What should I spend it on? It will be after school starts, & I will already have all my books & everything. I think I might get about $8,000 or less back, & I really need the money, but I don't know what to use it for. I would like to buy a used car for transportation to & from school, but someone told me I couldn't use it for that. The bus transportation system SUCKS here in Denton, TX! It's very ridiculous. It takes me 2 1/2 hrs. to get some place by bus that takes 5-10 minutes by car. Or do you think it would be easier if I take a cab every day? I estimated that would be like $320/month. I don't know...but the bus would be free, but it's dangerous to be taking the bus during dusk before 6 PM in order to get to a required 8 AM class. But @ the same time, you can't rely on a taxi to be there when you want it to. So I guess I'm better off with a car. Financial Aid doesn't ask you what you did with your money anyway. What else should I do with any leftover money?
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