and he has new female friends. I get jealous and take it out on him because I'm scared that they're going to take away my friend. He called me the other night, while he was in the car with a female "accidentally" and hung up. I got mad and text him that I wanted all the money he had just borrowed from me, along with every gift. He got mad, and said that he doesn't understand why I act like that because I'm not his girl and I can't get mad and take my stuff back because of that. He also stated that if I wasn't happy with the friendship, he would be happy with whatever decision I made. I was upset and told him that I was leaving it.

2006-09-22 08:09:26 · 9 answers · asked by Charlies_Angel 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

9 answers

Sweetie you have cross the line all you can do is move on cause even if you do regain friendship with him it will never work out for two mean reasons. You have become emotionally attached to this guy mainly because you have a soul tie with him. A soul tie is something that develops after you have sexed someone. As women we always tell ourselves that we can deal with just being a friend with benefits but some of us can't. You have feelings for him and it goes beyond just friendship you want to be his girl. That's why it bothers you when he is out with other girls. Therefore I think you need to be a woman and tell him how you really feel instead of being childish and asking for things you've loaned or given him back. At this point it could be to late to try and get him back in your life cause you did really act a fool with him but it's worth a try. Good Luck

2006-09-22 08:24:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well after the fact..You probably need to do more of the work. Since apparently he doesn' t have the same kind of romantic feeling for u. And I am sure it sucks! it's happen to all of us. So, If this relationship keeps making u hurt and feel uncomfortable, maybe is time u distance ur self from it. At least for a while..obviously u have feelings for this guy, and no matter what you feel jealous of his female friends etc..So..maybe give it sometime ..See what happens? Who know..maybe he'll come around and ask something else from u ..once he realized what a good relationship u guys had. Good Luck!!!

2006-09-22 15:21:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you made the best decision by telling him you were done with it. This guy obviously doesn't treat you like a friend should. You were totally not out of line for asking for your stuff back. After all, it was your stuff! It doesn't appear he is ever going to give it back to you, so I would just take it as a loss, and never let him borrow money ever again. Best wishes to you.

2006-09-22 15:15:11 · answer #3 · answered by Awesomeness!!! 2 · 0 0

been there done that, tell him that you have a dream that you two where going out boyfriend-girlfriend type and see whats his rection is,,, make something up to let him know about your feelings,,, ask you self does he feels the same way I feel about me how I feel about him,, or just tell him you are have to stop talking for a while until things cool down,, thats what I did but he could not handle it nor my self and became closer than ever.... how do you know that maybe your comfused or how about kissing him will that make things more clearly? If I was you I would talk with him before he finds a girlfriend and you will end up hurt,,,

2006-09-22 15:18:34 · answer #4 · answered by Airforcepink 3 · 0 0

wow, ya, have you ever heard of the saying that after your friends with someone and then you become intamate that you cant just go back to friendship? your one of those cases. because you realized he did not want it that way did not mean that you stoped liking him or loving him in that way, so as much as you want to just be friends with him and not intamate, your doing that cause that is what he wants, but inside its exactly the opposite of what you want, wich explains the reason for your jelousy. you cant stand to see him with other women cause you need him and want him more than just friends. so what i suggest since he said he would be happy with whatever decision you make. i would tell him that you are sorry for over reacting the other day but that you decided that you two need to talk in person so that you can tell him what you have decided to do. then tell him how you feel, that its hard for you to be his friend cause you want to be with him and you dont know what to do about that. then ask him to be totaly honest with you and have him tell you the truth about how he realy feels about you, tell him to hold nothing back that way it will be clear on what kind of decision you have to make. he might want to be with you and is fighting it, the only way to realy find out what decision to make is for both of you to be totaly honest with eachother and then if he doesnt like you like that then you might have to let him go if you realy cant just be his friend, that way you are being respectful, knowing you wont be jelous cause you wont be around. well good luck, not easy but i realy think this is the best way to handle it.

2006-09-22 15:17:21 · answer #5 · answered by Blonds Rock 4 · 0 0

this is childish. what i suggest you do is apologize to him for stating you wanted all the things your gave him. youre jealous. just apologize to him and don't ever tell anyone that you want your stuff back because your hurt. that just shows that your being a childish indian giver. apologize to him and take a few weeks away from him. time heals all wounds. don't call him, let him call you. good luck and grow up

2006-09-22 15:18:02 · answer #6 · answered by lidakamo 4 · 0 0

Once it was good and safe to be best-friends. I hope you will always keep your best-friend. I lost my best-friend in life because I wanted more. She wanted someone else. I wish to this day I was mature enough after fooling around with her acting like we were married to say, "I will always be your friend no matter what."

2006-09-22 15:14:39 · answer #7 · answered by dsheppard65 2 · 0 0

he told you you were not his gf i think that says it all, you made the mistake of having sex with him. it's over, but you learned a lesson.

2006-09-22 15:18:05 · answer #8 · answered by The Key Master 4 · 0 0

too late.....

2006-09-22 15:11:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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