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[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Careers & Employment Law & Legal

i have found a secretary job to apply for, what things are included in strong data entry skills, cou;d you tell me, serious answers only please

2007-06-06 04:45:14 · 20 answers · asked by glittershelly 3

I am in disability right now. Doctor's note stated "until June 11th". Does it mean that I go back on the 12th and I am on leave through June 11th or does it mean I have to go back on the 11th?

2007-06-06 04:24:04 · 5 answers · asked by aho 1

If we forget to clock in she wont adjust but when we work past our scheduled time she takes it upon herself to adjust the time. I think it is illegal for an emplyer to tamper with your timecard???

2007-06-06 04:14:55 · 8 answers · asked by raptor071 2

my cousin worked for a pizza place to do door hanging. the guy pays them under the table and he is only 17 which is a minor from what i know and still needs a work permit in order to be employed, so the guy pays my cousin and now claims that my cousin did not do his job and is going to sue him and put him in juvenile hall, can he do this? isnt it illegal to pay under the table?

2007-06-05 20:12:46 · 10 answers · asked by jae 2

I have done a few job searches in the Internet, and almost all the employers are asking if I'm eligible to work in the U.S. and this gives me confusion. I'm a Filipino resident citizen. I have trained twice in Houston, TX for oil and petro accounting and was given a B1 visa. Now, my visa has expired since I'm just required to work within the time provided by it. In my case, how will I answer if I'm being asked the above question?

2007-06-05 17:51:55 · 8 answers · asked by agcabatino 1

In training, we're told we are only allowed to miss 2 full days in the first 90 days before they terminate you. I recently missed 4 days due to a painful miscarriage, and they are considering letting me go...is this grounds for a lawsuit? I wasn't admitted to the hospital; however, I did end up in the ER on the third day...

2007-06-05 11:17:51 · 10 answers · asked by Cynthia 1

This is stuff from my early twenties for crying out loud! I successfully passed the written test for this position(scored a 90) passed the polygraph test, and after about 3 months of waiting, I was just told today that they lost allot of my information and would like me to start over because the lady that was handling my background investigation went on maternity leave and didnt leave any information on my case so far. So the new investigator told me he was not going to move forward at this point. I feel like suing because my credit report does not DEFINE what kind of worker I am and I have worked hard at rebuilding my credit.

2007-06-05 10:00:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was wondering, im going on paternity leave soon from my full time job and was wondering do you get paid while on maternity leave? do you receive any EI?? im living in canada so i know the work policies differ from the states......please help me with this.

2007-06-05 09:17:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I finally stood up to him and now am looking at a written warning. It has my signature block on it. I would like to refuse to sign but it will probably get me fired and there is no way I can handle that financially right now. Can I ammend my signature by putting something like "in dissagreement" underneath my sig?

2007-06-05 06:58:58 · 8 answers · asked by smecky809042003 5

Do these have to be granted to an employee regardless of whether they have resigned or whether the company are refusing to prolong their employment status .ie - Can an employee be formally sacked by e-mail with little or no repercussion to the company? Please bear in mind this is also caught up in an "Unfair dismissal" dispute due to the company attempting to renege on a formal contract of employment. Thanks in advance guys!!

2007-06-05 02:54:28 · 9 answers · asked by NATASHA L 1

I know there are exceptions to the increase, but I am specifically referring to my mother who works in a supermarket making a little over 6.00/hour.

Her supervisor said that new employees will eventually be hired in at the increased level, but current employees will remain at the pay level they are at now and won't be automatically increased when the law goes into effect.

That doesn't seem fair to workers like my mother and I'm wondering if what the supervisor says is the truth. Any idea?

2007-06-05 01:59:34 · 3 answers · asked by sundrop_rulz 2

In other words, if the injury is not so bad that you can't sit through an interview, especially with meds, but there is no way that you could do you job. With this said, you are afraid that you will never be able to do your current job, and being on disability is making you go broke; what should you do?

2007-06-04 04:25:25 · 4 answers · asked by david t 2

A few months ago I went on a job interview and after a few questions the interviewer wanted to know my nationality. So, I told her where I was from but later someone told me that it is a somewhat discriminatory question... How was I supposed to handle that?!!

The "Where are you from?" question comes up on a daily basis with instructors, salespersons, healthcare providers... you name it. I do not mind telling them but lately it has become a bit repetitive. Yes, I am answering the same question over and over like a broken record!!! Any suggestions please?!!

2007-06-03 22:36:26 · 5 answers · asked by sharon 3

I just started working at Disneyland. They make it so that you always have 2 weeks of schedule out at any given times. Its only been a week since I've started working and already twice I've gone to my job and they've extended my shift like 3 hours. Is it legal and right for them to do that? I say I'm busy. The first time it happened they gave me a compromise time. But the second time they made me work about 3 hours extra saying that I should expect to work 8 hours if i'm not scheduled 8 hours. Yeah, so basically, are they allowed to do that? (PS: I'm a minor, but I graduate in 2 weeks)

2007-06-03 20:39:00 · 5 answers · asked by racingroadrunner 4

what type of training do you need to be an admistrative assistant.

2007-06-03 17:08:33 · 5 answers · asked by annie 3

I was let go from my job this past week. I knew it was coming for about 3 months. Here's the thing. I came back from maternity leave 6 months ago and everything seemed to be going relatively well, with the exception that I had alot of missed days (half days, coming in late for doctors appointments). But this was not anything new, as I already had 2 children at home and always had the same situation.

Well, all of a sudden, I had a yearly review that was horrible! Where previously (2 weeks earlier) my boss could say nothing but great things about me and told me that I was 100% (insert business name), all of a sudden I had never been a team player and blah, blah, blah. 1 month later I had a follow up to my horrible review, 2 weeks later I had another (where I was informed that I had been put on probation 2 weeks earlier). Long story, anyway, I am to keep quiet or get nothing and I have to sign a contract that says so. Do I have any recourse? Please, help me!

2007-06-03 14:56:40 · 10 answers · asked by CeciGirl 1

i work a minimum of 5o hours per week. the worst week i have had this year was 120 hours. was that illegal? or just stupid

2007-06-03 10:48:12 · 5 answers · asked by down in atl. 2

I wanted to know what type of lawyer to bring a claim against my former employer I have a list of incidents that happened that my boss acklowedge but would not do anything about.

2007-06-03 09:29:45 · 3 answers · asked by theamericanbombers 4

I need to know if I can take any legal action. There have been performance discussions and he said I am lacking an "intangible" angle of management, but they cannot document what it is. Plus, he also admitted to me that I am "overpaid" for my job- when I've been doing the job and getting paid for a year! I have not contacted my HR group yet, but I'm about to and I want to know if I have any ground to stand on in regards to a constructive dismissal.

2007-06-03 02:43:28 · 6 answers · asked by Rob 1

I was "laid off" from my job (i have only had this job for about 4 weeks) by a lower rank boss last friday. Come to find out I was'nt laid off, he told my Main boss that I quit so he can take my hours. i have been trying to call my main boss and he has'nt return any of my phone calls. What am I supposed to do?

2007-06-03 01:34:45 · 8 answers · asked by dreamer20692000 3

If you have held a job for several years, is it legal for the company to suddenly tell people that they have to re-interview for the position that they hold? If they choose to terminate you based on this "interview" is that legal considering you currently hold the position without performance issues?

2007-06-02 15:44:27 · 2 answers · asked by jmd 1

2007-06-02 14:01:14 · 10 answers · asked by Doug 1

I'm doing a contract for construction company. Will it be unimpressive if done on quiet blue background? Might it seem too feminine?

2007-06-02 12:48:40 · 3 answers · asked by redhighheelsneakers_ 3

I plan to attend Southeastern Louisiana University, I plan to major in Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education (I'm still deciding), can I also enroll in Ashworth College and take classes by mail for a Associates Degree so I can do a little Paralegal Studies before I become a teacher. I was going to try (I may not) minor in Business @ Southeastern so I wouldn't be able to do Paralegal Studies with them. But is it possible to do this?

2007-06-02 12:46:38 · 5 answers · asked by Deontaye G 1

I'm collecting Unemployment Insurance from California but I just found a fulltime job. Does EDD know when I started my new job? How do they know? I figured I can get an extra week or so before they find out. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks.

2007-06-02 07:28:00 · 3 answers · asked by KeyboardPusher 2

2007-06-02 06:47:00 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-02 06:20:44 · 3 answers · asked by Doc57 1

If I do address the issue in an interview, can the prosopective employer call my previous employer and inquire about the specifics of my termination? Isn't is against the law for a previous employer to go into detail about a past employee?

2007-06-01 17:49:37 · 10 answers · asked by niknax 1

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