In several eras of history men have carried out excavations and holy crusades. They have overthrown and colonized areas once belonging to others. Thousands of colonies have been formed in places once occupied by an independent group of people. The ways of thinking and the cultures that previously existed in newly formed colonies were usually wiped out completely or altered in someway to fit that of their conquerors. In order to make this colonization appear less barbaric, a tarnish image had to be created of those being conquered. During the colonization of an African country, for example, people of the villages were portrayed as ritualistic savages whose survival depended solely on the timely intervention of their superiors, the Europeans. The Africans were creatures who could only be accepted into the human race prior to their being explored and constrained by the Europeans. The savage ways of life for the Africans were transformed. Soon the African language and morals became congruent to that of the Europeans, the way they were expected to be. The European mind rested when he managed to convince himself that this predictable and controlled country was once nothing without him.
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Deddeh k
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