Large percantage of humanity suffer from starvation. Charity organizations tryies to send as many aids as posible, but it gives short efect mostly becouse most countries simply can not emerge from this problem by this way. Food production is going to be problem everywhere soon as problem of amount of drinking woter... so problem can reach to everyone in the end. I know there were some ideas of closed greenhouses for space expeditions purposes so why not prove their efeciency first here on Earth? The harash enviroment of some places of our mother planet should be a perfect test for such ideas (like Africa). What if build some kind of pyramid, dome or half of cylinder from glass with low translucente (or venetian mirror) to protect it from too strong sun and make it close to stop woter from leacking out and evaporate? What if build the same structures but supported by huge mirrors in cold areas of Earth globe? Greenhouses can be build once for long time so all that must be done is to build it and give it to people to produce food and maintain structure. Of course some one must lead this task. Maybe Bono? He once asked how to end poverty so maybe this is his chance to prove his devotion. I believe much more must be done like better education, lesser problem with weapons black market, less evil rulers destroying all attempts to help poore people... but its diffrent part... Shortly: I am asking if you will use your will and power to help people eficiently and in old way: once for long time, with sacryfice of heart worth God followers?
6 answers
asked by
Robert M Mrok (Gloom)