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I am going for a job interview tomorrow because the job I am in is not allowing for growth potential for me and the office is managed and ran badly. For example, they don't give raises, they sometimes start new people out for more than the people here a couple of years with more exp, and they have a hugely high turn over. The hard part is my boss is a super nice guy and I don't want to upset him by leaving. I have an interview Friday at a place that offers all of these things, but I feel guilty because my boss is so nice to work for but lacks in everything else it seems. I do the job I do really well and he won't allow me to reach my potential and advance even though I have the certifications and have been working toward them etc.

2007-09-19 11:26:06 · 7 answers · asked by TennesseeGirl 2

My daughter is learning culinary arts at a high school career center. Her friend told me that my daughter said to her that they are going to do some wine tasting. Now, I know that the chef that is training them would never allow them to do anything illegal.

But, we are Mormon (which I think she told chef in the first week of school), and we don't drink alcohol. However, I know that, as a chef, she might be cooking with wines, at least in training.

One suggestion that I heard was that they taste but do not swallow. But, I don't know if even that is good or not.

And maybe I'm borrowing trouble. but, I just want some advice. Thanks.

And, please, no Mormon bashing!

2007-09-19 07:19:17 · 10 answers · asked by mormon_4_jesus 7

Please i asked before.. but i didnt have much luck,, can any1 hook me up with a job near Orange County. Please and thank you. any job would be great.. =]

2007-09-19 06:06:37 · 11 answers · asked by mboylover294 1

I called IHOP to make sure they were still hiring for the position of server or hostess and the conversation on the phone was going quite well so I told them I'd come the next day to drop off my resume and fill out the application. A few days later the manager called me and said she put me on shift on Friday and Saturday. I didn't have to go to an interview and so on. I mean is this possible or too good to be true?
Also, in canada if we are under 15 we are suppose to have written permission from our parents before we work so the manager told me to get my parents to write one, but how come some of my friend who are a few months younger than me didn't have to. Kind of confused here.

2007-09-17 13:25:28 · 5 answers · asked by Meow~ 4

i am after a part time job in a local supermarket, am willing to work monday to friday between the hours of 8am and 4pm, but dont want to work weekends as i look after my granson, do you think i have a good chance of getting a job there

2007-09-17 10:39:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

So here's the deal...I recently moved to Atlanta, GA and I am have a tough time finding work. My background is in administrative support, most recently as a legal secretary for 2 years at a criminal law office in Florida. And I have a bachelor's degree.

An acquaitance suggested that I try being a cocktail waitress
(specifically at a gentlemen's club) in the meantime to make some quick money. My question is how likely is it that I can be hired with absolutely no experience in the food service/beverage industry?

I've been checking ads (craigslist, local newspaper), and I found a position as a cocktail server at an upscale restaurant in a 5-star hotel. I know it doesn't take a Ph.D. to take an order and serve someone a drink, but it goes back to that whole "lack of experience" thing. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks a million!

2007-09-16 06:24:59 · 6 answers · asked by glamourous_girl_miami 1

can u tell me were i could get one wat place?

2007-09-16 05:05:55 · 6 answers · asked by babygurl 1

I have this first job and it is okay for me to work, but the time i'ii be working is bothering me. My morning shift is the first job, and the evening shift is my second job.I want to work at both jobs but the shifts i have now is so thight that I will have to leave one out. What do you think?

2007-09-15 14:48:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 18 and the only real job experience I had was working with summer youth employement program. I've applied to alot of stores but none of them called me back ! most of the time they take my application and put it in a place they'll probably forget about!! my mom tells me to go out and get a job like its that easy and its getting me upset. what should I do?

2007-09-15 11:53:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The position I am applying for is one that my experience goes further back, I have been at my current job 10 years and am lookin to supplement my income,,,Do I go past 10 years to show experience? What do I put in the cover letter? Thanks

2007-09-15 02:31:56 · 2 answers · asked by ideame 3

My youngest sister she is 15 started her first job at a local grocery store working part- time as a baker she recently quit because of school. The thing is they never paid her with a check it was pure cash this grocery store been around for 20 years pretty decent store paying everyone under the table not just her. Just wondering is it cheaper to do it that way or what? I never got a job that doesn't pay without taking taxes or checks with hrs. I was just wondering whatsup with that?

2007-09-14 16:25:09 · 9 answers · asked by Cyntia 3

One of my co-workers is stealing. This person works the bar and is taking cash. For example: Selling 4 beers charging for them but only entering 2 sales into the register. I have personally witnessed this. What do I do, just let it continue and hope the boss catches this person or let the boss know? I'm stymied. I would appreciate any suggestions from you folks.

2007-09-14 13:02:54 · 8 answers · asked by KatyDid 2

my last job was a sales/valleter for a second hand jeep dealer in london, i was there for two years and 5 months, the company downsized six months ago and i lost my job in the proses. im now having truoble finding a decent paid job.
can any body help me? need cash to pay my sky bill so i can watch some decent tv.

2007-09-14 09:14:17 · 4 answers · asked by random mentalist. 3

I just got hired at a restaurant today (Sept. 14). Me and my family are going to Jamaica on Oct. 7. My new job orientation in in a few days. Should I have told them today when they hired me or at the orientation. Would they have not hired me if I told them I needed this time off? Will this make me look bad in the eyes of my employer? Help!!!

2007-09-14 09:07:03 · 14 answers · asked by bribri8785 2

actually quitting, if I were to quit, and obviously lose my insurance.. is there a way I can compensate for this? An alternate route I can take, my job really does SUCK. Please no negative comments. Just let me know what YOU would do if you were in this predicament.

2007-09-14 05:26:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey guys I have a full time job and go to college but I'm still really low on money. I dont really have time for a full or part time second job, but I could squeeze in few extra hours late at night. Bartending fits perfectly but the problem is that I've never bartend before. Ive worked as a server and busser in many restaurants, and I know a lot of popular drinks. Does anyone think I can make the cut, or what do you guys thiink I should do to make myself more qualified

2007-09-13 19:39:18 · 5 answers · asked by thefunseeekingguy 2

I applied at another place, and they called me to come in to discuss wage. Now I'm not sure I want to quit my old job. If I call and say I decided to stay at my old job, is there a chance they would ever consider my application again?

2007-09-13 16:31:14 · 10 answers · asked by macybluedawn 5

2007-09-11 14:50:28 · 7 answers · asked by bluqueen210 2

What duties will I have ?

How 'on your feet' will I become compared to a person who prepares the meat or fish ?

What is the wage on average like compared to other chefs in the resturant ?

What books can you recommend that will have pastry & dessert recipes ?

What should I generally garnish desserts with ?

Things like this I am wondering as I am thinking of becoming a Pastry Chef.

2007-09-11 10:04:03 · 3 answers · asked by wilf1992 1

Have you ever had a worst or a good job? Tell me about it.

2007-09-11 02:25:07 · 11 answers · asked by Babie 2

2007-09-10 08:10:24 · 6 answers · asked by cyberdiva 1

2007-09-10 08:06:06 · 6 answers · asked by cyberdiva 1

tell me everything you can about the job. plus it has to be online job.

2007-09-09 17:36:36 · 4 answers · asked by nvprtjaspal 1

anything but mcdonalds

2007-09-09 13:36:35 · 8 answers · asked by lemonlover 2

I just started working for burger king, at times I get sceduled to work with one of my friends. I'm not to close of a friend with this person but we go to school together. Anyway he asked me one day were the manager was and I told him she was in the office counting money so, he told me to watch the office and to tell him when she was getting ready to come out. I did, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed him make a sandwich for himself and he stood right there and ate the whole thing. The whole time reminding me to tell him if she was coming. My question is will I get in trouble for letting him do this and not telling the manager what happened. Also whenever anyone in the back gets hungry they make themselves food and eat it. One co-worker even gave me a sandwich and stupidly I ate it, will I get in trouble? do you think they are just trying to set me up. Please help me ASAP i'm afraid of allready losing my first job.

2007-09-09 13:31:34 · 11 answers · asked by trickygirl39 1

I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm starting to layout early plans for college. My main goal is to become a professional chef. I've always loved being in the kitchen and preparing food for people. I love to watch how the chefs run a kitchen at a restaurant, and how a restaurant operates.

But see, I love making music almost just as much. . Im always listening to or improvising/composing music. Band at school has always been my favorite part of the day. I'm afraid that I won't have time to spend with music if I'm shut up in a kitchen all day long.

I want to take both of these arts to a higher level (primarily culinary), but do you think its possible? Will I be able to make good money?

2007-09-09 11:37:17 · 3 answers · asked by Aaron 2

i really dont know if anyone can help me but i really hate the profession that im doing right now.im 24 and all i know is how to cook.im a chef and have to work cause i need the money,bills,debts,etc.i went to catering school so the only qaulification that i got is a chefs quification.i dont wanna do this nomore i hate it so much but i dont know where to turn to is there anyone out there that can help me,give me advice on what i can do.im very greatful for all your answers thank you.

2007-09-09 02:22:26 · 15 answers · asked by lovelylad0712 1

2007-09-08 09:59:04 · 5 answers · asked by Micaela J 1

(like, a real job. not yard work and babysitting for neighbors, please. thanks!)

2007-09-08 09:18:49 · 29 answers · asked by shortstuff144 1

Well, I have been looking like mad in my area for a server position. I have two strong leads at Applebee's and Outback.

The problem is this: I get the feeling I could make more as a server at Applebees, since they don't combine tips as Outback does, and there is a faster customer turnaround time. However, I was informed by the Applebee's manager today that they do not have much space for servers at this time but room for a hostess. I am told I could work my way up to server, but I will have to work days (I wanted weekend nights, serving).

I guess this is kind of a composite question. My interview at Applebee's is tomorrow, and my interview at Outback (I already passed the required test) is Monday. I feel like I have to decide now whether to go with Applebee's or Outback.

What is your opinions on this? Do you think working my way to server from hostess or turning down the hostess job and going to the outback interview is the better choice?


2007-09-08 07:45:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous