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Environment - September 2007

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Alternative Fuel Vehicles · Conservation · Global Warming · Green Living · Other - Environment

It seems every day that I hear that Al Gore's "global warming" is just natural phenominon and that carbon dioxide from people and animals tooting and breathing, ancient mud and oceans far outweighs carbon dioxide from our energy sources. I just read that if the polar ice melts just bit more shipping companies can start using the Northwest passage and doing so will reduce fuel costs for tankers by 25%. This reduction will have a greater impact than if everyone in the US and China combined lived a "carbon neutral" lifestyle. I also read that carbon offsets are a huge scam. Whats the deal with all this? Is Al Gore's "global warming" just another scare like Global Cooling was in the 70's? Yes the Earth is getting warmer, but just like another article said, isn't it just becase we are in a warming period based on the Earth's orbit around the sun becoming more circular and causing the Earth to further come out of the last ice age?

2007-09-27 06:59:30 · 17 answers · asked by Hoptoad City 4 in Global Warming

Everyone is worried that global warming is going to cause sea levels to rise too high. Why can't we cut a canal to Death Valley which is extremely deep below sea level and fill it up with water? After we fill up Death Valley, wouldn't that take care of the extra water?

2007-09-27 06:51:23 · 13 answers · asked by eateverywhale 2 in Global Warming

Good or bad? What do you think?

2007-09-27 06:39:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Environment

I found this website when searching for ways to reduce emissions: www.save-gas-and-globe.com. I bought the small 10 cap package (only $22) since it had a money back guarantee. Claims of saving gas and reducing emissions seemed far fetched, but hey, what's $22. So far, after 3 tanks, I can say I have gotten 8% better mileage, and have been able to use 87 octane instead of 93. Our state doesn't test for emissions, but my truck is running better and with more power. Anyone else try this? I'm saving $3 per tank just on octane plus better mileage.

2007-09-27 05:55:56 · 7 answers · asked by Lone Papa 2 in Other - Environment

All this rambling on about saving the earth for future generations is annoying. Is there anyone out there that supports climate change? We Brits are in need of some decent summer weather!!!

2007-09-27 05:21:53 · 12 answers · asked by skullpicker 3 in Global Warming

What happens to hybrid batteries when it loses it's life?

2007-09-27 05:21:04 · 7 answers · asked by Star-Scream 2 in Alternative Fuel Vehicles

ok so the polar bears are drowning. Who cares!!! They deserve to die if they cant swim or make it to a place to where they can be safe. The polar bears that die are weak and thus this is natural selection. Survival of the fittest! So it is a natural proccess just like this global warming mumbo jumbo.

2007-09-27 05:15:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

I see it in retail stores for displays and signs. I think it must be horrible for the environment. It is used for temporary signs than thrown away. I am in need of a rigid signboard that is recycled or at least sustainable.

2007-09-27 03:58:42 · 2 answers · asked by fr. jug 1 in Green Living

Taking the environment into consideration before making the decision to have children....

So many people reproduce without thinking about the impact their child will have on the environment, or what impact the environment will have on the child.

Between pollution, global warming, disappearing natural resources, political strife, and war is it smart, safe or even responsible to have children at this point in time? (or multiple children)

Thoughts, feelings?

2007-09-27 03:51:53 · 11 answers · asked by friskygimp 5 in Other - Environment

I just did a Google search for 'jello global warming'. The result: page after page of ridiculous Y!A questions. Makes me wonder, why in the world would someone take so much time to fill the internet with spam... unless they were getting paid to do it?

I predict nothing but spam in response to this question. Come on Mr. Jello, surprise me - what's your game?

2007-09-27 03:33:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

whats the diff. of iceberg and glacier? do you believe in al gore's inconvinient truth... that really sounds scary...

2007-09-27 03:17:13 · 3 answers · asked by champs 3 in Global Warming

Ok, ignore that first question.
I'm a conservative and I admit the climate is changing but my question is:
Are all those rich liberals in Hollywood willing to make the sacrifices that can help stop climate change?
Are they willing to ditch their limos and get on a bike?
Are they willing to stop flying on their private jets from Long Beach to Los Angeles?

You can scream all you want about global warming but if you don't start doing practical things that are necessary to solve this problem, the public will not pay any attention.

2007-09-27 03:08:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

Shouldn't we save wildlife just because they have a right to live too?

Why do some people have to have selfish reasons even in conservation?

2007-09-27 03:00:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Conservation

the earth has warmed up (and cooled down) in the past... what's so bad about it this time? how do they know it won't cool down again?

2007-09-27 02:43:55 · 11 answers · asked by Gruntled Employee 6 in Global Warming

if so, generally how much extra does it use compared to when the air con is not on.

2007-09-27 02:01:17 · 15 answers · asked by m_j_storey 1 in Global Warming

Or are we just living a massive universal denial?
Have you noticed how little things have got worse?
like you don't get real summers or winters anymore?
people are changing? theres more wars?
more crime? more divorce and break ups, and too many relationships?
more depression?

i think we are doomed.
how bout u?

2007-09-27 01:13:05 · 19 answers · asked by BryW 1 in Global Warming

I did my research and found out that in the 70's there was a big "global cooling" scare fabricated by the same people who are pushing the "global warming" ticket. There are lots of very well known scientists who say that they cannot say now whether global warming is actually happening or not. If you do believe that the earth is over 4.5 BILLION years old then you will also know that the earth has cycled like this many times over, and it is impossible for us as humans who just in the last one hundred years have been accurately studying the climate, to actually forecast this kind of conclusion. If this were a trial and I was on the jury I would see some "reasonable doubt" here ladies and gentleman. Your thoughts please

2007-09-27 00:44:15 · 8 answers · asked by Ancient Warrior DogueDe Bordeaux 5 in Global Warming

Hi folks,

I am looking for a list of some of the more popular communities online - forums - where people get together to discuss the environment and how they can do their part in helping keep this planet nice 'n green.

I've done a few searches on Google, but so far all I'm coming across are half-dead forums with the most recent posts dating from a week or two ago.

So, does anyone known of a popular, active, lively online forum dealing with environment and "green living"?


P.S. If you own such a community and it's active enough to meet the criteria specified above, feel free to post the link here and I'll happily check it out.

2007-09-27 00:11:41 · 2 answers · asked by George Chernikov 2 in Other - Environment

if we protect nature then in what way. and if nature protects us then in what ways does it.

2007-09-26 17:00:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Conservation

........a broken hair straightener??? The cord split, leaving the wire exposed.

If I just throw it in the everyday garbage bin, will that be hazardous to the environment? What if I wrap it in plastic, cloth, etc..? Is there a safe way to dispose of this, without making a trip to some obscure recycling plant?? (I'm just a kid.)

2007-09-26 16:43:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Conservation

I love survival stuff. You never know when this kind of information comes in handy!

2007-09-26 16:06:02 · 13 answers · asked by Vinteal 4 in Other - Environment

Climate change is now an accepted threat to our planet, but there is not enough political action to control excessive consumerism and pollution?

2007-09-26 15:40:36 · 5 answers · asked by shecatar27 1 in Global Warming

In what ways and it would help if you could give me either a website or something else that i could go to for info on hydroelectric energy

2007-09-26 15:38:40 · 2 answers · asked by darkdragon 1 in Green Living

i go to a community college and for a project we were asked to come up with a propsal for the pres of the school. It has to be something about global warming and how we can make our school better. Not just like recycling more or everyone buying hybrid cars something reasonable.

2007-09-26 14:27:12 · 2 answers · asked by nikki 2 in Global Warming

i read in this book that grass only looks green because of certain lights from the sky.
whats all this about?

2007-09-26 13:56:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Environment

Spiny Backed Orb Weaver

2007-09-26 12:56:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Environment

can't think of it...I'm sure there's a word...I think it connects directly with the using up of natural resources, such as coal.

For every two barrels of coal used, ONE barrel is produced.

2007-09-26 12:54:33 · 6 answers · asked by April 1 in Green Living

can't think of it...I'm sure there's a word...I think it connects directly with the using up of natural resources, such as coal.

For every two barrels of coal used, ONE barrel is produced.

2007-09-26 12:53:39 · 8 answers · asked by April 1 in Conservation

I have to do this report for my World History class about why I think humans are causing global warming. I had to pick three reasons, and one of them was deforestation. So how is this causing global warming and why is it bad for us?

2007-09-26 12:20:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

2007-09-26 12:20:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming