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Family & Relationships - 8 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2006-07-08 17:57:07 · 9 answers · asked by naenae 1 in Family

what should i do , i saw them secretely going at it and it got me hangry but at the same time it got me exceded at a point that i ....
in the bathroom the next day , should i leave her , or ask her to do it 3 somes it would be the first time?

2006-07-08 17:56:52 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

when anyone would tell you I do everything I can for him and our children.And would also say I'm the best thing for him?

2006-07-08 17:56:46 · 29 answers · asked by bree 2 in Marriage & Divorce

He has really hurt me and I feel so alone and depressed - anyone else been through this?

2006-07-08 17:53:09 · 29 answers · asked by caramelqueen 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I saw that 'someone' had been on eHarmony on my PC (www.eHarmony was logged on the Explorer address drop-down menu). I went to the website, went to the login page, started typing my boyfriends' email address...and it populated his email address automatically. I was crushed. I confonted him via phone and he blew up. Several weeks later, via text, he said that he 'may' love me..not sure...he's sorting things out. It's been a month now...we've met up 3x to 'catch up' but neither of us can seem to bring up what's happened. My heart feels sunken. My mind says that I should leave and move on. My heart feels otherwise. I saw him this past Thurs eve...we went out for drinks and caught up. When we were saying goodbye he hugged me tight and put his head on top of my head. I'm torn. Please be kind with your responses...please.

2006-07-08 17:52:46 · 25 answers · asked by Secret Blonde 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

For the past 2 years, I've grown up an intense amount, and without the friends I have had over the years, I know I would be dead. Without them today, I know I would have a .45 in my skull and instead of the apt I live in, I would live in a pile of dirt, 6 feet under. I litterly owe my life to my friends.
My two best friends just broke up, I've never been in this situation before, I can't chose a side, and I don't know what to do. It doesn't feel right to me, but I just wanted them to be happy. I don't to lose anyone here, from the time I met my friends, to on my 22nd birthday where I shot everything that reminded me of how heart broken I was for the past 4 years, they have ALWAYS been there. I don't mean to ramble but I feel powerless here, I hate that feeling, I hate not being able to help my friend when they are in need, like now. I know this want because of me, but it doesn't feel like that. I just never saw it end this way. I love you Alex and Brit, and I'll always be here you both

2006-07-08 17:52:10 · 5 answers · asked by D 4 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-08 17:51:34 · 19 answers · asked by Brackalicious 4 in Singles & Dating

why my husband want so much sex? have it every night! married for 8 years

2006-07-08 17:51:12 · 62 answers · asked by lee dawn 1 in Family



Girl ~ "Do I ever cross your mind?"

Boy ~ "No."

Girl ~ "Do you like me?"

Boy ~ "Not really."

Girl ~ "Do you want me?"

Boy ~ "No."

Girl ~ "Would you cry if I left?"

Boy ~ "No."

Girl ~ "Would you live for me?"

Boy ~ "No."

Girl ~ "Would you do anything for me?"

Boy ~ "No way."

Girl ~ "What would you choose? Your life or me?"

Boy ~ "My life."

*The girl runs away with tears…

The boy runs after her and says:::

The reason why you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind. The reason why I don't like you is because I love you. The reason why I don't want you is because I need you. The reason why I won't cry if you left is because I would die if you left. The reason why I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you. The reason why I'm not willing to do anything is because I'd do everything for you. The reason why I chose my life is because you are my life.

2006-07-08 17:50:56 · 21 answers · asked by aznflippgurl 5 in Singles & Dating

ok,i have this boy friend who i love with all my heart and we have been tiring to spend time with each other during the summer..

i had gone on a trip and i had my cell with me so we decied to text each other and what he sent was "i want you bad if you know what i mean"

i get get back from the trip finding that his mom had grounded him for that and she questioned us being together and she was telling him about how he could get AIDs and all this..(not like we've had sex yet..plus im a virgin..he is not..)

and now when ever he and i are on the phone she tells him to get off right when we start talking

my mom thinks that she's acting this way because maybe it has to do with that her son (my boyfriend) is white and im black..but if that was the case then she would have been actin that way in the beggining

or maybe she's afraid of the fact that he might be sexually active?

and its making me really unhappy that i cant speak to or see him..what do u think?

2006-07-08 17:50:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-07-08 17:48:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Amazed to talk to so many singe fathers raising thieir children...Hats off to you all...!!!!..Your chikldren are very lucky...Smiles

2006-07-08 17:47:56 · 5 answers · asked by kennasha1 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

sexy and smart

2006-07-08 17:47:03 · 13 answers · asked by white girl 1 in Singles & Dating

Recently my 23 y/o gf, that I have been dating for about 3 years co-signed a student loan for me. We are close to engagement yet her mom blew up at her and me. Callin me some choice names along the lines of a drain on my gf. Her mom and myself have always had issues especially since my gf is an only child, any advice on how to make sure this doesn't create a wedge between our relationship (my gf and myself)????

2006-07-08 17:46:51 · 17 answers · asked by dagreat21 2 in Singles & Dating

when i like sum1 and i CANT have him i want him really REALLY BADDLY !!!!! when i kno he likes me back i dont enven care about it nomore!!!........wuz that,,,,,,??.....i tink im fuked up!!!

2006-07-08 17:46:41 · 14 answers · asked by 8A 1 in Singles & Dating

If so, why did you do it? Do you regret it?

2006-07-08 17:46:40 · 19 answers · asked by caramelqueen 3 in Marriage & Divorce

In your opinion, anyway.

2006-07-08 17:45:55 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband recently forgot our 15th wedding anniversary. I was upset all day. Then I finally instant messaged him and let him know what day it was- I didn't want to call him-I knew if I heard his voice, I would've started crying- after I hinted at what day it was- he didn't even apologize for forgetting. My Mom and Dad and brother have all passed away....my entire family, and when he forgets to do anything (at all) for what I feel are special events, I just fall apart...what should I do and/or say to him?

2006-07-08 17:45:04 · 6 answers · asked by Ms. Teri Date 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

we have our family reunion outside on my uncles land where he fixed up specialy for the family reunions ..........and this year we ran out of ideas for some games to play.......so if u have ne fun games tht both old and young children could play please tell me them or ne games at tht besides board games.

2006-07-08 17:44:42 · 10 answers · asked by ♥~Jeff Hardy's babe~♥ 3 in Family

My 13 yr old asked to have his oun page on my space.com because his friends have pages there what would be the right thing to do and why do you think this.

2006-07-08 17:44:12 · 9 answers · asked by iamasweetmommy 2 in Family

2006-07-08 17:43:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

? Is it important?

2006-07-08 17:43:16 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I've been working at the same retail store for 10 years now. I love my job, but jeez I hate the public.. News flash, just because we are getting paid to help you, doesnt mean you have the right to be a complete ***...That customers always right ****, doesnt mean a crap to me..Why not come into a store and show us respect, then maybe we would be nicer to you in return....I also hate hearing people say " I'll never come back to this store again" big deal, dont come back WE DONT GIVE A ****, your 5bucks will not bankrupt us, so get over it....I think people who work with the public, should be able to knock the living **** out of a customer who is RUDE.....who agree's?

2006-07-08 17:40:56 · 30 answers · asked by bitchy_woman_yet_sweet 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

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