Since James Hansen - a NASA scientist who was behind the "global cooling" scare of the 70's and is now part of the "global warming" hysteria - was proven to be completely funded by Soros and his socialist agenda, we have more proof that it's really just a political tool to control people and restrict freedom.
They're hoping enough ignorant people believe in it so they can easily tax all aspects of our lives. The elitists want to live the life they enjoy, while commanding all of us to conserve energy for them to use.
Al Gore is the best example of someone who wants to use hundreds of times as much energy as the rest of us while telling us to use less energy.
As time goes by, more people start to see the truth. It takes a while, but even ignorant UC Berkeley grads can be educated eventually.
We can only hope. Remember, ignorance by choice is called stupidity.
2007-09-27 07:33:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous 7
There are many things that contribute to global warming, and global warming is not a "bad" thing any more that the cycle of global cooling is "bad". It is a part of nature, but humanity has contributed somewhat to the warming, but the warming will happen no matter what we humans do or don't do. For instance, the tilt of the earth as it circles the sun can make a big difference in weather, even a very slight, slight tilt. This may cause changes in the ocean currents, like the Atlantic Gulf Stream, or any of the other currents. These are just two of the many, many factors that may cause a difference in the weather and have nothing at all to do with the CO2 levels in the air. Add greenhouse gases to the mix and all kinds of stuff starts happening.
Pick up a book on weather from your local library and read up on the real causes of changes in the weather, politics and media aside.
2007-09-27 15:37:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I wouldn't say anybody tried that hard but it is just theory. Which still has a lot of speculation going on as to what really will happen in the future. They have a lot of computer "modeling" better known as simulations that they contest are accurate portrayals of what the future holds but keep in mind they are programmed by humans.
Carbon offsets could end up to be a huge scam, they seem to be in the infancy of development. and are not regulated. They may end up trading like any other commodity on the stock market.
Algore in fact buys carbon offsets from his own Eco Company
How he makes out financially with this deal I don't know. I asked but there seemed to be a reluctance to divulge on YA.
As far as I can tell there is no real requirement for companies to buy or trade carbon offsets yet but they might could buy em cheap and worthless now and use em or sell high later.
Keep in mind when you go shopping that just like every one complains about BIG OIL there are a lot of companies, ECO if you will that have a vested interest and stand to profit on keeping Gorbel warming alive at least in the minds of the consumer.
2007-09-27 08:19:37
answer #3
answered by vladoviking 5
Orbital forcing -- how climate responds to changes in Earth's orbit -- is a real effect. But orbital forcing peaked 6000 years ago, during the Holocene Maximum, and has been slowly cooling the planet ever since that time. Here's the science:
Meanwhile the current levels of CO2 are far, far beyond the natural and normal range that has existed longer than human beings have on this planet. Take a look at these and see for yourself:
2007-09-27 10:34:52
answer #4
answered by Keith P 7
Jello's (the real jello) numbers look completely made up
solar irradiance has not increased by .1% even over the last 150 years (or any time period since)
average irradiance has increased by about 0.2 W/m^2 since 1850
or about 0.01%, which is less than the fluctuation between solar cycles - even if you are using 11 year solar cycle variation (max - min) it still doesn't vary by .1% , so this number is incorrect even if it is being manipulated for propaganda.
CO2 has increased over 30% since 1850
we see these kind of made up figures all the time by passer by's , but i would expect a little more honesty from a regular.
2007-09-27 09:27:59
answer #5
answered by PD 6
It was not to start with ,it is real and a big threat to our existence, but clever manipulation of public attitudes is steering it in that direction,it wont be long now when it is filed under conspiracy theories.
The future will display the truth and many will say i told you so ,but far more will be bewildered and anguished but whatever happens will happen to all of us ,since we are in the same pot.
Little warmer seems great to start with , lots of changes that sound attractive,Personally I cant wait to see if Atlantis was really under the ice in the South pole ,
But who is to say where the heat will stop ,to end up like Mars is overdoing it ,will there be a switch that stops the increase ?
Can we do anything really that would make a difference ,i doubt it ,we are arguing too much
But we can MAYBE make things last longer to get an extension on the quality of life,that is what the good guys are fighting for . with the concept of green living
2007-09-27 07:25:31
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I feel that global warming is an issue that certainly can be delt with. I also feel the media hypes it up to be worse than it actually is, how ever if the polar ice cap did melt then we are looking at catastrophic damages. Such as People who live in Tennessee and SW Virgina would only need to drive approx. 45min to get to the beach almost all of the lower mid to SE of the U.S. would be under water.
2007-09-27 09:30:56
answer #7
answered by stormspotter032003 1
Of course it's true. I had the pleasure of flying with Al Gore in his private jet to a global warming speech in San Francisco. He really has some great ideas on reducing our carbon footprint.
2007-09-27 08:48:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well if you hear it every day then it must be true.
Can you explain to me how drilling for more oil will have a greater impact (on the environment, I presume you're suggesting) than if everyone in the USA and China were carbon neutral? If you mean a greater negative impact, then yes.
If you're suggesting that using more fossil fuels will reduce global warming, then please go read a book about the greenhouse effect.
No, carbon offsets are not a scam. They're not particularly effective for individuals (better for corporations to use), but they're not a scam.
Global cooling was not a scare in the 1970s. Anyone who claims otherwise is trying to rewrite history.
No, we're not in a warming period due to natural cycles. We should be in the middle of a cooling period due to natural cycles.
"An often-cited 1980 study by Imbrie and Imbrie determined that 'Ignoring anthropogenic and other possible sources of variation acting at frequencies higher than one cycle per 19,000 years, this model predicts that the long-term cooling trend which began some 6,000 years ago will continue for the next 23,000 years.'"
Global warming is a scientific issue. Please get your information on the subject from scientific sources, not Rush Limbaugh.
2007-09-27 07:10:45
answer #9
answered by Dana1981 7
SGW deniers claim a 0.01% increase in co2 as the cause of our current warming but a 0.1% increase in the temp of the Sun is insignificant to effect the climate.
This is far from reality and does not fit in with the consensus of scientist who study Solar Global Warming (SGW)
The Earth's climate is always changing. It can never be static. Currently it is warming slightly, so enjoy the warmth now as soon the Earth will swing back to getting cooler.
2007-09-27 07:07:45
answer #10
answered by Dr Jello 7